Top 100 Hilarious Funny Status for Whatsapp in English 2020

jokes in english for whatsapp status

jokes in english for whatsapp status - win - In-hindi-and-English-status-shayari-quotes-for-love-romantic-whatsapps-funny-jokes-motivation-thoughts-on-success-latest-suvichar-sad-webafai-shayari-2-4-lines-attitude-happy-birthday-wishes - In-hindi-and-English-status-shayari-quotes-for-love-romantic-whatsapps-funny-jokes-motivation-thoughts-on-success-latest-suvichar-sad-webafai-shayari-2-4-lines-attitude-happy-birthday-wishes submitted by statuswings to u/statuswings [link] [comments]

Megathread: Many are now migrating to Signal as a result of WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy

Hello everyone!
We've recently started to receive lots of similar posts as a result of recent news regarding WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy, which will take effect on February 8th May 15th, 2021. Any WhatsApp users who do not accept these changes will be blocked from using the service. As a result, many are now migrating to Signal. We’ve decided to make this the designated thread for all things related to this topic.
Here is a direct link to Signal's terms and privacy policy (last updated May 25, 2018). Don't worry, it's not very long. For those wondering where Signal's revenue comes from: "We are a 501c3 nonprofit. We're not tied to any major tech companies, and we can never be acquired by one either. Development is supported by grants and donations from Signal users."
Some related media coverage:
Some topics you may want to discuss below:
We will be updating this post as events unfold. Be safe, and always remember the human.
Edits 1–38: A brief summary of events, by day:
Wednesday, January 6:
Thursday, January 7:
Friday, January 8:
Saturday, January 9:
Sunday, January 10:
Monday, January 11:
Tuesday, January 12:
Wednesday, January 13:
Thursday, January 14:
Friday, January 15:
Saturday, January 16:
Sunday, January 17:
Wednesday, January 20:
Friday, January 22:
Saturday, January 23:
Thursday, January 28:
Welcome to all newcomers, but also THANK YOU to all of our regular contributors who have shown up to sort by new, answer questions, and provide help! ⭐ As a reminder, this is an unofficial Reddit community (or "subreddit") that is run by the user community. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Signal Technology Foundation or Signal Messenger LLC.
submitted by redditor_1234 to signal [link] [comments]

Rishta Log 5: Mystery of Mad-Rose!

Salam Guys,
Really sorry about such a long delay between my last post and this one. Been a busy life... I do hope and pray all of you and your families are healthy and safe during this awful pandemic.
For those of you who are new to my posts, Im a Desi Guy who lives in London UK and writes about his past Rishta encounters, please read, enjoy and learn from my experiences;
My last post:
My last extra post :
Rishta Number 6 – Mystery of Mad-Rose
This one began as mysteriously and manically as it ended… However, before we begin, I would like to dedicate this log to Mad-Rose, the mother of the girl in this story, obviously as you can tell her real name wasn’t Mad-Rose but it sounded very similar and you may see why I opted for this nickname as the story goes on. So, here goes….
One late winter evening my mother was awoken by an unknown number. She picked up she and was greeted by a woman, but not just any woman, it was a rishta aunty and one that seemed to know my mum, but my mum didn’t seem to know her! The mysterious rishta aunty spoke with fervour and brashness. She scolded my mum as to why she hadn’t contacted the rishta she had provided. My mum was quite confused as she didn’t know what this lady was talking about, however this mysterious rishta aunty wouldn’t accept any excuses! Eventually my mum had to drop the façade and explain that she didn’t know who she was talking to or know anything about this rishta. The mysterious matchmaker sighed and then replied using my mum’s name (this was getting freaky because we literally had no idea who this lady was and to be honest still don’t know who she was!) saying that my mum shouldn’t let herself become so forgetful and feeble minded and that she should take care of herself; she went on to explain that she had contacted the other party and gave them a similar earful for not contacting us either.
When my mum told me about this strange call, I was quite surprised (After all who was this mysterious lady? Our social circle isn’t that big that we would ever forget someone and to be frank it’s not like us). My mum was sure that she didn’t know this lady or anything about this rishta, but we thought we might as well pursue it as the lady was so forceful (plus she threatened to call us back the next day to check if we had…God help us! lol).
The next day both mums had a chat about this mysterious rishta aunty and how they both got an earful from her. The girl’s mother insisted that she didn’t know her either (One of the great mysteries of life….Who killed John F Kennedy? Was there ever life on Mars? Who was the mysterious rishta aunty who knew us but we didn’t know her?). The girl’s mother explained that her daughter was “special” to her as she was the only girl in the family, and that they were looking for a good match. The girl was apparently quite religious and mild mannered, but alas no picture was to be sent (by this time I had equated this to mean that the girl probably wasn’t gifted in the looks department, however I have learnt now that it can also be something that deeply cultural or religious people do in order to prevent their pictures from circulating in the general public… although I personally give everyone a chance even if I may not find them acutely attractive, however some people may have attractiveness at the top of their list therefore I do think sharing pictures beforehand is sensible). A date was set for a meeting and that was that……or so we thought.
As promised, the Rishta aunty called back and was delighted that we had arranged a meeting. It was all pleasantries and promises from then on; she told us that we would be a perfect match and it was all going to work out for the best. My mum was tactfully trying to ascertain her identity, but this lady was quick witted and cunning… it was almost artful how she dodged questions about who she was!
The day of the meeting arrived and as usual I went there in style with my entourage (lol! I had gotten used to my sister and brother-in-law accompanying me on these trips, to be honest I saw the benefit in having them there, mainly helping the conversation between the families to keep flowing). The girl’s family lived in a desirable part of east London by the river, my family always liked that area, it wasn’t the best or the richest area but it was expensive due to its closeness to the city centre and it had nice views of the Thames. We parked up and waited for the girl’s father to guide us to their home (because they wouldn’t give us their address and only told us the road where they lived… thinking back this was the first red flag!). The girl’s mother texted us to say that the father was waiting outside for us, but he wasn’t obvious and we stood around for a few minutes, then I noticed a middle aged man staring at us across the road, he must have been there quite some time just observing us (what was more odd is that he didn’t put a blind bit of effort into his appearance, now I’m not the snobbish sort who judges someone by their cover but I do believe in making good first impressions and as such my family and I always dress well for these occasions as it shows respect to the other side, so we were taken aback by this uncle who was staring at us in his unkept black shalwar kameez, brown puffer waistcoat and bathroom slippers.) Once I noticed him I went over to him and said my salaams, but he didn’t respond and instead just asked if I was Mega_Whale and if this was my family, to which I obviously confirmed and then he told us to follow him in a grim voice (erm….ok Lurch? Lol!). Once we got into the lift of their apartment building, my mother and brother-in-law made a big show of saying their salaams that he actually responded. When we got to their home we were seated in the living room and left to our own devices for about 15-20 minutes (great hospitality guys…not!).
After the ages of waiting, the girl’s parents finally came into the living room... the girl’s mum seemed normal (at the time) and was making light conversation, the dad not so much. We made introductions and talked pleasantries, it was then we complimented their apartment and said it must be nice to live in this area.
“What do you mean this area is nice?”, the dad retorted.
“It’s just a nice area, we’ve always like this area…”, I said.
“Yes, but what do you mean…be specific.”, the girl’s mum chimed in.
I didn’t know what they meant by this sudden inquisition, so I replied, “It must be nice to go for walks by the river and be so close to the city, we often come here for walks our self.”
The dad just huffed in his corner and the mum mumbled something about the area, but to be honest I was a little confused (there was no mistaking these two had a weird vibe to them, plus the dad was acting quite anti-social…may be even aggressive?)
The conversation only got weirder as we started the topic of travelling. We told them about our modest travels and about a recent holiday to Turkey. This caused the dad to rile up and he started boasting about all the different countries he had visited… seemed like all of them to be honest. We were mildly impressed, but I was more confused when I was told he had visited most of them without his family.
Not to let spark of conversation die, I couldn’t help but ask, “Does your family not like to travel?”
“No, we go on family holidays sometimes”, the girl’s mother interjected.
“Oh, so you must of done all that travelling when you were younger then?”, I say.
The dad just stares at me….
“Do you travel for work?”, I ask.
“Sometimes for business but mostly I just travel…”, he finally replies.
“Oh ok….. it must be nice…. Sorry, uncle… but what do you do for work again?”, I ask this knowing that he hadn’t actually mentioned what he did.
All I get in response is, “Business….”
(Weird response I hope you agree? All I kept thinking was “WHO ARE THESE SHADY WEIRDOS?”)
We have been here for at least 45 minutes at this point and there is no sign of this girl I’m supposed to be meeting, so the conversation carried on. My sister and brother-in-law talked about their wedding and this is always a safe happy topic which distracts people and my mum talked about Pakistan, India and family. Eventually it seemed everyone had settled in, even the dad made a few normal remarks in the conversation. Then we turned to politics the topic of Brexit had reared its ugly head.
Now I can’t quite remember what exactly was said but I said something along the lines of Brexit being negative for the UK and how it will make people worse off. The dad then said that I didn’t know what I was talking about and that the UK had ruled the world and the people in charge knew what they were doing.. he then said that I’m still a kid…. (It was rude thinking back on it but Tbh at the age I was [late 20’s] I didn’t know weather to be flattered or offended at being called a kid lol!)
So the time is slowly dragging along and its been a 30 minute wait for them to arrive in their own living room, a further 50 minute strange conversation… we are fast approaching the 90 minute mark and no sign of this girl… my mum finally just asks bluntly that when will we get to meet her?! The parents then explain that they wanted to be sure we were the right sort of people before they presented their daughter to us (Geez Louise! Did it really take you nearly 90 minutes to determine we weren’t low life thugs or something! Besides that’s what the phone conversation is for before you invite people to you home!)
So eventually they bring in the girl and she is decently pretty, she was wearing a two toned abaya and hijab, she was the right sort of height and weight… she was perfectly normal in a good way. She was shy and spoke to my mum and sister for a little bit, then we were put in the kitchen so we could talk in private…
This is the weirdest part of the whole thing…. She was a really nice girl! She was religious but not closed to the world and we made a few jokes about how we both had to deal with parents who were religious in a desi sort of way (desi people you know what I mean lol!). We talked abut culture, about hobbies, jobs, future plans, travel, family… I honestly had a good time talking with her (I was actually quite chuffed and I thought that this girl was the best match I had yet…). She was doing an Aalima course (so she was furthering her religious studies), she had gone to Turkey was a religious camp and she travelled in this programme learning hadith from scholars, she confessed her family were more cultural and she was more religious, she was a teacher, she wanted to travel more, she did charitable work, she was about family values and didn’t mind a joint family system and felt things eventually worked out for the best… we even had a few laughs (I was surprised to learn from my family that the girl’s parents thought we were fighting and that’s why the mum came into make some more tea)… I asked if she wanted to take things forward and meet outside, being respectful of her religiosity I said we would meet with my sister and that she could bring anyone she likes, she agreed to this and said it would be fine. I asked if we should we exchange numbers and offered to even place a chaperone on the WhatsApp chat if she liked, she said that wouldn’t be necessary but she didn’t mind… she was about to give me her number when she stopped and requested that my mother ask her mother for it (it seemed reasonable to me at the time, as this is the case with some families…formalities …sigh).
So this is where the plot thickens… My mum phoned the girl’s mum (Mad-rose) the next day and basically explained that I felt it was a good match and that I wanted the girl’s number as was discussed. The girl’s mother was apparently shocked at this and said in a very arrogantly rude way that she didn’t understand how we could ask for the girl’s number when they hadn’t even come over to our house yet and assessed if we were worth the trouble! Apparently, they hadn’t gleamed any idea of what type of people we were from their 2-hour interrogation! The words she used to say this implied they wanted to know how much money we had, check our social status is etc… (In fairness these are things most people are curious about, however most people have the class not to be so rude about it!)
When my mum told me about this I was quite taken aback, but I brushed it off as a misunderstanding. My mum proper grilled me about what actually happened in the kitchen with the girl. I was certain we had a positive interaction and the girl asked that we get her number through her mum. Anyway, we decided that we would invite them over…. This time my mum phoned with me present… The conversation started normally, and my mum even explained that we phoned to invite them over and hopefully take things forward if they liked what they saw (again these were some low-class parents…I’m sorry for the shade but it’s true!), my mum then asked if they would share the girls contact with us now or after their visit and if they would give permission for their girl to meet with me somewhere outside (she even gave reassurances on character and said a chaperone would be present)… This girl’s mum then latched on to this phone number thing and turned aggressive! She basically started saying that they didn’t do this sort of thing in their family and that their girl would never agree to this. My mum explained that all we were doing was asking for a phone number (pretty basic thing nowadays) and that it was not being asked without their girl’s agreement. The lady became even more aggressive saying she didn’t know who thought we were and that I must of forced their girl and that I was probably of low character (lol! I mean what were these people on… do they not know why they invited us over to their house?)… my mum was quite shocked at the level of aggressiveness and was getting quite annoyed and so was I…. this argument continued for a fair bit and my mum was calm at first explaining that this was no big deal thinking that may be they weren’t so in tune with the whole rishta process… but this lady kept insulting us… so I had had enough and told my mum to end it and tell them we weren’t interested any more (they can keep their daughter… good luck to them with this attitude!)… my mum breathed a sigh of relief but made sure that I meant what I had said…she then happily ended the call making sure to tell the lady that her weird attitude ended this rishta…. The lady then started to swear and cuss, so we hung up.
You think that would be the end of it….but no! This lady, this obsessive, crazy, MAD-rose, over the course of the next few days had left about 50-60 absurd, offensive, threatening and downright bizarre text and voice messages, she had rung multiple times from her phone and unknown numbers. My mum unfortunately picked up some of her calls by mistake and was subjected to threats and abuse… To go into all of what was said and written would be book in itself so I will give you the headlines (minus any foul language of course); She was still in this disbelief that we had besmirched her pure and angelic daughter’s name by suggesting that she would ever want to share her number with me. She was still on this hype of trying to prove that I had coerced their poor helpless daughter into agreeing to give her number but at the same time denying that she even agreed (like what did these psychos think happened in their kitchen… jeez they were making it out as If I had assaulted them and their entire family!). She was offended at our “freeloader” tactics and how we came over to their house and ate their kebabs and took advantage of their hospitality, so therefore we were the criminal sort (those kebabs were so bad btw…). Apparently, her husband just knew we were awful people right off the bat and knew we wouldn’t be the right sort and were time wasters (I’m not surprised there lol!). Then she tried this weird tactic of pretending everything was ok and that they wanted to move ahead with the rishta and that we should tell them our address… she tried this multiple times getting more aggressive each time on her voice notes (So she thought we were stupid too….hmm this lady was on one!). She then started to threaten us by saying she would rough us up somehow and that we should just tell her our address to make it easier (I’m diagnosing a mental health disorder here…). She claimed she was a social worker and that she would somehow use her connections in the council (not even the same one where we live btw) to destroy our lives…… I wish to remind you at this point that all this because we asked for their girl’s number…. Psycho much! The only constant in all of this absurdity was Mad-rose’s desperation in trying to get a hold of me… she tried to insult my manliness saying that I was to scared to talk to her (she used much more provocative language than that may I add, but too bad for her that I’m not some mindless chauvinistic thug, because even though it’s annoying those type of comments won’t cause me react without calculation!), she was very desperate that I talk with her (probably so she could have a fight with me) to know what was said between her daughter and I….
Unfortunately, my mum suffered all of this in silence as she didn’t want to bother me as I was very busy with work that week (May Allah bless her and forgive all her sins! Grant her the best of this world and the hereafter! Ameen!) It was only when my sister and her in-laws came over for a family dinner that we all noticed how anxious my mum was (she can’t handle stressful situations well) that she finally let out what had been happening all week. We all went through the messages and voice notes… we were so shocked and so angry! Here I was thinking this matter ended nearly a week ago and yet this cow was harassing my mum all week!
During our dinner my mum’s phone started ringing and this time I saw red. I marched straight over, but somehow my sister ninja ran there before me and stopped me picking up… I was so angry I was ready to tell this crazy lady all about herself, but my sister bless her heart stopped me… her thinking was that she didn’t want the lady the satisfaction of talking to me (I wasn’t so supportive of this stance at the time and really wanted to have a go at this lady for harassing my mum, but my sister didn’t want us to be reduced to her level). When my sister picked up the phone, the lady was already rude and loud off the bat but once she realised that it was my sister and not my mum she calmed down significantly (not so confident with a British educated English speaker I see…hmmm). My sister told that lady all about her rudeness and answered all her crazy comments and snarls, but she did so in an assertive way without raising her voice, using any foul language or swearing.
The highlights of the call were as follows; She told that lady that if she was so worried about her daughter she shouldn’t be entertaining any rishtas in the first place… the lady was literally told not waste our time anymore because we were not interested in their family because of their appalling behaviour (my sister always had a bit of school teacher in her lol!)… it was quite clear that they weren’t interested in any rishta for their daughter, but there were a thousand different ways to quietly reject the rishta rather than this low-class drama… the objective of the argument was the lady’s desperate attempt to speak to me (I was happy to oblige but my mum and sister didn’t want me to)… the real kicker came when my sister told this lady that she wouldn’t ever get to speak to me, that is when this lady had what only sounded like a spasm (my goodness!)… my sister explained that why should they let her speak to me when she wasn’t letting us speak to her daughter… this lady was flabbergasted at the idea that we should ever speak to her daughter… my sister then asked why was she so desperate to speak to me anyway because her daughter should of told her everything…. Then ladies and gentlemen this was said…
“Why should I ask my daughter about this?!”, Mad-rose said.
“What do you mean? You haven’t asked your daughter about what she thought of my brother or about what was said?”, My sister genuinely asked in a shocked manner.
“I would never bother my daughter with such things….”, Mad-rose replied maddeningly.
This was the crux of the whole situation! The simple maddening truth behind all of it… she hadn’t even bothered to talk to her own daughter. We all basically started shouting at her on the phone at that point and told her that if she ever called us or harassed us again we would report her and her husband to the police (we made it a point to remind her she left plenty of incriminating evidence on our phone and we wondered what their daughter would think about that)… we didn’t get another peep out of her after that and thankfully no more harassment.
The mysterious rishta aunty called that weekend to check up on the progress (HAHAHAHA!) When my mum irritatingly told her about the whole ordeal, the lady snorted out a few choice names (bleeping beeps... LOL!) at the girl and the girl’s mother! She sounded genuinely annoyed and called them both witches (lol!), she went on to say that we were saved by Allah from them and it was probably because we were good people, unlike them apparently…. It also turned out that the rishta aunty knew them in a friend/ acquaintance sort of way (remember when Mad-rose said she didn’t know the rishta aunty! Why would you lie?) … the rishta aunty said that they always rejected any rishta she gave them and always in such brutal ways… apparently, they strung a family on for 4 months and then rejected the poor boy because he was “too dark and fat” (why? .. how?... what?). My mum made it quite clear she was very unhappy about the whole experience, but that she wasn’t mad at the rishta aunty… when she asked about her identity the aunty quickly made her excuses, rounded off the conversation and made haste…. never will we know who this mysterious instigator was… and we never heard from her again!
Now I’m very sorry for such a long read, but please upvote and comment below as it encourages me. I know there will be questions, even I still have questions lol!
submitted by Mega_whale to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

Here's a very long story, I made this account especially for this.

I apologize if my grammar isn't very good, I'm not a native English speaker. I didn't want my friends seeing this, so here I go: Three years ago, at 7th grade, I was sitting at my table, minding my own business, when a classmate runs into the class and says "G is in love with you!" (I'll call her G for now), then runs out of the class. A few seconds later she leaves, G enters the class in a hurry and asks me to ignore what my classmate said. I agreed that I didn't hear anything, and continued with my stuff. I didn't pay attention at all to her for about a year and a half, but now I notice things I should have long ago. I once made a Discord for my class, most of my classmates didn't join, except for my friends and a few others, including G. She made a Discord account just for that group (I assume since she didn't have a pfp and most of her friends didn't have Discord) and her username was "MagicalG". Now, my name in my language means Magic, so that points out something. So, a year and a half after the incident, I developed a crush on her. Looking back, there was a period when we both probably had a crush on each other. At that time I would sit near her (she was a table to the right, 1 table for two students and we were the sides close to each other). She'd talk to me from time to time, just a word or two. Once, on a Friday, after school ended, I asked her best friend (my friend too, at the time) if he wants to help me build a spawn for my Minecraft server, to get her attention. He said of course, and she said she can help too, and I answered that of course she could help. That never happened, though. On that same year (8th grade), on March, right before Purim vacation starts, I asked her out. She sat on the sidewalk with her friend, and I walked back and forth with my bike, thinking if I should do it or not. I finally called her and asked if I can whisper something in her ear, she walked close and I whispered "Do you want to go to the movies with me?" She said sure, and I was super happy, more happy than I could ever be, that made me so happy that I was reckless and fell off my bike in a place with rocks. I cried out of pain and a very kind person helped me get home. I got injured in my chin, above my eyebrows, in my right shoulder and arm, my left arm and my right wrist. I have the scar on my left arm to this day. After calming down and putting on bandages, I didn't care about the injuries, even though they really hurt. I told my mom about asking G out, and she was really happy for me. That night, at the holiday prom (nothing too big, something my school did every year before Covid-19), everyone had costume except for me, I came with me injuries dressed normally and it took all my friends a while to believe that I was actually injured and not just faking it as my costume. A few days later, at school, I was talking to my friend who sits besides me about what happened and G said she saw me on the sidewalk, and thought I was dead because I just stayed there for a minute. I was really embarrassed because of that (mostly because I cried). I asked her when she wants to go out on WhatsApp, and she asked me in what kind of way I meant to go with her, I told her in a date way, and she said this (Google Translate from the original text with some tweaks): "Listen I don't have anything personal against you ok? you know that It's really unrelated to you I'm just not in such a good time and I prefer to concentrate on myself at least during this time and like you know, to be there for myself I less prefer things like dates and such now but if you want we can just meet sometime". Of course, at that moment, I felt like that was the end for me, I was extremely sad. After that, I asked her on WhatsApp to go out with me a few more times (I respected what she said and waited a year, now we're at 9th grade) and she rejected every single time saying she's busy, of course after every rejection I waited a few months. Once I asked her if she remembers the incident from 7th grade and she told me she doesn't. Eventually I gave up, though I still have a crush on her and I think she likes me a bit. It's really subtle, but it's there. I accidentally sent her a happy birthday exactly a month before her birthday, and she said she appreciates the effort, but it's this day the next month. So I told her I'll come back in a month and she said she'll wait. A month later, I sent her a happy birthday message, and she replied with a thank you with a two hearts emoji (this one 💕, I don't know if thats important), and the year before that, she sent me a thank you with this emoji ❣️. A week and a half ago, I sent a cute duck video on the class WhatsApp group at 1 AM and she was the only one to answer, pretty quickly. A week ago, I changed my Discord status to "Speedrunning depression but there is no end" as a joke of course, I don't have depression (at least I don't think so) and she asked me if I was okay. I told her it's a joke and I'm completely fine. She is still in the class Discord I made. I had about 3 dreams about her that I registered in an app called Awoken. I think I said every single thing I could have. Now I'm thinking if once again, I should try asking her out (once the lockdown ends) to a vr place.
submitted by ExoQuartz to Crushes [link] [comments]

Let's forget about all the stuff that's happening around us. I'm here for you. [M4R]

This is gonna be a long post. I'll organise it for you:
About Me 

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Status: Single
Location: Mumbai
I finished my engineering in computer science this year. Got a job offer in a MNC.
Languages known: English, Malayalam and a bit of Hindi

Post Description 

Why this post?
The world is literally burning. Democracy is a fairytale word now. People are dying from the virus. So many depressing stuff is happening and I know you are affected by it. Because I am. But there's no point in loathing over it. Turn off the news channel. Let's talk! I wanna know about you. I want to do that thing which you love to do, with you. Let's have fun, let's do whatever the fuck we can. I won't judge you, even if you do.
Am I open to dating/anything else?
That was not my intention for this post. I look forward to us being good friends if possible. But who's to say that won't lead to anything else? *tries to wink*
What should you talk?
Anything! You wanna talk about your family? Career? Thermodynamics? Lost love interest? The boring dystopia (lol) I'm here because I understand the world can be cruel sometimes. And I wanna make it a bit easier for you.
Interests and Hobbies 
I play the piano and guitar(student of ABRSM)
I love thriller and mystery movies [ last watched - Tumbbad ]
I watch a variety of tv shows [ Currently watching Four More Shots Please ]
I love hip hop, imagine dragons, Lana Del Ray, and some old classics
I do enjoy cooking and gardening, but no expert in it
I also love to travel, I guess that's a joke now
I do very small amounts of charity and volunteering, but looking for someone to do more of it
On a side note 
Want to see me?
I don't exchange pics in the beginning of a chat. If we talk more and become friends, then sure, I'll send you a poorly captured selfie of mine. We'll hang out too! It will be fun ^_^
Please don't do that. I don't mind talking to a guy. Just be yourself. I don't judge people, I know how that feels :)
Medium of chat
I prefer chatting in Telegram or Whatsapp, but I don't mind reddit chat either. It's a bit fuzzy tho.

For the introverts and shy people: Don't feel like messaging me? Feeling all low, but still want to talk to someone? Just put a dot as a comment and I'll come to you instead :P
I think that's it, I covered everything I can. Even if you feel like you don't have anything in common with me, don't feel shy to drop in a message :) If you feel like I missed something, help me in the comments :DI hope you beatiful guys and gals are doing okay. Good Luck! ^_^
Edit: Thanks for all the awards and love. You guys are the best 😅😊
submitted by yifftusome to r4rindia [link] [comments]

The 15 WhatsApp tricks you should know

The 15 WhatsApp tricks you should know
At this point in the movie, it is not surprising that WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging application in the world, currently having more than 1,500 million users, 25 million of them in Spain alone.
It was born more than ten years ago, although it was not until 2010 that it began to resemble the application we know today. Since then, it has undergone several reconversions with each update, adding more and more features, some of which are not as visible or as well known. Therefore, below, we have collected 15 WhatsApp tricks that will probably make your life easier.


We are talking about the two blue angles that have been tormenting users of the messaging platform since 2014. Causes of arguments, misunderstandings and the occasional divorce, there is a way to end them. Silver bullets or stakes are not necessary, WhatsApp itself allows it, although the sneak is activated by default.
All you have to do is go to Settings (on Android it is accessed by pressing the three dots that appear in the upper right corner), select Account and press Privacy. Once inside this section, deactivating the Read confirmation box will be enough to end this 'bad'.
Although, it is not all good news. In groups they will appear, but in gray, also this deactivation does not affect the audios. People who send a WhatsApp audio to a user with this function deactivated will know that they heard it, both by the double check and by the point that marks the beginning of the audio, which will go from gray to 'telltale' blue.


In a world that increasingly dispenses with paper, things like keeping your shopping list by hand have been digitized. Yes, there are a thousand applications to create lists and notes, but there is nothing more comfortable than taking all those small notes of daily life in the application that, with total security, we use more times during the day.
We can use the chat of a person who blocked us as a notepad. Ex-boyfriend: -Buy lactose-free milk, jam, toilet paper. Buy a gift for granny's birthday. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't know how to take advantage of a breakup, that is.
If no one has ever blocked us (or you are an amazing person or a manual sociopath), we have a more ethical option, our own chat. How? Yes, a chat with our own number, something like the conversations between Gollum and Smeagol from 'The Lord of the Rings' but without unique rings in between.
Enjoying this function is as easy as adding your phone number as a contact, creating a new chat and searching for you on the WhatsApp list, a treasure trove of information.


Despite being one of the simplest tricks, it is also one of the most unknown. How many times have you observed people approaching the speaker at the bottom of the mobile to their ear to listen to an audio. If we want to prevent half the city from listening to our conversations, it is enough to bring the mobile phone to the ear. As you hear it. As soon as the proximity sensor detects the proximity of the phone to the face, the audio starts to play automatically on the speaker for calls, so only you will hear it.


Emoticons were born to express complex feelings in a summarized way. Thanks to the imagination, which is one of the most important abilities of Homo sapiens, linked to creativity, the use of these characters has become a form of communication worldwide spread that, in addition, does not understand languages ​​(they could already have occurred during the construction of the Tower of Babel).
During the first years of the application, the emoticons were the same size as the plain text, something that has fortunately changed with the latest updates, allowing us to appreciate the details of the poop with eyes, the moon with the smile of Mona Lisa or the three monkeys from the Toshogu shrine (covering eyes, mouth and ears).
To see them with the maximum size they have to be sent one at a time, if we send two at a time they will look somewhat smaller, so on until sending four or more in a row, then they will have text size.


There are people who stayed in times of the SMS language: 'tb' instead of also, '+' for more or 'tkm' for I love you very much. The escomia of language is no longer necessary to protect the pocketbook. On WhatsApp, unlike in the publishing world, you don't pay for words.
This paradigm brings us to the second type of people. Those that do not forgive a comma or a tilde (even the only one), that separate the information into paragraphs and do not send every three words. Those writers who would deserve the chair of the W (of WhatsApp) in the Royal Spanish Academy, who should be owners of an editorial group or the next Cervantes. For the latter, the application offers the possibility of making bold, italic, strikethrough and even monospaced.
If you want to write in italics, place an underscore before and after the text. (_text_).
If you want to make something bold, just put an asterisk before and after the text. (*text*).
To strike out the text, put a tilde before and after the text. (~ text ~).
In the case of monospaced, three inverted quotes must be placed before and after the text. (`` `text```).


Along with memes, interacting based on gifs (small animated clips, without sound and played in a loop) has become a new form of communication that is essential for new generations. Like many other functions, it appeared first on Telegram and later was added to WhatsApp. To start using it there are several ways.
First, sharing the gifs from the Gallery, which requires having previously downloaded it. You can also do a DIY ('Do it yourself', do it yourself in English) and make one from a video. At the time of sending it, in the application itself it will leave the option of 'Gif' as long as it is selected, dragging in the WhatsApp editor, a fragment of four seconds.
Another option would be through the Google keyboard, which has an integrated gifs search engine, or by pressing the emoji of the happy face, with which the menus of emoticons, gifs and stickers will be displayed (to send stickers).


One of the first steps after registering in the application is choosing a profile photo, the status and the name that will be shown to those who do not have our number on the agenda. If we use WhatsApp professionally, that is, for work, a profile photo of canes or a state that is a joke about the Móstoles empanadillas or a "digamelon" is not very serious.
This will no longer be a headache since it is also another of the application's customizations, which allows, through the Settings-Account-Privacy menu, to choose who sees this information, for everyone, for our contacts or hidden.


For the most 'stalkers' or gossips, there is the possibility of knowing who received the message that we send in a group and which people read it. You just have to press the message (be it text, video, audio or photo), select the three points and press 'Info'.
This information may be poisoned, if the chat is very crowded, it may be that the user has opened the chat, without specifically reading our message, but it would still be indicated as read.


Another of the less known, but more useful, functions of the application is the possibility of marking photos, videos, messages or any element that appears in a chat as a favorite. In this way, conversations can be somewhat more organized, being able to separate important elements from more banal messages such as "I buy bread" or "it's raining in my neighborhood."
To highlight an element of the conversation, it is only necessary to click on it, then several icons will appear at the top: an arrow to the left that serves to quote the text that is answered in the conversation, a star to mark as favorite, a garbage can that is effectively to delete the message, three connected nodes to share outside the application and a right arrow that serves to forward to another WhatsApp contact.
Indeed, the icon that matters to us now is the star. After pressing it, we will see how an animation of a star appears in the chat. It should be noted that this action is reversible and any element can be unchecked.
To consult the saved elements of a chat there are two ways. From the main menu, where all conversations are seen, if we press again on settings, we can access all the highlighted messages. Then, from each conversation, by pressing on the user's name, we will access the highlighted messages of that specific chat. In both cases, the items will be displayed in reverse chronological order to which we have marked them as favorites.


As in some social networks such as Instagram, if we are using the integrated camera function within WhatsApp, to change from the front camera to the rear camera or vice versa, simply press twice on the screen quickly.
There is a button for this function in the lower right corner, but if we use the mobile with one hand, this shortcut ends up being useful and indispensable.


After the update that added the ability to remove the blue double check, the delete messages feature is the next most popular. Attention because it can lead to confusion.
To delete a sent message, just press and mark the trash, then several possibilities will appear: Delete for me (we stop seeing the message but it does appear in the other person's conversation), cancel (to go back) and Delete to all, a function that marked a before and after in the use of the application, allowing you to delete that lag photo that you shared in a work group or that green joke that you forwarded to the "Family" group.
WhatsApp does not allow this second chance long for each message, so hurry to use it if you sent what it was not. Also, replacing the deleted, a "message deleted" notification will appear. The app is a tip but it's still better than nothing.
You can also delete the messages received, it can be in order to have your mobile checked, something that should not happen under any circumstances, due to the right to privacy. Be careful, if it is for a legal issue, even if the message is erased, the police can ask the companies for full conversations through the courts.


They gave us the address of that restaurant awarded by the Metropolis Guide, but looking for it in a sea of ​​memes and humorous comments is an Odyssey. WhatsApp has thought about this and has a solution, the option to search.
You can search within a specific chat, selecting the three adjustment points, marking the Search option and typing in a word that can accompany the desired message.
Another option is from the general menu, by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, yes, this search is general, although it indicates to which chat each search corresponds.


This function is very useful for answering specific questions. If we want to reply to a specific received message, just slide your finger to the right over the received (or sent) message, and the reply window will immediately appear just below it and attached to a box with the quoted text.


It may happen that we are busy cooking or doing some botch at home, with the result of not being able to pick up the mobile with our hands to answer. Fortunately, assistants like Google allow you to answer and send messages through voice commands.
First of all, what we must do is activate the Google assistant with the voice command "Ok, Google". Then, we will indicate by voice command to whom we want to send the message ("send a WhatsApp to Mom"), always using the name by which we have the contact saved on the phone. Then, the assistant will open a dictation window to collect the words that we are dictating to it. Once we finish, we can confirm the shipment, re-dictate the message or cancel the entire operation.


One of the most demanded functions is already here, that of putting WhatsApp in dark mode, it uses less battery and our eyes will appreciate it. To replace the nuclear white in the background of the application, you just have to go to General Settings, Chats and in Theme, we can change from light to dark, very easy.
submitted by Tech_Glitch to whatsapp [link] [comments]

Tejinder Singh Sodhi's letter on why he quit Arnab Goswami's Republic TV

Source -
From: Tejinder Singh Sodhi <…………….@………com>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug, 2020, 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: Resignation
To: Honey Kaur <……….@………>
Dear Honey,
Congratulations on your promotion, trust me getting promoted from HR head to Vice President of the company would have been a major achievement if it was not Republic, but in Republic there is only one supreme leader and his wife who micromanage everything, everybody else is a filler irrespective of the designation they hold.
I am telling you this out of my personal experience that everything here starts with Arnab and ends with Goswami, you don’t trust me ask this to the previous HR Head.
Have you ever seen a company where the entire HR team left in a period of just less than three years?
Time is a great teacher and I honestly pray that you don’t have to go through what everyone else who left this company had to go through, but nonetheless my good wishes for your promotion.
I was asleep when I got a call from Arnab’s wife who before the launch of this company was just a bureau reporter at a pro congress newspaper, she told me that she and Arnab were happy with my work and have decided to promote me, I was surprised what does being happy mean, if any promotion has to be given it has to be merit based.
I just wanted to disconnect the phone as the husband and wife kept bragging how kind and generous they were to the staff because at a time when other news outlets were firing people reducing their salaries, they were promoting their staff.
I was told that with the promotion my responsibilities would increase and I can guide the desk how to go on with stories, this was another surprise to me given the fact that this was exactly what I had been doing for the past two years after every sensible person at the desk had said goodbye.
This promotion had a rider and it was that the salary has not been revised for now and it would be done at a later stage, but the supreme leader of republic wanted that we should spread the word as how generous Arnab was to promote the staff. (how should we tell the people as the company had earlier threatened the staff to remove republic from their social media bio), but as you know for him it is image that matters so he wanted me to specially post this on social media.
I did that for a day or two and then after I realized my mistake, I deleted that post.
We all know that Arnab has been making huge money, the people in his cotree also make huge money, but the people who do the actual work are given peanuts.
The entire staff of Republic TV had been anxiously waiting for the past two years to get a salary hike. Two years ago, the process of appraisal was started, forms were submitted but then nobody heard back from them.
While he did not give the staff any hike, he used that money to launch a Hindi Channel and hired new staff for that, the Republic TV Staff was left high and dry.
Back to August this year, when I got the email from you that I have been promoted, I wanted to respond to that email right away but decided to wait for a few days and If you remember it was a few hours prior to my putting up my papers I sent you that email turning down the promotion offer.
If you remember I had mentioned in my resignation that I will send you a detailed mail outlining the reasons for my resignation, so here is that email.
I had never applied for any Job at Republic TV, I was very much happy and satisfied with the company I was previously working with. It was the day of my wedding in 2017 when someone from Arnab’s office called me to say that Arnab wants to talk to me, I was in Gurudwara waiting for my Pheras to start. I thought someone was playing a prank on me so I snubbed him and asked him to call back after a few days.
To my surprise I got the call back in a few days as I was made to speak to Arnab on WhatsApp video call, he was very soft and polite and I too was excited because till date we had seen him on Television and this was for the first time we were speaking to each other.
He shared with me the reason he left Times Now, he said how he was humiliated by the management on various issues and why he was not allowed to enter the studio for a month, he said that he is going to come up with a channel that would dismantle the Times Now empire, a David that would take on the mighty Goliath.
He told me that someone had recommended my name and he was keen to have me in his team. He promised that the Republic would revolutionize the TV news industry in the country and would question the people in power and be a channel that be the voice of the downtrodden, basically it would be a complete news channel.
I told him that I come from Print background and have no experience in Television, he told me that he wants new faces and that Republic would be an organization which would be run by young professionals and his team would be young journalists only.
I can tell you with certainty that he is one of the greatest motivational speakers a man like me who had never thought of joining television decided to join his team. When it came to salary negotiation, he told me that for now as he does not have any money, he will hire me on the same package which I was getting at my previous employer with the assurance that as the company starts making money, he would double my salary. After I resigned my previous editor in chief offered me a hike of 20000 if I don’t leave, but being a man of my principles, I requested him to let me go as I had given the commitment to Arnab.
Today looking back I regret my decision to join the Republic, he did not revolutionize Journalism, but he killed serious Journalism, reduced it to a joke and somewhere I too feel to be accomplice in that crime.
The Channel was launched and in its first week it went number 1 in TRP, we all were happy and excited because it was our hard work, the success did not come cheap our sweat and blood was mixed in it.
I was happy that Arnab would acknowledge the contribution of the team, but it was Arnab everywhere, big hoardings came across the country, only acknowledging Arnab. Don’t trust me see the hoardings that came up in Delhi after the Hindi channel came No 1 in the TRP.
After an initial few weeks, I realized that the Channel was all about Arnab only and he does not believe in team work or team efforts. It took me a few months to realize that for Republic everybody else was just a filler, who fills the vacuum of Arnab’s absence from the screen throughout the day and in the evening the stage is taken over by Arnab.
The realization did come that Arnab is a tree, under which no other tree can grow, because he can never tolerate anybody else becoming the face of the channel. He ensured by various means that everybody in the organization feels that everybody else is his rival.
An incident happened where the Republic team was not allowed to cover the Congress Press Conference in Delhi, we were asked to protest outside the congress office in our respective states by wearing black bands. I was like wait what this is not the job of a journalist to protest against a political party, but we had no option, so everybody did that.
One fine day I get a call from someone on the desk (I won’t name that someone, but he was tortured to such an extent by Arnab that he suffered a major heart attack while sitting in the office) to go and hide near the house of the father of Sunanda Pushkar and then at appropriate time, he would tell me what has to be done.
Why hide? They never trusted their staff, so till last moment we weren’t told anything. I went to the house and suddenly I was told to enter the house and shove the mic in the mouth of Ms Pushkar’s elderly father and force him to blame Shahshi Throor for “killing his daughter”, I tried to do so but when I saw her elderly father, I was in tears, he was weak, was not mentally stable, I told the desk, but they told me that Arnab is furious on me and he wants to get the father on camera to say that Tharoor killed his daughter.
I refused and left the place, not before speaking to their man servant who spoke good about Mr Tharoor and Ms Pushkar’s relationship, but that never went on air.
Next day Arnab called me and shouted like anything, he told me that I had let him down, by not getting the father of Ms Pushkar on camera to blame Mr Tharoor.
This was not the Journalism that I had joined Republic for, reporters were being used to do the hit job on behalf of Arnab.
A reporter in UP was told to get a chase sequence with the then Chief Minister, when he couldn’t he was told to jump the wall of his house to enter the premises and get that done. He said I would be shot by his security; he was pressurized by Arnab’s wife that he resigned the next day.
As the money and power started coming in easy, Arnab became more arrogant and as he did not listen to anybody on TV, he did not even listen to his staff. He started humiliating them, shouting at them, abusing them, even physically assaulting them.
People who had joined him after leaving their well established and well-paying job at the time when Republic had no present and no future, started leaving him, some left because of the humiliation they were being meted out and some left because they realized that it was not the kind of Journalism that they were doing with him.
Slowly everybody started leaving, first it was the Reporter from Uttar Pradesh he was followed by the one from MP, then West Bengal, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Bangalore and every other bureau resigned because of the editorial policies.
When I speak to them, they say that we joined the Republic to do real Journalism and not to be stooges of a particular political party and do “hit job” on those who don’t agree with that political party.
They all realized that Arnab was using his two channels to settle his personal scores with his previous employers, his former colleagues and everybody else who disagreed with his shouting bouts
Almost all leading anchors of Republic left, we still remember how one of the best anchors was dragged out of the studio humiliated, he never returned.
The people who were in his core team, who were known to be the right hand and mind of Arnab left him, they all are doing great in their professional life. They all decided not to disclose why they left the Republic, in the words of a former anchor, “he has the platform to build a fake narrative against you”.
That someone who had recommended my name was Mr Aditya Raj Kaul, who had met me a couple of times in Jammu and had seen me work. Aditya Raj Kaul was the man behind several exclusive stories on Times Now and then in Republic, when Aditya and I covered the Sunjwa terror attack, I saw how well connected this man was.
Arnab was lucky to have him in his team, for the full day it was Aditya who was on the television, from breaking news inputs to exclusive stories to interviews it was Mr Kaul on Republic. We used to joke about that Arnab should rename the Republic TVT as Aditya TV, Arnab was not doing any favor to him, but it was that every single story was being broken by Aditya. He was the backbone of the network, but one fine day we came to know that Aditya has resigned, till date I exactly don’t know what happened between Aditya and Arnab but given now we know Arnab well, it could be anybody’s guess, why he left.
Arnab being what he is could have never tolerated Aditya over growing him, hence Aditya’s exit from the network.
After Aditya’s exit, the backbone of the channel was broken, we all tried to take the burden but it was really hard for the entire team to fit in his shoes. We tried our best but Arnab never acknowledged that.
Let me take the liberty of taking a few more names, of all who left before you even joined.
Snehesh Alex Philip, is one of the well-known defense journalists of the country, before joining Republic he was the Pakistan correspondent of the premier Indian News Agency, he left Republic because of Arnab Goswami’s biased editorial policies and Arnab’s behavior towards the staff, even today reporters at Republic lift points from the copies of Snehesh.
Hari Haran used to be the Star Anchor of South India before joining Republic, he left in a span of a few months and the reason for him leaving is anybody’s guess.
So far in my life I haven’t come across a man who is as soft spoken and so dedicated to his work as Parikshit Luthra, we all know why he left. Today he is doing amazing work.
Sakal Bhat, who was the prime-time anchor at Doordarshan for 17 long years joined republic, but as Arnab cannot tolerate anybody to overgrown him, he can never tolerate that anybody else had the fan follower more than him, so she was cut to size. She left and once again joined DoorDarshan, today again she is a Prime-Time anchor there.
Pooja Prasana who left Times Now to Join Republic with Arnab, helped this company grow, she left her family for several weeks to help Arnab set up the studio in Mumbai, she worked day and night but today she is no longer with Republic, I again leave it for you to guess the reason.
Prema Sridevi who was once considered as the backbone of the network had to leave this organization, I still remember that during one conference call before the launch of the channel, Arnab told the team that he was nothing without Prema.
The list is endless, and everybody will find mention in my book soon. Will send you the first copy promise.
As I write this I have come to know that several people have put up their papers in the past one week, as they were humiliated for not getting Rhea Chakraborty’s interview.
While Arnab tried to maintain a moral high ground on TV against the rival channel for airing Rhea’s interview, he humiliated and harassed his own reporters for not getting her for the interview.
While today Arnab claims that Republic is the biggest network in the country, the reality is that they don’t have a single reporter in most of the states and in those states where people have resigned, no professional journalist is willing to join.
In Delhi you don’t have beat reporters as nobody is willing to join, a crime reporter who cannot differentiate between the Airforce and Navy uniform is covering defense for them. He became webkoof when he aired a two years old footage of the story that I had reported at that time and then he blamed the army for giving that fake video. He even shared a fake screenshot to show that a senior army officer had given the video to him.
For past few days Arnab has been shouting about Nepotism, but I maintain that he should be the last person to do so, his wife (whose only qualification is that she is Arnab’s wife) is heading the operations of both the channels, one of his close stooges who has been recently promoted as Executed Editor News, his wife who was research assistant has been made the Head of Digital Desk (because she is native of the place from where Arnab’s wife is), another man who is now promoted as Senior Associate editor and covers defense his wife is made input head of Hindi channel and her job is to keep an eye on the staff in Noida office and inform Arnab and his wife as who is sitting on his desk and who is not, so Arnab should stop lecturing people about nepotism.
Things were a bit different for me, as my only job was to target and speak against Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti which I did, my job to ensure to project them as anti-national and find fault in whatever they say, I did handle it very well.
As I wasn’t comfortable speaking lies I changed my focus to defense as defense had always been my forte and I did many exclusive stories as well, but many senior officers used to tell me Tejinder you are a right person in a wrong company.
I am a married man, with a daughter and a family to feed, every month I had many EMIs staring at me, so I had to kill my principles to work with Arnab, knowing very well that it is not the Journalism that we are practicing in Republic.
The final nail in the coffin happened on August 5, when the interview for which I had been trying for months together was handed over to another reporter because he belongs to the region where from Arnab’s wife is and that this Reporter helped Arnab to hush up the case of abetment to suicide for which he is facing an FIR in Mumbai.
Arnab called me soon after his show and started shouting and abusing, but now my tolerance had reached its precipice and I had to give it back to him in the same language with the same vocabulary, maybe with some extra words in Pure Punjabi which he will remember throughout his life.
He gave the platform to a motormouth to abuse their fellow panelists, Arnab calls his staff a “piece of Sh\t” uses cuss words like MF and SF for them, so I thought it was opportune time to give him the taste of his own medicine.*
Trust me from the day I resigned, everybody with whom I once worked or those who still work with Arnab have congratulated me and thanked me for being their voice. You know that some have resigned and some will leave soon.
Arnab in the name of hiring young talent is exploiting them, giving them peanuts in the name of job, he is hiring young college graduates or people with zero editorial understanding at the desk, so that there is nobody to speak or challenge his editorial policies, which are dictated by the WhatsApp messages from a particular political party.
Arnab has broken several Labor laws because he hired us for Republic TV (English Channel) then we were forced to work for Hindi channel also and then the dictate came that if you won’t contribute x number of stories a week for the digital desk your salary would be deducted, this threat was against the labour laws as this clause finds no mention in the contract that we signed while joining Republic, even HR team which sent this note can be taken to court of law over this harassment.
Arnab has no empathy for his staff, as he forced them to come out in the field even if their areas were declared as containment zones, I know how difficult and dangerous it was, but we did follow his dictate.
I have the company Laptop with me and having been witness to how this company does. not settle the dues of the former employees, I will hand over the laptop only once you settled my dues, give me NOC and a relieving letter and if it’s not done in next 20 days I will have no other option but to move to the labour court.
Though I know that Arnab is a vindictive man and would try his level best to sabotage my career and my future prospects to find a job, but someone had to speak against him, I decided why not that someone should be me. At least by speaking against this man’s exploitation of more youth would stop, those who dream to join Journalism in the hope of doing quality stuff end up with being bonded labourers.
I also want to put this on record that if anything bad happens to me or my family, any accident, anything untoward happens to me or my family, Arnab and his wife is to be held responsible for the same. I will be giving this undertaking to my local police station soon.
BTW Honey Kour, I wish you best of luck and pray that you don’t have to face what the previous HR head had to go through.
Tejinder Singh Sodhi
Former Bureau Head Republic TV
Now a Free man
submitted by eggpups to unitedstatesofindia [link] [comments]

[Table] My name is Paolo Cattaneo. 5 years ago I quit my job, sold everything I had and embarked in a trip around the world on a motorcycle. Rode for almost 185000 km. Still going! Here to answer question about self sustained living on the road and long distance solo travelling. AmA! (pt 1)

Source | Guestbook
Questions Answers
How much does this lifestyle cost you on average? Obviously it will vary by location Since the most asked question will be probably this one, I decided to break it down mathematically so, hopefully, it would be more transparent for everybody.
I don't think I could summarize with an average how much I spent per month, since the delta from month to month was absolutely unpredictable. But somehow everybody seems to love maths so... There you go.
A couple of things first: 1) different countries have different cost for food, accommodation, fuel and spare parts so to make an average, it s actually quite hard. For instance, a country like Peru cannot be compared in terms of costs with a country like the Netherlands in all terms. 2) when I travel, I am not on vacation. Just because I visit places and don't work, doesn't mean I can afford things like people that go on vacation for 2 weeks. People on holidays usually maintain the same level of comfort they have at home, or even improve it, righteously spoiling themselves, for the few days they have off in a year. I do the exact opposite. I spoil myself by not having to go to work.
Hence, there are 3 major costs in travelling on a motorcycles are: 1) fuel and bike parts (tyres, oil, filters, etc) 2) accommodation 3) food
These are also in order of importance. Fuel and bike maintenance guarantees the continuity of the journey so, those have the absolute priority. Where I sleep or what I eat, do not matter much. I will survive whatever I eat and wherever I sleep. It's incredible what our body can do end endure.
After a year of travelling I found out that, because my life and routine changed completely, I didn't need 3 meals a day anymore. Removing 1 meal a day allowed me to save a lot of money in the long run. It is a sacrifice but it is doable and It is super practical. I also found fasting good for the mind.
Sleeping arrangements could also affect greatly on your expenditures so, depending on countries and weather conditions, I usually opt to sleep in my tent or in hostels. Sometimes I do couchsurfing or stay at other motorcyclists houses, friends, friends of friends, etc. I ve also slept at complete strangers houses that i met on the road and that were reaching out simply to help. It s unbelievable how many people, just want to give you a hand. It s impossible to explain it. You have to see it yourself to believe it.
The cheap hostel in Peru would cost $5-6 a night, while in the USA $25.
In this sense, I estimated an average of 10 USD a night for accommodation for and average of 20 days per month. Again, It is a rough estimate. Let s say the other 10 days I sleep at people's houses, or in my tent or couchsurfing (so at no cost). Foodwise I usually drink a coffee (I carry my own little Italian coffee machine) in the am, with a piece of bread or instant oatmeal. Then I ride the whole day and reach my destination at 4-5 pm. I then eat. I mostly eat vegetarian but i occasionally have meat. I mostly shop at cheap supermarkets or local markets. Vegetables are cheap and nutritious and available all over the world. And so is pasta and rice. This whole thing costs me let s say 10 USD a day.
So for Food and Accommodation I roughly spend 500 USD. Then there's fuel. Fuel costs can vary from country to country but, for the sake of it, let s put fuel price at 1.2 USD a liter (4.5 USD a gallon). My bike in standard riding conditions does 20km per liter of fuel. In 5 years I rode 180000 km. That's 36000 a year. That s 3000 a month. So 3000/20 = 150 liters. 150 x 1.2 = 180 USD
The grand total is 500+180= 680USD per month Let s put 100 USD in for extras and whatever. It's 780 USD a month, if you will. But trust me when I say that I think I spend less than that.
There you go.
the below is a reply to the above
What is your coffee maker? Moka pot i'm guessing? I have a little Bialetti coffee machine, yes. :)
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Yeah, that confirms you are really Italian. So is my SO, and when we are traveling, she will start complaining about the bad coffee by the time we get to the airport 😄 I am Italian...but I'm also passed that point of complaining about food all the time! I learned to enjoy my meal...regardless. :)
another coffee reply
Any tips for the Bialetti? A neighbor gave me one and I used it with Café Bustelo and it was crazy stong, albeit not too bad. Use less coffee ground! 😅
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If you saved 40k, are you down to very little money now? I'm just thinking it's been 5 years, and I imagine you've had some unexpected expenses that would have your average end up being relatively accurate on aggregate, even if you typically spend less in a month. At $700 per month, you would be out of money. And even just the plane tickets from Australia to starting point and from somewhere to Greece where you say you were during Covid is a couple months of your budget I'd imagine. Yes, i had some unforeseen expenses. But luckily I also had a lot of help from people giving me shelter and food. In that sense I didn't spend all my money in food and accommodation but for the sake of average expenses I had to calculate it that way. In greece i found a job as volunteer in exchange of accommodation. That saved me 3 months of rent. Things like this cannot be included in average. I simply did the math to make people understand how much would it cost if life on the road would be without variables. There are too many to be considered.
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Even if it's only 600 at month, you have been riding around for how long? It seems hard to think you saved so much and you are still using the money you saved. Is anyone helping you financially? I swear...i am using my money. 😅👍 It s hard to imagine how cheap it is to live frugally...if you renounce to most comforts we have in life. But I wouldn't mind now to have a benefactor(s) and sleep in a comfy bed or have a nice meal for a change.
Does it not worry you how you might have exhausted your financial resources by the time you want to return? What do you think life after this would be like? I hope I don't sound rude; just trying to understand how you are managing your life. What you are doing is absolutely amazing; I'd love to travel too but I am not rich either, and the thought of ending up penniless by the time I am 30 terrifies me. Hey, it's a completely plausible question and I am happy to answer that. Quitting your job, your financial stability, selling everything you have, saying goodbye to everybody and ride is a "liberating" experience. In this sense, all the fears you mentioned are gone or somehow abandoned, the moment you decide to go for it! I have no fear of what lies in front of me because the mental step that I took years ago, required me to go beyond exactly this mental gap of "jumping into the unknown". Financially speaking, yeah, i don't like to have no money aside...but also, I know that I will do something about it (like finding a new stimulating gig) when the time comes. When I found myself locked in Greece during the pandemic, I couldn't really foresee what would have happened in the next months. Surely paying rent for months and being confined in an apartment wasn't ideal so I looked for volunteering jobs. Found one that allowed me to stay in an apartment for free in exchange of 3 hours of work per day. My point is that, adaptation is a key skill that I got to develop thanks to this experience on a motorcycle. I will take care of the my retirement plan, when time comes.
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Thanks for the answer. That's a wonderful perspective. I guess your anxiety lessens once you realize how capable you are of adapting to different situations, which I'm sure you must have had to do a bunch of times since you started. You are amazing, thanks for the inspiration :) It's incredible how inclined we are to adapt, If we simply...TRY ! I never thought I would be able to do a lot of things I am doing today. I just gave it a try...failed...and tried again. I did learn, by simply trying. And I'm clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed.
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I feel like you cloud start vlogging your journeys, and form a Patreon to fund it. You've seen lots of fun things, and will see more. Yes. At the beginnings I started blogging but then I realized that it would have turned my trip into a job i left the monetization of my journey aside. I just quit my job to travel and enjoy my life. Didn't want to think about money again! Patreon seem good but I haven't really found the guts to ask money to people...yet. When I ll be in need maybe i will!
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In no way am I trying to attack you or diminish your extraordinary feat; just the fact that you had the courage to take the first step gives me crazy respect for you. BUT. There is so much privilege needed to get to where you have gotten. Not financial privilege mind you, you've worked your arse off to get here. But the fact that you could somehow travel to and stay in the US (for 3 years!) and then Australia without really thinking twice tells me your white skin and European passport has played a huge role in your mental safety net. As a coloured man with a shitty passport, just getting a visa to fly somewhere would be a huge fucking deal. Add to that the racism I'd face in plenty of places around the world, yeah not happening haha. You are absolutely right, my friend. I do understand that the fact that I am white and that I have an EU passport helped me A LOT. I am absolutely aware of this and I am not so naive to think that most of the times I got away with many things because of this. Coming from other countries or being a different colour could unfortunately still play a role, these days, when moving from country to country. Said this, I got denied my entrance to USA few times anyway. They are quite strict in that sense. But it always depends on the customs officer you find at the time of entry. Anyway. I get your point. Although, it's not a definite factor for your will to travel. You can still do it.
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I love everything you're doing and have spent the last hour just reading your answers. I don't think you're answering anymore but... Do you have any plans of coming to India? I hope I get to meet you if you do come. Hey! Of course i have plans for India! Hopefully the covid will end soon! It all depends on that now
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You can write blogs, and make YouTube videos to sustain your adventures! I am sure many of us would like to see your journey. I got few videos on youtube but i never really invested too much time (clearly) in that. Maybe I should
I always hear about people "giving up everything" and traveling the world. However, most people have worries about their economic status. Can you speak to yours at the point when you embarked? How much money had you saved, did you have any debt, what did you do with your belongings (Were there things you stored somewhere because you did want to sell or get rid of them? Did you pay for storage?), did you create a plan to generate additional income (e.g., plans for side jobs while traveling), and have you thought how to re-integrate into the "working world" when your traveling concludes (or are you hoping YouTube, etc. supports you)? Thanks! So, I started saving money when I moved to Australia. In 5 years I rounded up $40k more or less. I had no debts and, regardless the bank offering me "super interesting" offers about Credit Cards or Mortgages to buy properties, I didn't end up getting in debts with any banks. I also avoided kids and wives. I was renting an apartment and sharing it with a friend. When I decided to leave I sold all my furnitures on Gumtree (local Craigslist) and donated all my clothes to Salvation Army (Goodwill). I had no belongings left except what I piled on the bike when I left. And few months in I also realized that I didn't even need some stuff that I brought along. I did quit my job with no plans to work while travelling. I wanted, for the first time in my life, have a moment to simply ENJOY THE MOMENT without thinking about work and life as I knew it. I wanted to experience freedom, without the burden of thinking about my future constantly and what's going to happen next. I was raised with this mental construct too, so to break free from that was indeed liberating. I do not know how is going to be when this part of my life ends. If I have to go back to work, I will. But with a different heart and mind.
How did you manage it, physically? I find that my legs, back, bottom and body ache after just a few hours of riding (3+ hours), and this gets worse and worse over time (6+ hours, etc). Even on a comfortable touring motorcycle, I can’t imagine riding continuously for weeks or months at a time. Yes. Physically was challenging indeed. I had to replace my seat because the was no more foam inside. It was like sitting on a stool. Back and arse are the worst affected areas. I rode with a bit of a windscreen, so that helped to ease some of the neck pain. Luckily I had some physical conditioning to start with, but eventually I got out of shape. But, like everything in life, we eventually get used to it.
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How many hours do you ride a day? It really depends. When I do ride, let's say that is a minimum of 1 and a half to 13 hours.
Could you maybe do a "what's in my bag"-post, show us the gear, tools and clothing you use and talk a bit about why you chose what? Ok.
Pannier 1 Camping Gear: - Sleeping bag - Air mattress - 3 people tent (I'm a tall guy) - $20 cooking pot set - propane gas tank - pocket knife - foldable chair - water bladder
Pannier 2 Electronics and knick knacks: - 11" laptop - 2 hard drives (backup!!!) - Chargers - portable tyre compressor - spare oil filter - spare front tube - cable ties - duct tape - bungee cords - first aid kit - spare bolts and screws
Tool bag - various moto tools
Duffle bag: - Clothes (various)
Tank Bag: - Drone - Toothbrush - Notepad - Small Lock - Pen
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Did you have any problems with the drone? I remember you told me once on instagram that you planned on visiting Azerbaijan but couldn’t because Azerbaijan closed all the borders. Let me warn you that if you decide to come when borders reopen, know that drones are illegal here. Retarded law I know but you really cannot do anything about it because it is highly enforced. Probably you can give it up in customs and pick it up when you leave Nicaragua is the same. They don't allow drones in their country. I had to send it to costa rica via mail.
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Traveling without a Leatherman. I can't believe it. It s listed. "Pocked knife" ;) You are right...i should have said Leatherman
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What drone do you have? DJI mavic Air.
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I have a CB600F I've fitted panniers to and can't fathom how you got all that camping stuff into one pannier, your packing skills must be sick I got some pretty roomy panniers too. Giant Loop is actually a company from Oregon, USA that makes these spectacular bags. I ve been riding with their products for years now.
Well nobody has asked it yet.. How did you self sustain yourself for so long? I understand everything is cheaper in South America but you also went through North America. In north America, specifically in USA, I had some friends that helped me finding accommodation along the way. I also wild camped a lot. Froze my arse up couple of nights too... But It's doable in Canada and USA since the land is so vast and you can always find a place to pitch your tent in safety.
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See my trouble always begins when I pitch a tent I used to be the same, mate!
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Maybe I'm just jaded but I don't know of anywhere you can just pitch a tent and sleep in the woods. Everywhere I've ever been camping there's an 80 dollar fee and you get a designated campground. Download iOverlander.
Hi, sorry if this is a personal question, but how often did you get laid? Do cultural differences play a role? Personal question, but interesting nonetheless. Thanks for asking "sensibly".
When travelling from town to town it's easy to meet people. The common Idea is that travellers get laid a lot. Unfortunately, in my case, I do not go out much when I travel, so my social encounters are limited to the location where I end up spending the night. I also typically stay not longer than a day or two, which is also usually not enough to create a connection with a potential partner (in my case). A lot of women are indeed attracted by the "solitary wolf" riding a motorcycle around the world, but they are not generally inclined to have a one night experience. Hence, the answer to your question, is that I rarely get laid. Cultural differences are what make mating interesting though. One trait that is standard for your part of the world, could be extremely exotic in another. Sometimes even the accent in which you speak a foreign language, could be a favourable factor.
But at the end, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
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Dai ammettilo che l'accento italiano aiuta. Storia interessante la tua. Ti auguro il meglio! Sorry guys.. Italian things going on here ( shakes hands in the air ) Un pochino aiuta! ;) cheers!
How did you deal with language barriers? In all latin america the most spoken language is Spanish. I struggled at the beginning but after the first month, I had a decent basic level that allowed me to communicate quite easily with the locals. In Brazil was hard again, since portuguese was completely new for me. But again, after 1 month I got used to it and I was able to have basic conversations. If you give yourself enough time, you'll pick up any language.
In other situations I used my english or sometimes, like recently in Greece, Google Translate. Works beautifully!
Is it true that Italian and Spanish go hand in hand? I had some friends from Mexico who were confident that they could pick up Italian if they lived in Italy and were forced to use it every day for a month or 2. There are different and discordant opinions about this. I personally believe that Italian and Spanish are VEEEEERY similar. I think that any spanish speaker could easily pick on italian if spending some time in the country. And viceversa. But I also met people that thought otherwise. Not sure why. It wasn't too complex for me to pick up spanish. Definitely not perfect, but way better than a native english speaker.
What was the coolest thing you saw? Hard to pinpoint one single thing. Saw so many incredible things in 5 years! Nature always strucks me the most. Some places leave you speechless. Some encounters too. But the coolest experience for me was to swim with marine wildlife in Australia and Ecuador.
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Hey I from Ecuador! Glad you enjoyed the wildlife. Can you elaborate on your experience there? Did you visit the Galapagos islands? Ecuador is hands down my favorite country...for its people, for nature, for food, roads...i mean, i had a fantastic time there. I also visited Galapagos and It was one of the highlights...of my life!! I simply incredible. If there was ever a place on earth close to Jurassic Park...
How does your license work? I mean if you have a drivers license in one country and you drive through multiple countries. What happens if you get pulled over? Having European or Australian driver license is sufficient to drive in most foreign countries. I do have an International Driver License, which is simply a piece of paper you can request from your local Automobile Club, that translates your license in many languages and which is helpful when finding an "scrutinous" policeman. At the borders they never check your driving license.
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What about the motorbike's papers? Did you need a carnet de passage ? And could you tell us about the shipping of the bike, plane or boat, expense, level of organisation needed? For the americas, you don't need CdP. The shipping of bike could be done by cargo ship or plane. Both are not cheap but quite feasible. There are agencies that usually take care of the paperwork for you. A simple google search could help you pinpoint some good info. Unfortunately because rules and prices change from country to country, prices have to be requested to the company you choose. It is usually around $1500 + to ship a motorcycle indicatively...for both sea or air freight.
Can you speak on your base knowledge of bikes at the start of your travels? I'm interested in purchasing a bike to cruise around America in once (if) this pandemic blows over. Did you ever have to do any emergency DIY work when you couldnt make it to a garage for professuonal repairs? First of all: DO IT!! it's an amazing experience. I had basic/zero motorcycle mechanical skills when I started. I often used youtube as a source of "inspiration". Now I rather do the job myself than taking my bike into a shop. If you are going to cruise around the US, you wont need to carry much spares, since you can buy and have most parts shipped wherever you are. Somehow even breaking down, if happens, is a great part of the overall adventure.
[deleted] I am not sure. Yet. Definitely the more I go on with this adventure (and life) the more I become aware of myself and my surroundings. I am looking forward to have somehow a peaceful life in harmony with my surroundings. Stress has been out of my life for a while now and I want to keep it this way. Don't have a family. Never had kids or wives. I think it's going to stay this way...but you never know.
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You've been doing this 5 years now. Do you feel the need to keep moving after you've been somewhere for a few days? How long is the longest you've been stationary since staring and did you ever feel like you wanted to get off the road for a longer time. Well...yes I always feel the need to see something more and explore. I get bored easily. But I have to say that during my Lockdown in Greece I was absolutely at peace. I really enjoyed my down time and i took advantage of it by taking care of many little things i left behind.
Did you tend to keep to yourself most of the time, or would you go out to meet people and socialize with the locals in the area? I am not really a "social beast" anymore. I socialize in hostels and when I look for food mostly...but I don't go out at night. That is quite personal, but I prefer a quiet night than pubs. This allowed me somehow to save a lot of money in the long run. I may have missed out in "social opportunities", but I prefer this way.
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But you did meet a lot of people right? Im not social at all and it keeps me from traveling, im afraid that it would ruin the experience if I dont click with anyone haha. You gave me some confidence this will be a smaller problem than I think it is. I am an introvert and generally speaking, kind of a geek. So yeah...not really the outgoing kind of guy...but, when travelling alone, you don't have that social pressure anymore. You are by yourself and there's nothing to tell you what you have or not have to do. you are free. And will meet tons of people!!
Where do you stay at (camping, airbnb, rental, etc) ? Where you get money from? What do you usually carry with you? What is you most essential item? Have you made many friends? I mostly stay in Hostels (when is cheap enough). In latin America, you can pay from $5-$10 for a night in a shared dorm. When in remote areas, I camp. Best thing ever. Otherwise I use Couchsurfing. Occasionally I stay with friends and/or other bikers that got to know my story and want to help out. I live off my own savings. Most essential Item is "Common sense". AKA try not to do extremely stupid things. :)
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How far do you usually have to plan ahead to find couchsurfing accommodations? The one thing that has deterred me from trying it out is that my motorcycle trips almost never stick to the schedule I have planned. Either due to unforeseen circumstances or maybe just deciding to ride around an area longer. Have you given people on CS a range of dates/times that you would arrive, or do you have to have your arrivals planned thoroughly? Yes, you usually have to investigate one or two weeks ahead to find accommodation with couchsurfing. Especially because I am a single guy. If i was a girl, i could find somewhere to sleep in few hours. Ahah. Oh well, women are less threatening i guess! ;) But yeah. You do need to check first and give a rough estimate of days of your permanence. Typically 2-3 days is the max. Then if both parties are ok, you can extend.
Have you ever done any housesitting for accommodation? I've done smaller trips like this, staying in hostels and campsites. I've heard of housesitting more recently and once I go again I'm thinking of trying it out. When looking at listings though it almost seems to good to be true. I just wonder if there is a catch to it I ve never done housesitting specifically. But I ve used HelpX, Workaway, woofing, etc to find occasional gigs that allowed me to get accommodation in return of small jobs. In Greece i stayed in a 9 apts complex on the beach by myself, in exchange of cleaning and painting! Great deal indeed
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If you were a woman, there would also be far more risks to couch surfing alone. I'd definitely prefer planning over higher risk of sexual assault. Women have more chances of getting hosted because there are a lot of women hosts too. Or couples. They are definitely more willing to host a woman. But i get your point
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Thanks, got another question. What is enough savings for a year in Latin America? well, it really depends of what kind of lifestyle you want. If you are ok sleeping in hostels every night and eating cheap market food...doesn't really take much! depending on which countries you want to visit too and how you want to move around! you can do it hitchhiking too if you want! and that won't cost you a thing! Just time!
How did you manage to not have your motorcycle stolen? Common sense. Mostly parked inside or in "safe areas" when possible. You can never be 100% sure but I never had issues of sort in my 5 years of travelling. Actually somebody stole my tool bag in Vancouver, Canada.
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As a Canadian id like to say “sorry”. apologies accepted! ;)
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As a Vancouverite, I'm not surprised. We have a large homeless population and they target anything they can find to steal and sell. It wasn't a homeless guy per se...was definitely a junkie. I went to Hastings street 3 days in a row to see if i could find my stuff...but it was gone. Bummer.
how were the first few months without the things that you were used to having? (sorry for the bad english, it isn't my main language) Your english is fine, mate! First month was HARD! 😅 I had never camped in my life and the longest moto trip I took by that time was only 350km. So yeah, in the beginnings the learning curve was steep! Basic things like "where to sleep at night every night" or "how to store food" were kind of abstract concepts for me. My first night camping was also my first night on the road. It was horrible. I paid so much money to camp in a so so campground, with noisy and drunk neighbors. It also rained at night. Haha An absolute fail! It got better and better with time. Also looking for food, packing and taking care of the bike. It was a full immersion in a brand new lifestyle for me. A great experience indeed
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Paolo, your first night camping sounds ... well, it sounds really terrible! I'm curious how you would compare that first inexperienced night with say... an average night camping somewhere, anywhere, I don't know... say 2-4 years later after having done it for a while. In which ways did that first inexperienced night of camping come to differ from your more seasoned camping night to night later on? What kinds of routines did you end up falling into on those nights that you picked up from years of experience having done it? Well...let's just say that my love for camping escalated quickly as well. I started camping in the wild...not in confined facilities, and I simply loved it. Sitting quietly in front of the fire at night, after a long day riding, watching the stars appear slowly in the sky... The silence. I learned that camping in a busy campsite, with kids screaming and music playing is not the kind of camping I was looking for. Surely is great for families, because usually it is a safe environment for kids to play in, but for solo travellers looking for some quiet is not. Better to hide somewhere behind a tree or some bushes and have a quiet night with some privacy. Free of charge.
How badly do you stink? Joking of course, good luck with your adventures. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? ;)
Not to be nosey but what would qualify as enough money to "sustain yourself for a while"? And how long do you consider that "a while" to be? I had no Idea how much It would cost me to live, travel and not work, since I had never done it before. But I knew how much It costed me to live in Sydney for a year, without any extras (just food, accommodation, rent and bills). I assumed initially that my trip around the world would have lasted a maximum of 1 year and a half. Was I wrong! I pretty much had saved $40k in 5 years of work.
Thanks for doing this! How much do you talk to strangers? I can imagine either being very sociable, or taking the opportunity to be more solitary. Also, when you were traveling the world, how specifically did you keep in contact with friends and family back home? Was one service/approach more effective than another? I love to talk with Locals!! It's the best thing! I love to talk with older people especially. They can really give you a better perspective about the place and overall more interesting stories about their lives. Sometimes there's a language barrier but I try regardless. Hostels are also a great place to meet friends and people from all over the world. Aside from this, travelling solo on a motorcycle or bicycle naturally attracts curiosity, so I also met some good friends of mine at gas stations or random rest areas in the middle of nowhere.
To keep in touch with family and friends nowadays is quite easy. Mobile data networks are excellent worldwide and you can buy local sim cards to use local carriers data traffic. I use whatsapp and fb messenger the most.
What kind of income are you receiving to sustain this lifestyle long-term? Living off my life savings. I am self supported. Just worked for few years, saving as much as I could and then took off.
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That sounds epic... Met a few guys like that, but never had the balls to do so myself. If you read this: how much of a mechanic are you? Do you do stuff yourself of do you bring your bike to the shop for maintenance/tires? At the beginning I wasn't really able to do much on my bike, except changing brake pads maybe. Then I tried and read forums online about troubleshooting...and of course youtube mate!! I tend to have a mechanic change my tyres, since it's a hell of a job and takes 4 minutes with proper machines. you can find tyre mechanics literally EVERYWHERE.
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But, with the estimate you gave it would cost like 9k usd per year to maintain that lifestyle. You’ve been doing it for 5 years. I guess it’s hard for a lot of Americans to imagine saving up 45k+ in the few years that you worked. trust me, It's even harder for an italian to conceive to save up 40k in 5 years of work. Most italians will be able to save that amount maybe in 10-15 years. That's why I quit my job in italy and moved to Australia, where salaries are way higher. It's just sad that I had to leave my family, friends and country to be able to have a better life.
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Why dont you try to register for welfare in Australia, and get the welfare cheques deposited into your account? I thought about it while riding around Australia. But I didn't find it fair. I mean, I wasn't in need of cash to sustain my living and there were probably people who seriously did. Plus I think you have to show up for interviews and I preferred to let go.
OP, you're doing what I've dreamed of doing since I was about 21... I'm 32 now. I've saved a bit of money, and have no debt, and am still considering it... but feel as though it would be irresponsible at this point? shrugs I have a few questions, Ever considered staying at a spot for a few weeks and doing some manual labor for extra scratch to help you along in your travels? Ever had any problem with weird parasites in some of your rougher spots (scabies, bedbugs, intestinal issues) such as cheap hostels and whatnot? Since you don't go to bars or anything like that, what's the easiest way for you to meet new people? Ever felt any "I'm about to get robbed" vibes while on the road? Did you make rules like not traveling too late, etc.. I'm considering doing this very thing, since I make a good living but am already a minimalist and don't really need anything... I don't care about owning a house, or having nice clothes or any of that nonsense. I suppose it'd just be a drag to hit a dead end, have to return to the workforce after a few years of traveling and finding myself unable to secure a decent gig again. Anyways, if you've read this, thanks for your time and thanks for doing this AMA! Good luck man, and stay safe. Mate, when I left for my first trip around Australia, I was I completely understand where you are coming from. It take a bit of time to prepare and commit to this. I highly recommend it though. I stopped occasionally and did some jobs, yes, but were more like small temporary gigs...that paid maybe for a new set of tyres than anything. Still! Once I pressured washed mine trucks for a week in South Australia. Haha i was covered in mudd but I was happy. I also cleaned few apartments in greece in exchange of accommodation....things like that. Things will come your way if you look hard enough.
Didn't have any problems with bugs or parasites no. Got lucky on this one i guess. But i do believe I built my immune system pretty well.
The easiest way to meet people is in hostels. Being in your 30s you are already on the "old side" for a hostel, but you are still ok. ;) haha
Sometimes yes i felt i was going to get robbed or mugged...but never happened. I never travel with cameras and other expensive items with me. When i am on the bike, there s always the "surprise effect", meaning that people are more shocked to see somebody travelling solo than tempted to rob him right away.
How has the pandemic altered any future travel plans? The pandemic changed things quite drastically. A lot of other travellers I know got stuck somewhere or had to cancel their plans until further notice. Still not sure what to do in the long terms. Covid definitely made everything more unpredictable.
What are the cheapest and best places you would suggest a young person go visit? Also, just out of curiosity, when do you think you’ll stop? Well, there are plenty of great places to go explore on a tight budget. Latin America and South East Asia are generally speaking quite cheap. I would recommend Bolivia or Peru, in SA...and Cambodia in SEA. As a start...
I Hope I will be able to go on for few more years...but so far I am pretty content with what I've done already.
How do you overcomevia issues? I believe you referred to "Visa issues"?!
Well, having an Italian passport is quite handy since you get visa on arrival (valid for 1-3 months) as a tourist in most of the countries in the world. I had to request and pay for my Russian and Mongolian visa though. You can request that 1-2 weeks before entry in any available Embassy.
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And what about other practical stuff like insurance for the motorcycle(is it allowed to be abroad for such a long time ?) ? Maybe obligatory x-yearly technical vehicle inspections (so far not needed in a lot of european countries but about to change so you were lucky I guess) ? Official site of residence (or what is it called, it is really hard to be 'homeless' in some countries, probably depends on what your current 'home country' is ) ? Ok so, insurance for motorcycle is something you need to get every time you enter a new country. Some insurance companies will insure foreign vehicles, but it isn't always the case. My bike is australian so after a certain point you need to inspect the vehicle to renew the registration. There is a process through which you can go to an associated mechanic in the country where you are and have the vehicle inspected and the results sent to the Australian motorvehicle authority. Then you can renew your papers online and have the new registration sent to you overseas. My official country of residence is still Australia, because it is where I want to go back to.
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Thanks for the response. I can imagine it is not the most interesting thing to talk about but I am planning on doing something similar with a van + motorcycle (that fits in the van) combo so I am super interested in hearing about the (boring) administrative side of someone who is actually doing it :D. I had no idea something was possible like the remote inspection, I hope something similar exists in my country too. So far I only read you have to go to inspection asap when returning to your country if you were abroad. But I can imagine that is not going to fly if you plan on being away for a very long time though :P. Also: did you happen to keep a list of insurance companies that were willing to do it ? In that sense things change rapidly and new and better companies may arise. Better check with locals or use iOverlander app to find these kind of info.
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Mega-List: Israel's Controversies and Crimes

Updated on 19 Feb 2020, Arranged in Chronological Order
All articles cited are from reliable and trustworthy sources (some may be NSFL):
Use this website to read any paywalled site you might encounter in this list.
Major Incidents:
ONE. Assasination of Jacob Israël de Haan (1924), a Dutch-Jewish diplomat, for attempting to make a peace deal with the Emir of Mecca - his plan was a Palestinian state in a Jordanian federation, the Zionists would drop the Balfour declaration and any claim to a state in exchange for unrestricted immigration. He was assassinated when leaving a synagogue by Avraham Tehomi (who admitted to it much later), on the orders of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, who later became the 2nd President of Israel:
Wiki, Haaretz, 972mag
TWO. King David Hotel Bombing (1946) where right-wing Zionist terrorists attacked a British HQ located within the hotel killing 91 and injuring 46. The leader of the perpetrators, Manachem Begin became the Prime Minister of Israel in 1977:
Wiki, Haaretz
THREE. Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) where 110 villagers were slaughtered, some members of the perpetrators were at a later time, absorbed into the IDF, one even became PM of Israel:
Wiki, Haaretz, Britannica
FOUR. Document from IDF archives (1948) which after translation states:
"In the villages lying between Nahraiya and Tarshiha there are no foreign troops for the time being.The villages are armed and ready for action1. Your orders are to occupy, kill the men2, destroy and burn down the villages of Kabri, Umm al-Faraj and al-Nahr."
[1] Ilan Pappe notes that the villagers had no proper arms, only for hunting purposes and people who served in the police; without Arab troops that were absent they stood no chance [2] In April 1948, the Intelligence of the Hagana defined men as anyone above the age of 10
-Photo taken from IDF Archives 1676\51\12
-Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, 1947-1949, ISBN 0-521-33028-9. P. 133
-Hagana archives, 100\35, dated May 19, 1948
FIVE. Palestinian Exodus "Nakba" (1948) was an expulsion of 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from their Homeland during the war and establishment of Israel in May 1948, these includes testimonies of massacres, rape and looting:
Haaretz, Haaretz, Atlantic, Vox
SIX. Assassination of Folke Bernadotte, (1948) UN Mediator for Palestinian Refugees by Israel's Zionist Paramilitary Group, Lehi. The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi, one of which, after the assassination, became 7th Prime Minister of Israel (Yitzhak Shamir). No one was convicted for the assassination:
Wiki, Independent, Haaretz, WRMEA
SEVEN. Lavon Affair (1954) a failed false flag operation where Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli Military Intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, their foiled plan was to blame the attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood:
Haaretz, TimesofIsrael, Wiki
EIGHT. Kafr Qasim Massacre (1956) where Israeli Border Police killed 49 Arabs (19 men, 6 women, 23 children, 1 unborn child) returning home from work during a curfew they were unaware of. Those involved in the massacre were found guilty but were pardoned and released from prison in a single year. The highest ranking official prosecuted for the massacre confessed before his death, that the massacre were planned to ethnically cleanse Israeli Arabs from the region, and that his trial was staged to protect Israeli political and military elites, including Prime Minister Ben Gurion, from taking responsibility for the massacre:
Wiki, Haaretz, 972mag, Medium
NINE. Apollo Affair (1965) an incident where 200-600 pounds of highly enriched uranium disappeared from a Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Highly suspected to have gone to Israel's Nuclear Program particularly given the visit of Rafi Eitan who was under the guise of a chemist but later revealed as an Israeli spy and who was later involved in the Jonathan Pollard incident:
Wiki, LATimes, Mondoweiss,
Archive of the findings of Roger Mattson, a Physicist who investigated the Incident for the Nuclear Regulatory Commision,
YouTube, 1968 FBI Report, FBI's Declassified Memo PDF
TEN. USS Liberty (1967) where Israel deliberately attacked an American Cargo Vessel killing 34 without any repurcussions:
YouTube, Haaretz, Wiki
EVEVEN. Operation Trojan (1986) according to ex-Mossad agent in his book, Mossad instigated the US bombing of Libya by planting a transmission device and impersonating as the Libyan Govt sending terrorist orders to its embassies around the world. (Story in Page 113-117) (Downloadable PDF File):
Other Side of Deception PDF
TWELVE. Cave of Patriarchs Massacre (1994) Israeli Settler Baruch Goldstein opened fire in Ibrahimi Mosque, killing 29 worshippers and wounding more than 125:
Wiki, JPost
THIRTEEN. Qana Massacre (1996) IDF fired artillery shells at a UN Compound where 800 Lebanese civillians were taking refuge. 106 civillians were killed, 116 injured, 4 Fiji UN forces were also seriously injured:
Wiki, AlAraby, Independent, DailyMotion
FOURTEEN. 2nd Qana Massacre (2006) air-strike carried out by IDF on a building Lebanon during the war. 28 civillians were killed out of which 16 were children. Upon investigation, IDF concluded that there was in fact no rocket launched from Qana on the day of the deadly strike by IDF:
Wiki, BBC, Norman Finkelstein
What is Zionism?
Palestine before Zionism (Pre-1948):
Youtube (1896)
Youtube (1900s)
Youtube (1930s)
Youtube (1946 - Arrival of Illegal Zionist Immigrants)
Divide & Conquer: An interactive map explaining the Israel divide and control of Palestinian Land (2019):
Interactive Map
JIDF: Israeli Government is paying and giving away scholarships to students who fight internet battles and spread propaganda (2013):
BBC, USAToday, Huffington Post
Israel's JIDF Hasbara App (2017):
App on GooglePlay where people defend Israel on Social Platforms to gain points (2019):
Intl Law:
Apartheid Against Palestinians:
Protected Wiki
International Law (Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, UN Resolution 37/43) dictates that Palestinians have a legal right to an armed struggle to resist occupation:
Add. Protocol I, Geneva Conventions (PDF), UN Resolution 37/43 (PDF)
Israel's building of settlements in occupied territories such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal under international law, violating Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 as well as the Statute of Rome, Art. 8 (2)(b)(viii) which states: "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.":
Wiki, UN, International Law on Occupation, Al Jazeera, Amnesty, Amnesty, B'Tselem, YouTube
Israel's destruction of homes in occupied territories such as the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal under international law, violating Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 which states: "Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons ... is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.":
Fourth Geneva Convention (PDF)
Israeli former nuclear technician turned whistleblower was lured to Italy where Mossad drugged and abducted him back to Israel for the trial that was held secretly behind closed doors. He spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 in solitary confinement. Says he suffered "cruel and barbaric treatment" at the hands of Israeli authorities while imprisoned because he was Christian. After his release in 2004, he was subjected to a broad array of very strict restrictions on his speech and movement (1986):
Wiki, Youtube, NYT, Guardian, CNN, Wired, Telegraph
2nd Intifada, 12 yr old boy shot dead, father severely injured (2000):
CNN, Twitter
Breaking the silence - targeting civilians with grenade machine guns during the 2nd Intifada (2000):
5 Israelis working for an Israeli Company "Urban Moving Systems" were arrested on 9/11 after being seen photographing and celebrating the attack on the WTC. Owner of the company fled to Israel after the incident. FBI still lists him as a 9/11 suspect but Israel refuses to extradiate him (2001):
9/11 War by Deception, YouTube, Forward, NYT, Haaretz
Netanyahu caught on tape: "America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction" (2001):
Netanyahu lying during his speech at the US House of Representatives on Saddam Hussiens WMDs which doesn't exist (2002):
Tom Hurndall, a British Peace Activist, was shot in the head by an IDF sniper while he was helping Palestinian children flee from cross-fire in Rafah, Gaza strip. His killer was released from prison 2 years early of his 8-year sentence (2003):
Wiki, BBC, Guardian, Evening Standard
Rachel Corrie, American Activist who was run over by an Israeli bulldozer destroying Palestinian homes in Gaza (2003):
Imgur, BBC
Breaking the Silence, testimonies from IDF Whistleblowers (2004):
Not guilty, IDF Captain who empties his magazine on a 13yr old girl, says he would have done the same if she was 3 yrs old (2005):
Phosphorus and cluster bombs which is illegal under international law heavily used by Israel during the Lebanon war (2006)
Israel celebrates Irgun Hotel Bombing (2006):
Former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami: “If I were a Palestinian, I Would Have Rejected Camp David” implying that the Camp David Summit Offer by Ehud Barak in 2000 was unreasonable and designed to be rejected (2006):
Jewish National Fund (a charity) owns 13% of the land in Israel and stipulates that only Jews can buy, mortgage or lease their land. (2007):
Economist, Wiki
Operation 'Cast Lead', estimated 1391 Palestinians killed, 759 to be civillians, 344 children, 110 women 13 Israeli killed, out of which 10 are soldiers (2008-2009):
BBC, Haaretz, Haaretz, Amnesty
Israel admits using White Phosphorus during their military offensive on Gaza (2009):
Israeli Organization, Kav La Oved: "Israel owes billions of shekels to Palestinian workers" (2010) (Downloadable PDF File):
KavLaOved PDF
Using Palestinian captives as human shields (2010):
Imgur, Guardian, Haaretz, Haaretz
Gaza Flotilla, Israeli Commandos raid 6 civillians ships carrying humanitarian aid and construction materials, 9 activists were killed, 10 Israeli commandos wounded (2010):
Guardian, CNN
Hashomer, Haganah, Irgun and Lehi which operated against the British Government and Arabs in Palestine used to hide weapons in synagogues, women's rooms and kindergartens. Something Israel criticises Hamas of doing today. (2011):
IDF soldier caught kicking a Palestinian child (2012):
Hierarchy of the Human species according to Eli Ben-Dahan, Israel's former deputy minister of defense: Goyims (Non-Jews) placed below Homosexual Jews (2013):
Israeli Trade Minister: "I've killed alot of Arabs in my life, there's no problem with that" (2013)
IDF soldier posting an Instagram pic of a Palestinian clild in his rifle crosshairs (2013):
Ethiopian Jews injected with contraceptive birth control without their consent (2013):
Haaretz, Independent, Guardian
In 2013, Israel awarded 'Genie Energy', an American Oil and Gas company, rights to drill in Golan Heights (Syrian territory occupied by Israel) despite international opposition. In 2015, Israel claimed a massive discovery of oil in the area, which Israeli officials reportedly believe could supply the country’s oil needs for many years to come. (2013):
Here are the prominent figures in Genie Energy's Board of Advisors:
Jacob Rothschild (British banker of the prominent Rothschild family), Dick Cheney (Ex-Vice president of USA), Rupert Murdoch (Billionaire American Media Mogul), James Woolsey (Ex-CIA Director), Lawrence Summers (Ex-Head of US Treasury), Bill Richardson (Ex-Energy Secretary of USA), Michael Steinhardt (Wall Street Trader, Investor and Hedge Fund Manager)
BusinessInsider, TRTworld, Yahoo Finance
4 boys playing soccer in an open beach bombed by an Israeli warship, a later report in 2018 then revealed that it was two missiles fired from an Israeli armed drone that actually killed the boys (2014):
NYT, Intercept, Haaretz, Independent
Israeli police officers beating up a 15 year old boy a week after the boy's cousin was killed (2014):
Palestinian boy beaten and burned alive by Israeli settlers (2014):
Guardian, Wiki
Israelis cheering on the Gaza bombing (2014):
Statistics of Palestinian children killed in Operation 'Protective Edge' (2014):
Avraham Shalom (Former Head of Shin Bet) compares Israel's Occupation to Nazi Germany's actions in WW2 towards the Czechs, Poles and Dutch (2014):
Killing Gaza: Documentary on war crimes committed by the Israeli Military, with direct testimonies and evidence from survivors (2014):
IDF beating up a Palestinian man who told them to stop firing tear gas (2015):
Eli Ben-Dahan, Israel's former deputy defense minister: "Homosexual Jews are superior to Gentiles (Non-Jews), a jew always has a higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual" He also says "To me, they (Palestinians) are like animals, they aren't human" (2015):
Israeli Foreign Minister says disloyal Arabs should be beheaded with an axe (2015):
Israeli Radicals celebrate by stabbing picture of Palestinian baby that was killed in a firebomb attack (2015):
Beitar Jerusalem, the most racist football fanbase in the world (2015):
IDF Soldier assaults and beats up Palestinian Shopkeeper as he was loading boxes (2015):
Former IDF Soldier Ido Gal Razon testifies to murdering people in Gaza (2015):
Israeli racist police officer assaults their own african soldier (2015):
Shir Hever, Israeli Economist: "78% of Palestinian aid money ends up going to Israel" (2015) (Downloadable PDF File):
ShirHever PDF
Many Palestinians including children are detained in Israeli prisons without trial or charges (2016):
Time, Haaretz, 972mag, B'Tselem
Jewish Community Watch: "Israel becoming a safe haven for paedophiles worldwide" (2016):
IDF Soldier throws disabled man out of his wheelchair after he attempts to help a 14yr old who was shot (2016):
IDF throws stun grenade at unarmed Palestinians talking outside their home (2016)
IDF soldier laughs as Palestinian man is crushed at the gate (2016):
IDF killing a 15yr old Palestinian travelling home from a family outing (2016):
Report: Israel's repetitive destruction of EU-funded projects in Palestine (2016):
Reports of Torture during custody from Palestinians held imprisoned without charges or trial (2017):
IDF Veteran: "I was the terrorist" (2017):
Israel seizes solar panels donated to Palestinians by the Dutch govt (2017):
Israelis speak candidly about Palestinians to Abby Martin, includes lots of racism (2017):
Gaza: World's Largest Open-Air Prison (2018):
Sentence to 9 Months after killing 2 unarmed Palestinian teens (2018):
972mag, WashingtonPost
Unarmed protestor holding flag shot by live bullets (2018):
Unarmed protester shot in the head during the protest (2018):
IDF assaulting medics and injured protesters (2018):
Abdullah Shamali, was shot while standing and talking with his friends 700 metres away from the fence (2018):
Muhammad Ayoub, 15yr old was shot in the head while running away from the fence (2018):
Mentally disabled man shot in the back of his head as he was walking away (2018):
Elderly man waving a flag and a medic got shot at by a live round (2018):
Shot dead for waving flag (2018):
Medic shot dead by an IDF sniper (2018):
IDF edits video of Palestinian Medic who was shot dead by them to misleadingly show that she was a human shield for Hamas and justify her death (2019):
Independent, BuzzFeed
Canadian Doctor shot by IDF sniper (2018):
Israeli Border police throws stun grenade at a Palestian couple and their infant baby as they were fleeing (2018):
IDF Snipers cheering as they shoot an unarmed Palestinian (2018):
Similar incident, cheering after shooting a Palestinian (2018):
"Nation State" Law gives Jews exclusive rights over Arabs living in Israel (2018):
List of active discriminatory laws in Israel:
Did you know that 97% of drinking water in Gaza (under Israeli control) is contaminated? (2018):
IDF Soldiers shooting tear gas into a Palestinian school (2018):
Israeli settlers beating up Palestinian farmer in front of his children (2018):
Former Chairman of Israel Labour Party says relationships between Jews and Non-Jews are "an actual plague" (2018):
4 year old child dies 4 days after being shot by the IDF while protesting (2018):
Reuters, PressTV
An alternative view, Palestinian Christians on Israel (2018):
Chief Rabbi calls black people "monkeys" in his weekly sermon (2018):
Israel's Supreme Court rejects legal challenge on the military's rule where soldiers can fire on UNARMED protesters (2018):
Mohammed Tamimi, 16, who was shot in the head by Israeli forces held in prison for 2 days without explanation (2018):
Haaretz, Haaretz
Most demonstrators shot by the IDF with live rounds are unarmed and not in immediate vicinity of the perimeter fence (2018):
IDF edited out key footage of Gaza missile strike which killed 2 Palestinian teenagers (2018):
Youtube, 972mag, B'Tselem
Multi Award-winning short documentary on the occupation of Gaza (2018):
What if your whole family was being forcefully evicted from a home you lived in since 1948 to make way for new settlers? (2019)
Palestinian Boy on the way to school shot in the head by Israeli Police (2019):
Video of war crimes screened at UN Human Rights Council (2019):
Top Rabbis in Israel defending and calling for donations to an Israeli charged with killing a Palestinian woman (2019):
Haaretz, Haaretz
Israeli politician tweeted a video of him shooting an Arab MP as a joke (2019):
Israeli Settlers attack Palestinian Mother and her son (2019):
IDF Harrasses ambulance crew and demands for their key (with sound) (2019):
"Israel is the nation state of Jews alone" Netanyahu responds to TV star saying Arabs are equal citizens (2019):
Director of Human Rights Watch in Israel to be deported (2019):
Arresting children in school, IDF threatened breaking the teacher's arm if he doesn't let go of his student (2019):
Is Israel Democratic? This is the voting rights of citizens living under Israeli control (2019):
Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank (disputed territory filled w illegal settlements) if re-elected (2019):
IDF Soldiers laughing as they assault a Palestinian Father and Son handcuffed while in custody (2019):
i24News, Haaretz
Palestinian lawmaker held in Israeli jail for 2 years without any charge (2019):
Netanyahu's party secretly hires 1200 to ilegally film Arabs voting (2019):
IDF soldier convicted of manslaughter backing his friends for beating up Palestinian suspects in custody (2019):
IDF beating a blind and diabetic man on his bed in his own home (2019):
Illegal settlers filmed attacking Palestinian family, no arrests made (2019):
IDF soldier shoots blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinian trying to flee, second soldier then points his gun to a group of bystanders, warning them to stay away or they'll too be shot (2019):
Independent, Haaretz
Israeli soldiers take down Palestinian flags during playground opening in Shufat refugee camp (2019):
Malicious code, developed by Israeli company, NSO Group uses whatsapp calls to inject surveillance spyware on phones (2019):
Facebook busts Israel-based effort to distrupt and influence elections in Africa, Asia and Latin America (2019):
APNews, Huffington Post
IDF soldiers watches on as dozens of Israeli settlers throw rocks at Palestinians (2019):
Director-General of Reporters Without Borders: "When Israel shot those journalists, it was intentional, the journalists were clearly identified as journalists, with cameras and jackets" (2019):
IDF Soldiers assaults Palestinian man after raiding his village (2019):
IDF blamed Palestinians for arson. Then a video emerged showing that it was Israeli settlers that was responsible (2019):
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