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If I am over two meters away from you, or perhaps even farther, do not walk your happy ass over to me to screech about my lack of a mask. ESPECIALLY when I'm exercising.

See title. Was out doing some good ol' mountain running to keep myself in shape, going two miles up, two miles down the Canyon in El Paso. As I'm on the decent, rocketing down the mountain at breakneck speed, I notice someone has been following me when I glance back. I get to the foot of the hill and look back and they're following me, for sure, because they've now locked eyes with me. I go over to my truck and have a cigarette and this lady marches right up to me trying to flag me down, waving her hand in front of her face and coughing with her little kitty cat mask on, and starts trying to berate me about how I need to be wearing a mask per city ordnance. She keeps getting closer to me and I put my hand out in front of me out of instinct as I get behind my truck, whilst she continued to follow me around trying to get me to listen to her. I yell at her to get back, because I don't HAVE my mask as she's not giving me the opportunity to unlock my truck with her following me around like she is, so I cannot retrieve it. I tell her, "This is fucking El Paso, and we're on a mountain. The air is thin up here, and I'm out running and doing heavy exercise. There is no way in hell I am going to wear a mask in conditions like those." I remind her that until she started following me around like a horny puppy trying to mount a bitch, I was WELL OVER two meters away from her and every other member of the human race. I absolutely hate this shit. I have been dealing with this off and on for the last YEAR, people trying to tell me what to do when I'm not hurting a single soul. If I'm MORE than two meters (six feet) away from you without a mask and you deliberately get within that space trying to tell me how to go about my business, not only are you invading my personal space, you're putting BOTH of us at risk for contracting The Varus (TM) and that makes you far more in the wrong than I.
For the love of god, stop trying to tell people how to live their lives. You don't need to be wearing a mask when you're outdoors having a run or in the middle of buttfuckegypt, nowhere. Ever since this pandemic started it seems like these "precautionary measures" are just another way for the government to control people, and its sheep like this that so blindly follow without even actually looking at the finer details and listening to the scientists they keep screaming about us all needing to listen to, that are making these hard times harder and more nightmarish still for the common man. Stop it. Get some help. Grow the fuck up. I should not be chased around by fifty year old women in their pink tie dye tights and kitty cat masks because I'm trying to not suffocate on a fucking mountain.
submitted by desideriozulu to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2021 LEC Preseason Power Rankings

Hello there! LCK Rankings seemed to go pretty well and LCK and LPL has started already! So might as well keep it coming with LEC Rankings.
I have a fair bit of confidence in LEC. I've spent a lot of time watching the EU Masters scene, along with Prime League and LFL. So a lot of these newer players I have some insight on. Also, LEC is going to be a heck of a lot of fun this year. Compared to LCS, LEC develops their young talent so much better and it will be a joy to watch them come onto the stage. As always, I understand that I can learn more as I go from people who watch even more intensely and insightfully. I'm willing to grow every day.
I've wanted to do this a lot for each region because I find it very hard to find player rankings in a lot of Power Rankings (not to mention it being hard to find power rankings themselves for regions like LCK and LPL in english). I know I'm not the #1 source on all these regions. Sometimes not even close (As I've learned doing LPL Rankings). However, I put a lot of time and work to give people some talking points before each season begins and I hope people can enjoy, converse and appreciate that. Okay, enough small talk. Lets get to it!

10 - Astralis (10th in Ceiling, 9th in Floor)

Top: Whiteknight - 10th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Zanzarah - 9th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Nukeduck - 9th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Jeskla - 9th ranked ADC
Support: Promisq - 10th ranked Support

A year after Origen (No longer in the league) put out one of the highest hype level teams in the league, Astralis acquired their spot in 2021 and of the least hype level teams LEC has seen in a long time. There's not much to say positively with this roster, but there a few things that could bring hope. First is Whiteknight, who has one literal thing going for him: The hope Malphite is meta. Last year, Whiteknight went 5-0 on Malphite games in Prime Division on BIG. However, his overall performances all year left a lot to be desired. Outside of a few standout performances, he has been very forgettable the past few years. And most of that is in PRIME League. Not to mention his horrendous split on UOL a few years back. Of the bottom tier top laners, it's easy to have very little confidence in Whiteknight over his past performances. Then comes Zanzarah. Of the AGO ROGUE players, the one with the least hype is probably Zanzarah. This doesn't mean he's a bad player. His 9th place ranking is really that the other junglers are quite hyped coming in. However of every Astralis player, he could easily have the standout split of the team and outplay this ranking. To do that, he will need to expand his pool a bit like he did in the most recent tournament for AGO Rogue. Most of the year saw him on Sett, Sejuani, Trundle and Jarvan IV. He'll need to show he's capable of carry champions on the LEC scene if Astralis wants a shot. Nukeduck is on the team because LEC can not stop the "Year of Nukeduck" memes. The one remaining Origen member was the weakest member of the team. While Nukeduck has a deep champion pool, none of them have stood out for quite some time. Most LEC teams seem to have him figured out. While he CAN be an impact at times, it's too inconsistent. Then there's the fresh bot lane from Mouseports. Jeskla had some good performances in PRIME League's Grand Final, where his Jhin and Caitlyn looked lethal in team fights. He has the potential to be a solid carry, but needs more development and time on the big stage. For Promisq, not many are sure if he's got much, even after he was the famed sub for G2's super team a few years back. He's got the flexibility to play many champions, however his laning and warding is a big issue for him against top tier supports, which PRIME league lacked last year. A lot feel he'll be outclassed once he reaches the LEC stage, especially in lane with Jeskla who, outside his Caitlyn, seems to struggle a bit laning himself in his young career. This is a team with a lot of possible weaknesses and no true strengths. If they look to surprise, they will need to come out with serious chemistry over the other teams. Otherwise, Astralis will likely just be steamrolled over throughout the split.

9 - SK Gaming (9th in Ceiling, 10th in Floor)

Top: Jenax - 8th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Tynx - 4th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Blue - 10th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Jezu - 10th ranked ADC
Support: Treatz - 9th ranked Support

SK Gaming is probably one of the trickiest teams ranking for the LEC. There's a lot of possibilities for how the players could play. While potential could be really surprising, each came from very different situations last year to form one really quirky team. However, there is a clear spotlight on the team's jungler Tynx. Of all the new junglers and middle ground junglers, Tynx has some of the highest potential. His games last year for LDCL were pretty spectacular overall. Between his great team fighting Skarner, his aggressive Trundle and Lee Sin, his favorite jungler who his still meta in Graves' pure aggression and his overall control of the jungle and his lanes with a plethora of picks, he became the LFL jungler to be truly feared. The big question is if it can translate to LEC. But plenty of EU personalities are extremely high on Tynx and feel he can be a jungler that can surpass Razork and even Gilius in the middle of the pack. His work will be cut out for him though with the rest of this roster. Jenax is the team's top laner, yet a good portion of his 2020 experience was in the mid lane. In Spring of 2020, Jenax played mid lane for SK Gaming. The performances did not have a strong impact for SK, yet the team decided to keep him on and move him to the top lane. Jenax became the tank/team fight specialist for SK, with decent results but very little carry potential. He'll likely have the same role this year, which puts him near the bottom, due to his limited goals for the year. Blue is a mid laner coming from Fenebrance in the TCL. Blue actually had strong stats in the Spring Split of TCL, with a lot of MVP performances going his way. Syndra, Sylas and even a Yasuo game highlighted his strong spring. However, his Summer Split went very poorly. Blue struggled to have good performances in a region lacking much in mid lane. He played better on aggressive champs, yet failed to bring up good team fighting performances on control mages. With the current meta, it leaves a lot of worry for Blue in LEC, known for their talent in the mid lane. The bot lane could be the key for success here. Jezu comes from Misifts Premier of the LFL. He's a fresh prospect at ADC, yet his team fighting ability and setup on champions like Miss Fortune, Ashe and Ezreal shined in 2020. However, his laning stats need work, especially his CSing. He'll pair up with Treatz, who played for TSM in Academy and on their main team for a short stint. Honestly, Treatz was not bad on a team that felt like a jumbled mess when his was on the main team. He was strong sticking next to his ADC on a TSM team of pure chaos. With a little improvement in potential roaming and warding for team fights and developing good chemistry with Jezu, he can enable the youngster for success. SK will have to mesh well to surprise. However, there's a lot of younger talent with potential here and could move up in Summer, if the younger core blossom on the LEC stage.

8 - Excel Esports (8th in Ceiling, 7th in Floor)

Top: Kryze - 9th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Dan - 8th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Czekolad - 6th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Patrik - 3rd ranked ADC
Support: Tore - 8th ranked Support

Excel is a really compelling team for the LEC that might not get the same hype as other teams, due to the fact their overall performance in 2020 left a lot more questions than definitive answers. Kryze is one of the weaker top lane performers from Summer Split. After his strong Spring Split on Unicorns of Love Sexy Edition, highlighted by his Ryze play, Kryze came to Excel as a hopeful prospect into the Summer Split. However, his transition from aggressive style of Ryze/Gangplank/VladimiCamille did not have success on the European stage. His KDA was pretty rough all around, not to mention one of the lowest kill participation stats of any player last year. Summer Split was an eye opener and his champ pool limitations showed. He rarely played tanks all split and even on his potential carry champions, he found very little results in kills and map control. Going forward, he'll need to show more adaptability and that when he does pick carry picks, he can execute against the LEC's best and help his team get more consistent wins. The other returning pieces to this team are the bot lane of Patrik and Tore. Patrik is still considered a monster ADC, in some eyes the second best in the league behind Rekkles. Last year, Patrik pulled off one of the most unbelievable plays on Aphelios that embodied the "200 years" meme. Patrik quite literally 1v5ed G2's team to help secure Excel a win. Given a carry champion, Patrik can carry in remarkable ways. With what we've seen from LPL so far, that bodes well for him in Spring 2021. The only real issue was his struggles in Spring 2020. But his talent level is insane. The guy beside him in Tore gets punished in these ratings unfairly. Tore's a good player. Very solid. He performed quite well statistically last year and showed a good champ pool. His decisions helped empower Patrik and on a team with a clear identity, he did good on his specific role. The support pool is very deep and flexible in LEC. It would be good for Excel if Tore can develop a better roaming game, in order to empower elsewhere. They might need more of that with a new jungler in Dan. Dan comes in from Fnatic Rising, who dominated UKLC in Spring and NLC in Summer. However, a lot of wondered if Dan would ever make LEC, being on the scene as early as 2014. While he's known around Fnatic for his communication and knowledge of the game, the mechanical prowess has not shown when he has been given plenty of time in Fnatic's developmental scene and even substitution opportunities, to show he deserved a promotion. Last year, he relied a LOT on VolibeaGraves. It will be a big year for him to prove that his experience will merit results and he can be a worthy LEC player. While the hype might be low for Dan, the hype is high for the new mid laner in Czekolad. Another AGO Rogue product of last year, Czekolad might very well be the most exciting of the bunch. Known throughout the year for his Azir, Orianna and Syndra, Czekolad has flexibility in his picks, play style and impact. When AGO Rogue needed him to carry, he carried. At EU Masters in Summer, Czekolad averaged over 5.7 kills per game and an average KDA of 5.5 for the tournament. There's a lot of hope he'll bring some hype to an Excel team needing some excitement somewhere outside the bot lane. If Czekolad can find it, Dan can be the consistent, reliable jungler and Kryze can improve, this team could have a sneaky chance at fighting for a spot in the playoffs.

7 - Team Vitality (7th in Ceiling, 6th in Floor)

Top: Sygenza - 6th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Skeanz - 10th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Milica - 7th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Comp - 6th ranked ADC
Support: Labrov - 5th ranked Support

Team Vitality are looking to do something similar in their building of their team that went to Worlds in 2018. A team with most of their growing roster from last year returning will look to build on their impressive performances from Summer Split. The new addition to the team comes in the top lane. Yet another AGO Rogue product, Sygenza brings a lot to the table. His champion pool has developed throughout the year, each with their own style. While his team fighting picks like Gangplank, Aatrox and Renekton are his specialty, he plays pure tanks like Sett and Ornn well, along with some split pushing games on Camille and even assassin games on Akali. His time on AGO Rogue showed his flexibility and potential. The question is can he be that flexible and effective against the LEC talent, which will be a much tougher task than in Ultraliga and EU Masters. How he plays against the likes of Armut, Broken Blade, Odoamne, Wunder and Bwipo will be the true test of his potential. The biggest disappointment for this team last year was the play of jungler Skeanz. In 27 games in the LEC last year, Skeanz found wins in 5 of them. Statistically, he wasn't awful. However, his overall impact of the game felt lacking in a lot of Vitality's games. It's a big reason he was benched to begin the Summer Split in favor of Nji. However, he came back and performed better on the Summer iteration of Vitality. However, he needs to show a lot more consistency and impact, if he wants to be a key cog for this team. In the mid lane returns Milica, who only got to show his skills in the Summer Split. However, he brought a lot of positives when he did play. Showing off 10 different champs in 18 games, his mid game rotations and team fight prowess came through clutch in a lot of Vitality's wins. However, he didn't really stand out in any specific thing amongst mid laners in the league and could use some work positioning around the map and roaming for his other lanes, when he has the chance. Still, his growth could very well be the key to Vitality's success. The highlight of last year for Vitality came from their bot lane. Comp and Labrov really shined together. Comp really put himself together in Summer and improved his positioning in team fights and laning struggles. When Vitality was succeeding, Comp was very good at laying down incredible, consistent damage on champions like Caitlyn, Ezreal and Kalista. There's still more for him to grow on in lane and expanding his pool, but Summer was massive for it. However, it was even bigger for Labrov. Coming in from BIG in the PRIME league for the Summer Split, Labrov shined next to Comp and really became one of the surprise impact supports in the league. His movement around the map and playmaking opened a new avenue for Vitality to become playmakers and dictate the pace of the game, especially on his mobile mages like Lulu, Yuumi and Bard. He held the highest kill participation of any support in the league's Summer Split for supports that played at least 10 over 8%. The consistency is a big one for him to improve on, but he's definitely a key to this team's success, if not THE key. This relatively young roster will rely on everyone to be key contributors. If they can get that, they're definitely in the running for playoffs and will scare even the top teams, when they're on point.

6 - Misfits Gaming (6th in Ceiling, 8th in Floor)

Top: HiRit/Agresivoo - 7th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Razork - 6th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Vetheo - 8th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Kobbe - 7th ranked ADC
Support: VandeDenyk - 4th ranked Support

While it's VERY close race from 6th to 8th and Excel and Vitailty have cases to be in this spot, Misfits has the little bit more flair to them which could end up being a beacon of hope or a disaster. Misfits are yet again fielding more than five players, something Western teams have stayed away from after past failures. This includes two starting top laners in HiRit and Agresivoo. Agresivoo is the project from Misfits Premier, who many feel will be the starter for their first game. He performed very well, especially on the EU Masters stage. His laning will need improvement, as his farm numbers are a bit low compared to the LEC top lane pool. However, he's a great team fighter capable of commanding carry champions and tanks alike. If he doesn't start, Misfits will go with former LDCL top laner HiRit. The last time HiRit played on a pro stage was in Turkey, but he left a good mark for Fenebrance. Highlighted by his Aatrox in Spring 2020, HiRit's team fighting prowess helped Fenebrance dominate Turkey en route to a title for the split. However, he did not play in Summer and did have a high death count, even with Fenebrance's success. Still, his laning and team fighting are strong points. The question for Misfits will be if he can replicate that for them or if Agresivoo is the better option. Both are extremely capable of being good top laners in LEC. The jungler will be Razork's place to reign for Misfits once again. Razork's big plus side is his innovation. His Fiddlesticks game out of nowhere really left a bright mark on his record. However, his consistency labels him a "coin-flip" jungler a lot. When he goes to influence the game, he either sets Misfits up for success or sets them up for failure. It could be even worse in Spring, as the meta still favors heavy farm clearing junglers that get ahead, which Razork is much better on play makers like Sejuani, Lee Sin and Gragas. A big outlet for Razork's playmaking was in the mid lane, which is now occupied by Vetheo. Another LDCL project, this time from 2020, Vetheo comes in with a bit of a deep and wonky champion pool. His growth throughout the year in becoming a more team fight involved mid laner really shined at EU Masters, highlighted by his Zoe and Orianna. However, Vetheo is a very "green" prospect. On LDCL, he made a lot of baffling decisions and needs lots of work on map awareness. If he doesn't clean that up, LEC teams will pounce at every opportunity. Mechanically though, there's a lot to be hyped for if he can flesh out the decision making. Then there's Kobbe. A former superstar of the European LCS a few years ago on Spylce, Kobbe took the Spring to try out NA on TSM. When that fell apart, he came back to Misfits for Summer. Kobbe's best performances last year were on hyper carry attack speed champions like Kai'sa, Xayah and Varus. With the meta shifting that way and a more reliable support next to him, this could be a year of Kobbe returning to form. His synergy with the rest of the team will be key, as his positioning put him in dire situations last year and cost Misfits a lot. Next to him is the likely starting support in Vander. While Denyk is still on the roster and a very capable and aggressive support, Vander comes in the likely starter. Vander was spectacular on Rogue last year, making strong team fight plays on his Nautilus and Braum regularly. His veteran leadership and strong warding around objectives will help a lot, along with his supportive style giving Kobbe a lot of room to work. If he can pull the trigger more often and be a tiny bit more aggressive on engages for his team to follow up on, something Misfits lacked last year at all of their positions, he could be a key cog to get this roster that holds plenty of carry potential players into the playoffs and give the top LEC teams something to watch out for.

5 - FC Schalke (5th in Ceiling, 4th in Floor)

Top: Broken Blade - 4th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Gilius - 5th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Abbedagge - 4th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Neon - 8th ranked ADC
Support: LIMIT - 6th ranked Support

After their near dream run to Worlds last year, Schalke has retooled their roster and looks to find a better rhythm to start the season, replacing two key positions on their team. Whether they succeed or not will likely depend on how much impact they can carry from their fantastic run at the end of Summer. One of those new pieces is Broken Blade. His stats leave a bit to be desired, but the amount of pressure he accumulated for TSM most of their season really shows his prowess, especially with his outplay potential in 1v2 situations. His champion pool is also a huge plus, as both splits BB fielded at least 11 unique champions in the 18 game splits. He did great work on a TSM team last year, going through the ringer on decision making and execution. On a more stable situation in Schalke, especially if they can get off to a better start, he could shine in a league that has a lot of question marks in top laners this season. For the fans of god Gilius, they were excited to hear of his return to the squad. Gilius bounced around from Schalke's main team to their Prime league team most of the season. However, after Schalke's 0-6 start, Gilius returned to the main roster. After a 1-4 start with him there, Schalke went on a rampage, winning 7 straight games to finish 8-10 and squeak their way into the playoffs. His aggressive style and expertise of Sejuani, along with his willingness to embrace the meta on picks like Nocture, Kha'Zix and Lee Sin gave Schalke the edge they needed over the other LEC teams. It might not have ended in Worlds, but hopes are super high for Gilius yet again, as the meta has stayed similar to the jungle meta of last Summer. The other key piece to Schalke's run was Abbedagge. One of the most aggressive mid laners in Spring Split, Abbedagge played with fire in lane. His laning usually left him near the top of CSing among all mid laners for both splits. However on the big run for Schalke, he played a lot more confident, dying much less and using his lane priority a lot more effectively. His pool is incredibly deep and with his control mages (specifically Orianna, Azir and Zoe) one of his strengths, the meta should set up extremely well for him yet again. The question mark for this team comes in the bot lane. Neon is the ADC yet again. Neon only joined the team in Summer, after spending Spring in Schalke's Prime League squad. It's not really fair to look at him lowly at eighth. He's a very safe laner and plays well to Schalke's win conditions during their run. Mainly taking team fight oriented marksman like Ashe, Senna and Ezreal in order to help the team win. However, that could get tricky with a meta that seems to favor hyper carry ADC's more than utility. The key will be Neon's chemistry with new support LIMIT. A great example of a player growing a lot from Spring to Summer, LIMIT really shined in the Summer Split for SK Gaming. His movement into roaming playmakers like Bard, Morgana and Thresh became a key for a team desperate for answers in moving the game forward. His fit with Crownshot was fantastic and his kill participation was one of the highest among supports in the league for Summer. However, his role could be amplified with Neon's safe laning. Still, this league has some incredible supports. You could very well make the case between him, Tore and even the potential of Trymbi deserving of the top half of supports in the league. He will need to show consistency throughout the split and proactivity for his team, in order to stand out. For Schalke, playoffs could very well be on the horizon. The meta sets up well for their play style and with good chemistry all around, they could be a dark horse to challenge G2 and Fnatic.

4 - MAD Lions (4th in Ceiling, 5th in Floor)

Top: Armut - 5th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Elyoya - 7th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Humanoid - 3rd ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Carzzy - 5th ranked ADC
Support: Kaiser - 2nd ranked Support

What a weirdly exciting and disappointing year for MAD Lions. Coming into their first season into the LEC, Mad Lions stormed on the stage, placing no worth than fourth in the LEC regular season and playoffs of Spring and Summer. This included a historic 3-2 upset over G2 in the first round of the Spring Playoffs. It even included a Worlds berth. However, the youngsters suffered a devastating feat of falling out of Play-Ins, the first major region team to ever fall before Group Stage. It caused some changes coming into the year and a lot of stepping back on a team that hyped the entire LEC fan base with incredibly strong surprise play. The first change is in top lane, where TCL standout Armut from Supermassive comes into the fold. Armut was a big reason MAD Lions lost at Worlds, due to the top laner's ridiculously strong laning. His champ pool always seemed to adapt in TCL, from Aatrox and Fiora to Ornn, Shen and even Wukong. The key to Armut was his mechanical prowess and lane dominance, which would give Supermassive a place to snowball the game off of. However, Armut does have an issue with greeding in lane for any bit of lead he can get, which teams like Unicorns of Love took advantage of at Worlds. This will be a different beast for Armut, but the upgrade in solo laners and overall team should give him more agency to take over games and not worry about being dog piled on, when there's a lot of other strengths of MAD opposing teams will have to account for. The other big change for MAD is moving on from Shadow and bringing in Elyoya from Movistar Raiders. After Shadow's departure for a future in the LPL, MAD decided to go to one of the standout junglers of the Superliga. Even in the Spring, Elyoya was showing off his Graves, one of the strongest junglers of the current meta. He was a beast on the pick all year and will likely look to get priority on it when he can. He also plays a fair bit of Trundle and Pantheon. His aggression and reaction time will be key with two very strong laners, who will likely get heavy gank pressure from opposing junglers. Elyoya is very young and will need time to get his rhythm. However, he has the tools and mechanical skills shown in his play for Movistar to garnish a lot of hype on this very talented MAD roster. Another big piece to MAD's success last year is the standout performances from Humanoid. His numbers were far from insane last year. He ranks among the middle of the pack statistically. However, it's more about how well he embraces his role on the team. Humanoid always let the resources for MAD in the jungle and support roams go elsewhere, being left on a island most of the games. Still, he impacted the game himself on mids that can push lane easily and roam well. His role on this team fits his style perfectly and with a player like Armut, who will merit a lot of attention, he should get more freedom to continue his great mid play. The bot lane returns with Carzzy and Kaiser. Carzzy had a fantastic 2020, making his entrance to the LEC a memorable one. His Ezreal, Senna and Kalista really shined on the stage for a team excited to boost up their ADC. If he can do a little bit better CSing in lane and better performances on more carry oriented ADCs in the current meta like Kai'sa and Jhin, he should continue his strong play. The real big impression of this team is Kaiser, who has made himself in "Best Support" conversations, after his performance last year. He did everything so well. His KP% and vision score numbers were near the highest around the league. He also showed nine unique champions in both splits, showing his flexibilty. Kaiser even played the carry role in certain games with Wukong, with Carzzy playing the Senna. He also thrived in those situations. With Kaiser being such a multi-dimentional threat and the additions to the roster, MAD Lions will be a forced to be reckoned with yet again to everyone in the LEC.

3 - Rogue (3rd in Ceiling, 3rd in Floor)

Top: Odoamne - 3rd ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Inspired - 3rd ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Larssen - 2nd ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Han Sama - 4th ranked ADC
Support: Trymbi - 7th ranked Support

The other big surprise of 2020 in the LEC was Rogue, who went from middle-of-the-pack team to a Worlds representative and best regular season team of Summer in the league. Their Spring was decent, but their Summer became a monster season for the still fresh squad. What's even scarier is this team might have gotten better. The big upgrade for Rogue is signing veteran Odoamne to the team. His stats were through the roof in Summer of last year, being a part of the Schalke's miracle run. Even before that run, Odoamne was the only consistent positive for the team in the entire calendar year. He ranked near the top of the league in both splits in KP% and KDA for top laners. His prowess on plenty of champions showed in Summer, piloting 12 separate champions through 18 games. Odo has been around this league a very long time and has been a high ranking top laner in almost every single season. This year should be no different, except his chances of returning to the Worlds stage just got a whole lot better on this Rogue squad. One of the big reasons for that is the growth of every single player on this team, including Inspired in the jungle. In the Summer Split, Inspired put up a ridiculous KDA of 9.7, dying on average only one time per game. These were mostly on tanky, engaging champions including Trundle, Sett, Volibear and Olaf. He brings a lot of flexibility, with playmaking champions being his wheelhouse. However, he did struggle a bit at Worlds with the farm-heavy jungler meta. If he can continue to grow his pool and playstyle, it's only a matter of time until his name being in the conversations with Jankos and Selfmade will be a normality. He still has time and a great environment to continue to grow. One player that already is being in Top 2 conversations in their role is Larssen. Rogue got the gift of watching Larssen put on fantastic performances over and over again last year. His Orianna was near unstoppable in the league last Summer and his stats, no matter the champion he was playing (He played 7 unique champions in Summer and 12 in Spring), were insane. Summer specifically, Larssen had a KDA of 6.5, which is almost two points higher than any other mid laner (Specifically Caps at 4.8). The only thing keeping him off Caps is consistency and experience, which will come over time. While his international play at Worlds felt very weak, Larssen is just 20 and his growth and time to be a top tier mid laner in LEC is only beginning. He will be a major threat to every single team in the league. Another player coming off a great season is Han Sama. Making his first Worlds appearance since the fable Misfits team that almost took down SKT, Han Sama shined under the Rogue spotlight in Summer. Han Sama really embraced the Aphelios last year, using him in 15 of the 36 of the regular season Rogue games. He also shined on Senna, even using her four times in Rogue's Summer Playoff run. He is capable of both hyper carry games and supportive utility games. He's a great switch knife ADC player for this team. However, he may have to adjust now that Rogue has gone young in the support role, promoting Trymbi to the roster. Yet ANOTHER AGO Rogue product, Trymbi is coming off a fantastic season and a very strong performance at AGO Rogue's EU Masters title run. His Rakan shined the most in his five games playing him, where he posted an over 80% KPA and over 12 assists per game. He likes to be the proactive player and does have the ability to roam around the map to make plays. It could be a different kind of fit next to Han Sama and in a league filled with exceptional support talent, Trymbi will have a lot of growing to do on a team considered the best challenge to the two juggernauts of EU in G2 and Fnatic. However, Rogue are looking very strong with this new look roster and have shown to have a very good coaching and development staff in their organization at every level. This team will have Worlds expectations and it would be silly not to see them as a legit favorite for one of those spots.

2 - Fnatic (2nd in Ceiling, 2nd in Floor)

Top: Bwipo - 2nd ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Selfmade - 1st ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Nisqy - 5th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Upset - 2nd ranked ADC
Support: Hylissang - 3rd ranked Support

After losing their superstar player and face of the franchise, you would think Fnatic would be taking a huge hit in their standings in the league. However, this iteration of Fnatic is still very strong all around. If last year taught us anything, Fnatic has been planning this change in team mentality before Rekkles even left. The key to this team's win condition seems to be in their jungler Selfmade. In a sluggish start to Spring Split, Fnatic took a change of mentality and gave the freedom for Selfmade to be the main carry for this roster. Giving him reigns to draft picks like Graves, Lee Sin and Kha'Zix and become the main carry of the team. They even sent Rekkles on picks like Soraka and Senna, to empower him. His damage numbers were insane all year and he took over many games for Fnatic. It really showed in the playoffs of Summer, where his Evelynn and Hecarim went unmatched until the Finals. His play even came inches from knocking out Top Esports from Worlds contention. He was a beast and with a jungler meta continuing the trend, he very well could continue to be a dominant force in LEC. However, his Graves was the weakest of those picks (2-8 in Graves games from Summer Split to end of Worlds). If Fnatic wants to win those Graves games, he'll need to improve in that regard. His best partner in charge is returning to the top lane in Bwipo. The difference between Wunder and Bwipo really is miniscule. Both are incredibly good in the top lane. For Bwipo, it comes down to his speciality picks and flexibility in top lane. His wild picks that broke the meta, whether it be his Rengar and Zac in Spring Split, his Cho'Gath and Urgot in Summer or even his Singed on the Worlds stage. It's almost impossible to gameplan against him. No matter what he plays, Bwipo is statistically great on whatever he plays. Outside of his ridiculously high death count in Summer Split (3.8 deaths per game, one death higher than any other top laner in the region), he was superb for Fnatic and will look to be one of the best top laners in the LEC. One of the new pieces to Fnatic will be Nisqy. In his return to the LEC from his time on Splyce, Nisqy will look to remind the world of his Spring performance and not so much his Summer performance. In Spring, Nisqy played 10 champions in Cloud 9's 17-1 split. His champions varied in roles all around, from his poke mages in Zoe to his scaling mages in Veigar to even aggressive slice-n-dice team style of Yasuo and setup top laners going mid in Rumble. He did it all and was successful in pretty much all of them. He played each of listed champions one game in regular season AND playoffs for Spring. His Summer still started off strong, with a variety of picks all around. However, Summer Split saw a lack of synergy team wise. Nisqy, charged with a lot of roaming mid laners in Twisted Fate and Galio, could not find the same rhythm and his team fell short of Worlds. LCS is not necessarily known for their mid lane pool and Nisqy will have a lot more defined a role on this Fnatic team. The big question is if he can have the same success he at times had in NA. If he can, Fnatic could prosper a lot from even more flexibility. In the bot lane enters the new face of ADC for Fnatic in Upset. Last year saw the excitement of Upset fall to the struggles of Origen. In Spring, Upset came out firing with strong performances on Aphelios, Miss Fortune and Senna. In Summer, his team failed to get the same wins on his Ezreal, Aphelois and Senna. However, many equate that to the team performance overall. Even with that, Upset still was second in the LEC in KDA for ADC's, only trailing Rekkles. His numbers did drop a lot in Summer. However, the meta is taking a shift to hyper carry ADC's yet again. That could be massive for Upset. Another thing that will help is having a very active support in Hylissang. Hyli had a very strong Spring on his active playmakers like Thresh and Rakan. However, his Summer felt like a bit of a disappointment overall. His 4.6 deaths per game in Summer was the most among supports that played over half their teams games. His KP% was fairly low as well. However, his Summer Playoffs and Worlds performance saw a lot more of the play we saw from Spring split. Hyli, when he's on, is one of the better playmaking and game changing supports in the league. For Fnatic to truly challenge G2, Hyli will need to be strong and active. Fnatic has a great team of flexibility and adaptability. It showed in their unique gameplan against TOP. However, it will help them to have a reliable plan going into a season with a lot of very good LEC teams in the middle of the pack. Each of those teams are very capable of testing Fnatic regularly. For now, however, having that flexibility other teams do not gives them the edge.

1 - G2 Esports (1st in Ceiling, 1st in Floor)

Top: Wunder - 1st ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Jankos - 2nd ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Caps - 1st ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Rekkles - 1st ranked ADC
Support - Mikyx - 1st ranked Support

The super team of Europe have become the even Super-er(?) team. This is going to be VERY fun. G2 are the best team talent wise in Europe and are fielding a team that will have a lot of people having Worlds title hopes. The big talking point is of course the one change on the roster. G2 changed out the dynamic of having Perkz playing ADC for the most notorious ADC in Europe's history in Rekkles. It was an interesting year for Rekkles, as yet again he dominated the league in the stat department for his carry performances. His KDA was at least a point higher than any other ADC in both splits. He's the best the league has to offer. Yet he found himself yet again relegated to non-carry roles more often than expected (Soraka and Syndra games four times in Summer). With a move to G2 and the meta shifting towards his favor, it could very well be an early season where G2 look to give Rekkles whatever he desires and a chance to show the world he's ready to face anyone. Helping him out will be Mikyx. G2's support really showed his flexibility last year, even when G2 was struggling to find their footing. He played it all. Super supports (Tahm Kench and Taric), Engagers (Nautilus and Leona), protectors (Braum and Yuumi) and even roamers (Bard and Rakan). Mikyx played them all and succeeded on them all. G2 gives him a lot of free reign and his playmaking makes a huge difference. Now with the best ADC right beside him, it will be a marvel to see what Mikyx decides to do with more firepower. Speaking of more firepower, Caps is the best mid laner in Western League of Legends. Without having to worry about another Spring relegated to ADC duties, Caps will look to shine in another Summer like he did on his plethora of picks in the mid lane. From his insane mages like Zoe and Syndra, to his assassins in Akali and Sylas. Caps will look to make a statement to the league, especially against another good chunk of new mid laners. For the jungle, Jankos will just hope the meta stays what it is, so he doesn't have to play Sejuani. Jankos really seemed to shine the most in Summer playoffs on his Sett games. Along with his Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Trundle, Elise and Pantheon, when he gets playmakers, Jankos shines. Given the way the meta goes to a lot of carry, fast clearing junglers, Jankos' team fighting prowess and mental edge in working the jungle will be put to the test. Then there's top laner Wunder. He's taken a similar role to Bwipo in "being able to play whatever" in Top Lane. Spring saw him play 11 unique picks including Sona, Janna, Soraka, Bard, Kalista and even Neeko. His Summer Split was just about the same, with 13 unique picks including Dr.Mundo, Karma, Cho'Gath and Kayle. While a couple of those were in troll games, it just goes to show the amount of flexibility Wunder has. His numbers are also still among the top of the league. G2 legitimately make the case they have the best player at every position (Selfmade might have an argument there, but still...). They are a behemoth of a team that is VERY dangerous to the rest of the world. The goal is proving the World Finals in 2019 would not be the last time G2 Esports take the professional League scene by storm.
submitted by DrKovu to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Egypt 8 - Who is this?

Egypt 8 - Who is this?
Can you tell who this is without looking at the note below? What do you think about a woman's hips, crooked legs and protruding teeth? Look at that weird picture again before you look beyond here.
Yes, this is the computer-generated image of King Tutankhamun, an Egyptian pharaoh, after testing his DNA. The mummy, which is found in many 'immortal periods', has these deformed legs in corpses made to last. [equino-varus-supinated foot]. The reason for this is that marriages occur within families when the sacred royal blood is not in contact with other blood.
In addition, he had difficulty in circulating blood from the heart to other organs. [Köhler’s disease]. Geneticists speculate that he may have died as a result. But it is questionable whether the ancient Egyptians, who knew the exact pyramid technology as well as the art of medicine, were aware of this wrong marriage practice. Perhaps that knowledge did not apply to the existing royal laws. They often said that this was also a curse of God.
Anatomical scientists say that a person with this type of skeletal system or skeleton may experience extreme pain not only when walking but also when standing up because their body weight is out of balance. Because of this he would always fall. Some speculate that King Tutankhamun died in a fall.
Unfortunately, this custom still exists today among many Middle Eastern nations. Even if the same family members are not married, the marriages of close relatives take place. For this reason, birth defects as well as thalassemia are common. In ancient Egypt, the original reason for this was that the king represented a "great god" so that no one other than the king's relatives should be associated with the king. The second reason and the reason for the tribal marriages that exist in the Middle East today is to maintain economic and social stability without dividing wealth.
Marriages took place between the sons and daughters of the kings of the Eighteenth Kingdom ("Dynasty"). Marriage has taken place between father and daughter. . (Thutmosis II, Thutmosis III, Thutmosis IV, Amenhotep III). The daughter was the return of the mother and the new queen. King Tutankhamun, pictured above, was the result of a marriage between a brother and sister of the same family [Akhenaton]. It was concluded as a result of a very experimental genetic analysis.
The huge tomb where Tutankhamun was buried had a large number of rods. One note states that it was 130 rods. That is to say, those sticks showed the sticks he had used from the moment he was able to walk or until he died. Scientists speculate that because of his deformed legs, he was unable to sit in the chariot that existed at the time.
submitted by Linking-Shell to ReadHistory [link] [comments]

Egypt 8 - Who is this?

Egypt 8 - Who is this?
Can you tell who this is without looking at the note below? What do you think about a woman's hips, crooked legs and protruding teeth? Look at that weird picture again before you look beyond here.
Yes, this is the computer-generated image of King Tutankhamun, an Egyptian pharaoh, after testing his DNA. The mummy, which is found in many 'immortal periods', has these deformed legs in corpses made to last. [equino-varus-supinated foot]. The reason for this is that marriages occur within families when the sacred royal blood is not in contact with other blood.
In addition, he had difficulty in circulating blood from the heart to other organs. [Köhler’s disease]. Geneticists speculate that he may have died as a result. But it is questionable whether the ancient Egyptians, who knew the exact pyramid technology as well as the art of medicine, were aware of this wrong marriage practice. Perhaps that knowledge did not apply to the existing royal laws. They often said that this was also a curse of God.
Anatomical scientists say that a person with this type of skeletal system or skeleton may experience extreme pain not only when walking but also when standing up because their body weight is out of balance. Because of this he would always fall. Some speculate that King Tutankhamun died in a fall.
Unfortunately, this custom still exists today among many Middle Eastern nations. Even if the same family members are not married, the marriages of close relatives take place. For this reason, birth defects as well as thalassemia are common. In ancient Egypt, the original reason for this was that the king represented a "great god" so that no one other than the king's relatives should be associated with the king. The second reason and the reason for the tribal marriages that exist in the Middle East today is to maintain economic and social stability without dividing wealth.
Marriages took place between the sons and daughters of the kings of the Eighteenth Kingdom ("Dynasty"). Marriage has taken place between father and daughter. . (Thutmosis II, Thutmosis III, Thutmosis IV, Amenhotep III). The daughter was the return of the mother and the new queen. King Tutankhamun, pictured above, was the result of a marriage between a brother and sister of the same family [Akhenaton]. It was concluded as a result of a very experimental genetic analysis.
The huge tomb where Tutankhamun was buried had a large number of rods. One note states that it was 130 rods. That is to say, those sticks showed the sticks he had used from the moment he was able to walk or until he died. Scientists speculate that because of his deformed legs, he was unable to sit in the chariot that existed at the time.
If you are interested in history and are a good Reader or Writer, join my subreddit. Let's sharing our interesting stories.
submitted by Linking-Shell to shamelessplug [link] [comments]

How to understand and fix your CPPS and Hard Flaccid - (With starting exercises and routines)

How to understand and fix your CPPS and Hard Flaccid - (With starting exercises and routines)
(CPPS stands for chronic pelvic pain syndrome and is a term that applies to hard flaccid)
Make sure you have read these posts before continuing, any comments that are explained by material in these posts will be answered with a link to the post:
Why your Hard Flaccid isn't nerve damage + Understanding the role of fascia - Applies to HF/CPPS
Intro to Hard Flaccid - Applies to HF / CPPS
How Hard Flaccid works and why it manifests certain symptoms - (Only for those with HF)
I recommend you read or brush up on those posts. To fully understand how to fix CPPS and HF you have to buckle down and get some information and understanding. I am compiling ways for you to diagnose your specific problems, with basic exercise links to get you started. This will be a long post, you may have to read a little ways before you find the links.
With that being said, lets begin. I am separating this post in 2 parts: The Muscular System, The Fascial System, and Building your own routine. The muscular and fascial system are heavily intertwined and work together in accomplishing the same roles, however, they are fixed differently and cause different problems which is why I am separating them into parts.
The Muscular System - The problems here are what allow your fascial system to changed in the first place, and are the physical cause for your HF/CPPS. Therefore, I will be covering this first in the top half of the post. This part will contain: How to correct your muscle imbalances, fix posture, pelvic tilt, and strengthen + stretch the muscles that need it. (It will also come with attached links and examples for you to create your own routine!)
The Fascial System - The problems here are what allow your symptoms to be chronic, and be painful. As I explained in my other post, a very low amount of people with these conditions actually have nerve damage, it is pain travelling through the fascial system. Your fascia literally encapsulates the nerves, pain from irritated and tense fascia is normal. Though the medical world is far behind and is bad at treating fascial pain, since it is the main way people experience chronic pain, I will be covering the way to fix it for good.
Building your own routine - I've seen a very common problem, people don't know where to start and what to do. I am making a small section for people who cant figure out what they want to do or make for their own exercise routine.

Part one - The muscular system:

All the bodies muscles are connected. When thinking about how a muscle could effect others, simply look at its placement on the body.

As most sufferers know, almost all Hard Flaccid symptoms are due to a chronically tight pelvic floor, this applies to CPPS on a lesser extent. To figure out how to fix this tight pelvic floor, we have to asses not just the pelvic floor, but the entire body.
Many treatment methods of Hard Flaccid focus on direct relaxation of the pelvic floor. Things like dry needling, massage, reverse Kegels, and de-stressing. None of these work permanently because they do not target the body, only aiming for temporary relaxation of the muscles in question. This is often the problem with physical therapy, most physical therapist don't look at your body as a whole, and just try to treat the pelvic floor. This is why most HF/CPPS patients don't receive much help from physical therapy.
So, we need to target the body, not the pelvic floor. Where do we start? A better question is: What are we looking for? We are looking for anything that can compromise your movement patters in any way. Anything that shifts the load off of where its supposed to be will cause a gradual buildup of muscle imbalances and fascial buildup problems. Posture is a big example, as it compromises the spines ability to keep things stable, and shifts the job of keeping stability over to the deep abs, or pelvic floor. Lets look through some things that can cause problems like this before we go any further. Make a mental note of any of these problems you have, and their muscular causes.
We can check for some of the most common and self diagnosable muscle problems first. You will need a person to look at you, or a mirror / camera. Check the image captions for the muscles that cause these issues.
If an issue has a \*, then it is extremely common and you probably already have it.*
Pelvic Tilt - By far the most common issue in CPPS and HF cases. Causes very bad load distribution for the body, and generally sets you body up for failure. Normally gained from excessive sitting. Anterior, posterior, and lateral tilt all possible.**

Anterior pelvic tilt is caused by: Weak abs, Weak glutes, tight hip flexors, tight lower back. Posterior pelvic tilt is caused by Tight abs, Tight glutes, Weak hip flexors, weak lower back.

Lateral pelvic tilt is caused by tight low back, tight psoas (hips), weak glutes, and tight adductors on the raised side.
Pronated / Supinated feet - As unbelievable as it sounds, your feet can have an impact on HF/CPPS. They are what set up your walking mechanics for failure first if you have foot problems. Flat (supinated) or high arched (pronated) feet can affect how loads are placed on your whole body and walking mechanics.

Supinated feet are caused by weak foot arch muscles. Fix pronated feet by wearing looser, more comfortable footwear.
Inactive and possibly weak Transverse abs (Deep abs) - Most HF/CPPS sufferers have this. It sets your body up for failure as it cannot stabilize or breath properly. **

Inactive or weak transverse abs usually connect to inactive glutes
Inactive and possibly weak Glutes - Almost all HF/CPPS sufferers have inactive glutes. The glutes and the transverse abs are one in the same. When there is dysfunction in one, dysfunction in the other is almost guaranteed. When your glutes are inactive, your hip flexors are used to make the legs move forward (flexion) when normal walking patterns should be pushing off the glutes or optimal leg movement. **

Weak / inactive glutes usually caused by weak / inactive transverse abs
SIJ (Sacro-iliac join) dysfunction - Directly related to the glutes and deep abs, without proper SI join function, your pelvis cannot work correctly during movements, and thus it creates muscle imbalances and lower range of motion because of the lack of movement possible. *** nearly all cases of HF and CPPS have this

You could feel pain or no pain. All that matters is that your bio mechanics are not working properly, therefore your SI joint cannot rotate your pelvis properly and causes more problems down the line. Connected deeply to glutes and deep abs, usually caused by both being weak / inactive.
Valgus and Varus Knees - Directly affects walking mechanics and causes hip rotation. A no brainer.

Valgus knees are caused by strong adductors overpowering weak abductors. It is the other way around for Varus knees
There are more of these problems, but these are some of the more common ones.
Weak muscles need strengthening, tight muscles need stretching, weak and tight muscles need resistance stretching. Those are the basics for what you need. There are a few types of muscle contractions, eccentric being the most important for this condition. Eccentric contractions are when your muscle lengthens with a load on it, strengthening and relaxing it. This is more commonly referred to as a resistance stretch. Do them for your tight muscles as well, just in case they may be weak.

Types of muscle contraction, focus on the eccentric contraction.
Basic starting exercises for whatever muscles you need to work, or do them all, no harm in it:
Anterior Pelvic Tilt routine (Contains glutes, abs, hip flexors, and lower back): Scott Herman Fitness - Anterior Pelvic Tilt routine
Glutes: Glute bridge | One leg glute bridge | Resistance band glute stretch
Abs: Plank | 8 point plank | At home eccentric ab exercises
Deep abs: Deep Abs exercise compilation | 3 Deep ab exercises | 5 Pilates exercises to strengthen and active the Deep abs
Hip Flexors: Eccentric hip flexor stretches *Do not do non-resistance stretches for hip flexors
Quads & Hamstrings: Lunge and twist (Works many muscles, not just quads & hamstrings) | Deep Squat
Adductors: Copenhagen adductor exercise | Slider adductor exercises | Eccentric adductor groin strengthening
Abductors: Hip Abductions | Eccentric hip abductions (Hip drops)
Foot arches (For supinated feet): 3 Foot arch exercises | Flat feet exercise compilation
Lower back: 8 Regular lower back stretches | Eccentric back exercises
Psoas (Hip muscle): 3 Psoas exercises | Psoas stretches
All around eccentric exercise compilation: Eccentric exercises full body
Free compilation of resistance stretches specifically for CPPS/HF (PDF): Resistance stretches for CPPS/HF
\Notice there are no stretches or exercises for the pelvic floor, since it isn't actually the pelvic floors fault for the problems, there is no need for stuff like Kegels, and they can make your problem worse.*
Exercises to avoid: Sprinting, Biking, Heavy weightlifting
Those are some exercises to get started, but you can also google more and use them, when fixing the muscular imbalances, expect the progress to be slow. You are changing body tissue. Do the exercises consistently to really feel change. All changes will be over time and gradual. For HF Cases, you will see your symptoms disappear 1 by one, for CPPS cases, if you have symptoms they will disappear over time. If you only have pain this will not treat it but you still need to do these exercises to correct the pain. Which brings me into the next topic:

Part two - The Fascial System

The clear casing over the muscle is fascia, that is how closely related to the muscles it is.
The fascial system plays a huge role in many HF/CPPS cases. There are many fascial lines throughout the body that will carry tension and pain, went over in my post about "Why hard flaccid isn't nerve damage", refer to that post for the images. I covered most of the fascial topics in that post but I will go over them shortly again. When your muscular imbalances cause the issues gone over above, it decreases their ROM (Range of motion), which slowly but surely causes your fascia to adapt and compensate for this. It condenses and forms knots and tight cords that reduce range of motion further. In addition, excess fascia builds up to compensate for body orientation issues and around muscles and joints.
The fascial system needs hydration, normally, the hydration would be transferred all the time. When the range of motion is reduced, the hydration does not transfer. Causing some fascia to become tight, hard, and dehydrated. This creates "tight" fascia, it binds up in a double helix like DNA. Tight, dehydrated fascia which encases all nerves, muscles, and organs. You do the math one what happens next. Symptoms can be digestive dysfunction, pain, and lost range of motion. This tight fascia causes frictions and irritates the nerves and creates more tightness in the muscles. This is how most cases of HF/CPPS become chronic, by the time you develop CPPS, your fascial issues have probably already started.
So how do you get rid of this buildup of fascia? Well, you don’t get rid of your fascia, you’re just unwinding it and untightening it. Here is an analogy: A muscle knot / tightness / trigger point / etc. forms like a screw being driven into a piece of wood. The twisting motion drives the screw down, twisting all the wood (tissue) around and locking it in tight and compacting it, twisting your tissue and muscles and changing your posture and body.
So how would you get this screw out? You wouldn't press on it (like a massage). You wouldn't strengthen the wood. You would use force and pressure to to slowly remove the screw which would unlock the area that was screwed tight. But you still need to keep the wood (surrounding muscles) strong so you have the strength to pull out this screw.
Analogies aside, the only way to unwind fascia is with gradual, repeated force. Contracting the muscles and bringing back the range of motion, as well as lengthening and slowly unwinding the fascia. The best way to do this is with Eccentric muscle contraction, as was gone over earlier in the post. You need to target your problem areas (where you feel pain, tightness, or symptoms) and find resistance stretches or eccentric contractions to hold to release the fascia over time.
Fascia requires approx. 1,800 lbs. of force to change instantly, the only way to make fascial change is through repeated light force over time. This is the reason myofascial release therapy does not work.
I cant really list common fascial problems as they are extremely case by case. All I can recommend in this section is googling your problem areas and then searching YouTube for eccentric contractions or resistance stretches to do for your problem areas.
While controversial, the program known as DCT (Dynamic Contraction Technique) is very good for releasing fascia and treating CPPS. I will not endorse them, I am just simply letting you know of their existence in case you would like to research them more. A lot of their stuff is available for free on YouTube.

Part Three - Building your own routine

Your routine shouldn't be too hard to make. First set a schedule. Like this:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays - [Some exercises]
Wednesdays, Thursdays - [Some other exercises]
Sunday - [Day off]
Feel free to change up the days however you want, but try to get at least 30 minutes of these types exercise into all days except your rest day. Normally you would fill those slots with strengthening, stretching, and resistance stretching. Maybe Monday Tuesday and Friday will be for strength while the other days are for stretching and breaking down fascia. Feel free to throw together the exercises included in the post + some more you find on google and use them in your routine!
Its also very important to add a functional, low impact exercise. Swimming is great for passively breaking down some fascia and building strength, and walking is great for re-learning and using our walking mechanics more often. Try to get at least 30 minutes of this type exercises 5 days a weak.
Here was my routine while I was fighting HF, I'll use it as an example. You don't need to total as much time as me, but the more time you put in, the quicker results you will get:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 30 extra min glute activated walking and 1hr swimming, pull-ups, pushups, normal plank, Leg strengthening hold
Tuesday, Thursday - 1 hour boxing, glute bridges and 8 point plank, hip adductions and leg lifts weighted) some hamstring resistance stretches and exercises, ab roller, single leg glute bridge, some arch exercises deep squats, lunges, 1 hour glute activated walking, and APT Routine (Core activation exercises, hip flexor resistance stretch, quad stretches and wide squat + deep lunge hold and rotation)
Saturday, Sunday - Glute activated walking

When I refer to glute activated walking, I refer to the correct type of walking that uses the glutes to push off instead of lifting the leg with the hip flexors. Video tutorial:

I hope this was able to give you guys a good grip of your condition, and where to start. Thanks for reading, and good luck with your recovery!

- Benjamin Calvit
submitted by btcalvit to Hard_Flaccid [link] [comments]

2021 LCS Power Rankings Bottom Five (10-6)

Finally time to get into the LCS.
North American League is in a good spot. Young players have a lot more agency in the professional scene and the top talent is getting fans' international hopes high again. Hopefully the Academy Scene gets better development throughout the year and NA can find it's footing in the major region scene.
This list will be in two parts to fit everything.
That' being said, Let's get to it!

10 - Dignitas (10th in Ceiling, 10th in Floor)

Top: FakeGod - 9th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Dardoch - 8th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Soligo - 10th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Neo - 10th ranked ADC
Support: Aphromoo - 6th ranked Support

Dignitas comes in the lowest ranked team of the split, mostly due to the limitations of their roster's youth and their performances in Academy. Dignitas came into the split being one of the last teams to make roster decisions and their players have a lot to prove coming onto the main stage.
First up is FakeGod. Known as one of the better solo laners in all of Academy, FakeGod's promotion to a starting roster is well deserved. FakeGod's bread and butter is bullying lane with his brusier top laners, specifically Renekton and Aatrox. His kill participation numbers are fairly low. However, his most successful games came from pushing lane and forcing teams to deal with his early game leads. It will be interesting to see how that translates to the LCS, with very strong laners in the top side of the map. If he can keep up what helped him succeed in Academy will be key.
At jungle, Dardoch is one of the few returning players for Dignitas. This is the first time in his career Dardoch has stayed on the team he played for in Summer Split into the new year. Dardoch may not be high on the rankings, but his Summer Split should not be considered an awful performance. His deep champion pool gave DIG a lot of flexibility and his aggressive jungle style, especially in a meta embracing invading jungle, helped his team find leads through his early game advantages in the jungle. Dardoch used nine unique picks in the jungle in Summer Split, including strong Graves and Olaf play. He does have some outstanding issues. One is if he can be proactive more to his laners, as he had one of the weakest KP% of any jungler in Summer. Dignitas will need him to be full on form, especially with the possible lane struggles.
In the mid lane, Dignitas brings in Soligo. This is where the questions come full circle with Dig. Soligo had a lot of struggles in Academy last year. His laning (outside of his Ori, Syndra and Azir) is not as strong as the other Academy mid laners entering the league and while his team fighting was strong, he has yet to show it in Academy games against former NA starting mid laners. His growth and development will be a big test this upcoming split.
The ADC role will be filled with another promoted Academy prospect in Neo. There is a lot of questions on what Neo can bring to the LCS stage. The worry comes if the meta relies on hyper carries. Neo's performances focus more on utility marksman like Ezreal and Ashe, though he is capable on Kalista as well. While he has the capabilities to perform well in the right situations, it could be a concern with the overall plan for Dignitas going into Spring.
Aphromoo returns in the support role. Aphro was the only real standout on Dignitas last year, yet again showing why he's one of the storied supports in the league. Once the meta opened backed up to roaming, playmaking supports, Aphro got back on track. His Thresh, Bard and even Blitz showed off his best performances. He can move around the map and set up his team for success, especially with his vision. While his supporting of his ADC is also strong, he did get caught out of position a few times trying to force plays, which could happen again this year.
Dignitas will be a team in search for answers a lot in 2021. They will likely rely on their veterans for playmaking, with their carries needing to follow up. If Dardoch and Aphromoo can set up the rest of the team for success often, they can find wins. However, other teams will have a lot of ways to find avenues to get ahead of Dig, if their new players struggle in their respective roles once the pressure of pro play begin.

9 - Immortals (9th in Ceiling, 9th in Floor)

Top: Revenge - 10th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Xerxe - 7th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Insanity - 9th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Raes - 7th ranked ADC
Support: Destiny - 9th ranked Support

Immortals are a team looking to find a defined identity, after a season of constant roster changes and veteran talent not meshing with their young future. Their roster heavily takes from other regions, mainly the Oceanic region that shut down after the 2020 season.
The new top laner for Immortals might be the most surprising LCS player of the entire region in Revenge. An academy top laner on FlyQuest, Revenge was a part of a team that did not even qualify for playoffs. Revenge also did not perform well laning in Academy. FlyQuest Academy put him on a lot of bruisers and carry-potential level top laners. For a Solo-Queue stand-out, he did not stand out on many of those picks in Academy. He has some champ pool flexibility and his team fighting is decent, but his season did not have a stand out worthy statement game. He'll have to learn fast on Immortals, because he'll have a massive target on his head from opposing teams.
Immortals decided to sign two former Origen members of last year, one in the jungle in Xerxe. Many forget that Xerxe was a big part of the Splyce team that made it past Groups Stage at 2019 Worlds. He's a very adaptable jungler, who has a strong champ pool and innovation in his wheel house. However, his 2020 was nothing short of disappointing, especially in Summer. He struggled mightily to impact games on the clearing heavy meta and could not find the same impact on his usual comfort picks in Sejuani, Volibear and Trundle. He REALLY struggled on Sett, which was his most played pick of Summer. He needs a rebound and could get it on this team, where his direction will be given lot of power, which may have been lacking on the mess that was Origen. However, he needs to properly adjust to the meta for that to happen.
The only returning member for Immortals will be Insanity. After spending Spring in Academy, Insanity was promoted to the main roster and played 14 games. While his team fight positioning was a good showing, his laning became a weak point and found himself bullied and behind most games. With his main picks of Zoe and Azir, that lane deficit would make it hard for him to keep up item wise in games, even with good team fighting skills. With a lot of teams deciding on new, young mid laners, it maybe Insanity's time to show what he can really do. If he can't, he might have serious problems making an impact yet again.
Immortals new bot lane embraces the Oceanic region, first off with Raes. Of all the Oceanic ADC's, Raes stood out of the most. With an incredibly deep champion pool, including a lot of hyper carry marksmen, Raes is a very intriguing prospect for Immortals. In Worlds Play-In's, Legacy Esports did a great job at drafting around a team in order to have Raes succeed. It gave him agency to take wild picks like Tristana, Draven and Twitch. Raes still has room to grow in awareness on ganks at the international level. However, he's a good laner with a lot of mechanical skill in team fights, with a team that could very well use Legacy's model at the NA level, to help him succeed.
One big key to that mission is the other Origen player signed in the support role, Destiny. It was a difficult year to say the least for Destiny, who was benched nine games into Origen's Summer season. Destiny struggled mightily to find any impact in Summer of LEC. However, he did decent in Spring on Nautilus, Rakan and Leona, champions with clear ways in starting a fight. If he can improve his laning and positioning when warding, along with getting easy engage champs next to a great damage dealer in Raes, Immortals can find win conditions through their bot lane. But Destiny will have to show he can recover from a tough 2020 season.
Immortals will be a team with very clear win conditions set. Their solo lanes will likely be used to set up their bot lane and let Raes carry them to victory, with Xerxe being the adaptable key to the team's engine. However, it could be easy for opposing teams to draft for them and Immortals still needs good solo lane performances, in order for their strategy to work. They could be around 7th or 8th if it works out, but for now it's safe to bet on teams with more flexibility in a very likely changing meta. Not to mention they'll be behind on chemistry on the main stage. With Visa issues all around, Immortals decided on their Academy team playing in Lock In, so we won't get to see this team in fruition until February.

8 - Golden Guardians (8th in Ceiling, 8th in Floor)

Top: Niles - 8th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Iconic - 10th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Ablazeolive - 8th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Stixxay - 8th ranked ADC
Support: Newbie - 8th ranked Support

With the entire roster of 2020 (most of which left to the same team) gone from last year, Golden Guardians will be one of two LCS teams completely starting anew. This is a roster that has completely embraced the young potential youth, that could blossom into the future of LCS stardom. However, the growing pains could come real for GG.
Top lane brings the biggest hype for GG, as Niles comes in to the fold. Niles took over NA Scouting Grounds and has been the big name from Maryville University. For most of 2020, Niles stuck to the quad group of Camille, Ornn, Gangplank and Sett. He even brought out Quinn and Akali in Scouting Grounds. While his 2020 was a fantastic look, he is a collegiate player coming to the LCS stage. Still, he's got a ton of talent and could be a sleeper star, if he can power through and learn from the early career jitters and mistakes that are likely to appear.
While many have confidence in Niles' transition to LCS, a lot are very nervous about the signing of Maryville jungler Iconic. Another player who did well in Scouting Grounds, Iconic paired with Niles for a good portion of the year on Maryville. However, while Niles stood out in his role above the others, Iconic is not the same. He had good performances at scouting grounds on his Nidalee and Hecarmin. However, his Graves struggled and other junglers like Nxi and Tomio had consistent success in the tournament. How he translates to the NA scene and how aggressive his jungle will be attacked will be a key for this young GG team.
Another young player finally promoted to LCS is the mid laner Ablazeolive. One of the first big names in Academy starting in 2018, Ablazeolive will finally get his chance. Known for his control mage prowess, his performances really showed winning in lane. His leads earned from that turned into team fighting strength, enhanced by his positioning and damage output. If he can improve a little bit all around, specifically in his willingness to roam more often, he could be one of the stronger academy mid laners coming into the LCS.
The ADC role will be piloted by veteran Stixxay. Currently in his sixth season, this will be the first on a team not named Counter Logic Gaming. 2020 was a very difficult year for Stixxay, who may be falling out of the realm of ADC's in NA. He's not a bad player by any means. The champions he played well in past years, such as Ezreal, Sivir and Varus, fell out of meta. Stixxay never truly recovered. It will be a question if he can figure out a way back, with the meta still heavy on hyper carry ADC's.
Next to him will be standout Latin American support in Newbie. In what may be a surprise, Newbie is actually the oldest member on the team (by a few months over Stixxay). The 23-year old support played incredible last year on All Knights, finishing Summer Split as the MVP of the LLA. He comes into the league with a very deep champion pool and very consistent play. He likes to roam with his jungler, so it may help Iconic as well. He's extremely proactive too, as his Braum, Bard and Tahm Kench look to enable his ADC and make plays to get his team going. The only real question is how he'll stack up versus NA's support pool, which is surprisingly deep.
Finding out how this team will look to win games will take some time. They are very green and will likely feel out their playstyle first, before feeling confident in how as a team they want to win. Golden Guardians is definitely the team with the most "well see how they stack up" feeling. It's tough to tell with a lot of this roster how they'll handle the LCS stage. Still, there's a lot for GG fans to look forward to down the line and even in this season, with tempered expectations.

7 - Counter Logic Gaming (7th in Ceiling, 6th in Floor)

Top: Finn - 7th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Broxah - 8th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Pobelter - 4th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Wildturtle - 4th ranked Mid Lane
Support: Smoothie - 10th ranked Support

While many teams in the LCS are buying into the development model of young players, Counter Logic Gaming went the complete opposite way and built a roster mainly with veterans of the league. It's a risky decision, especially taking chances on players with very apparent struggles this past split.
In the top lane from the LEC is Finn, formerly Rogue's top laner. Worlds made Finn look a lot worse than the Summer season really showed. Finn is known for his carry pool in the top lane. His best performances were on Gangplank, Renekton and Aatrox. While he can play the tanks, his weak side play left a lot to be desired. However, CLG believes in his mechanical skills, which were quite good for Rogue to make Worlds. He could play quite well into their strategy, if CLG set more resources into him than Rogue did last year.
One of the players that will be required to do that is Broxah. One thing first: Broxah, like Dardoch, is not bad. However, they both have clear shortcomings. The biggest weaknesses to Broxah echoed by many is his champion pool lacking depth and his inability to get much done on the map, similar to the problems for Dardoch. For most of Summer he really struggled to get a lot of impact in the games, even though Team Liquid's solo lane prowess would win their lanes anyway. However, once the meta moved to Graves, Lillia and Lee Sin, Broxah started to play for himself aggressively and having good team fight impact later on. However, this isn't Team Liquid. He will need to be proactive for his team, if CLG wants to succeed.
In the mid lane might be one of the more underrated players in LCS in Pobelter. In a very fresh mid lane pool, Pobelter stands ahead of the non-top three mid laners, due to his reliability in lane and in team fights. While the rest of CLG had a difficult split, Pobelter was the strong point of the team. His strong lane numbers gave him the ability to get ahead and using his team fighting on mages like Twisted Fate, Orianna and Azir, he gave CLG a chance in a lot of games throughout the split, even with a weak overall team. With a lot of savy veterans on CLG, Pobelter should be given a lot more freedom to impact games in other ways, even letting him on some more aggressive picks in his deep pool. However, this team still will need a lot from him in order to sustain their leads and finish off games.
The team's ADC will be Wildturtle. 4th in ADC rankings may seem high for him. However, looking at how he embraced his role on FlyQuest last year, it's easy to see why he's there. After being benched for the beginning of Summer Split, Turtle came back with vengeance. Wildturtle played next to Ignar, the support out of his lane more than any other support. It left Wildturtle playing most of his games on an island bot lane. Still, he accumulated the highest KP% and KDA of any ADC in the league. It will be a test in this current AD Carry pool, as his strengths lean towards picks like Ashe, Senna and Xayah, which fall a bit out of the meta outside Xayah.
Unlike playing with Ignar, the support playing next to Turtle will be Smoothie. The lowest rated support had a very difficult split last year. Smoothie's key champion was Nautilus, as he performed decent on the pick. However, CLG asked him to focus on mages and empowering picks either with healing or aggression like Yuumi, Bard, Rakan and Morgana. It did not have a strong impact, as his death count stayed high and his overall impact on the game felt too low for CLG's struggles. This year will be a big test to bounce back, which having an aggressive ADC in Wildturtle may help his confidence in lane.
Counter Logic Gaming will be testing the new feeling of the league, with plenty of their players either not North Americans or more on the veteran side than on the young side. It may take extra time to jell, with Broxah and Finn missing the Lock In, due to visa issues. When the team is all there, their win conditions will likely rely on strong team fighting around objectives, needing strong laning and equally strong positioning from Broxah and Smoothie around dragons/barons. While they have experience, a lot of their players faced criticisms for their play last year. It will be a test, but if CLG is not taken seriously, they have the experience and composure to come out and win on the LCS stage.

6 - Evil Geniuses (5th in Ceiling, 7th in Floor)

Top: Impact - 4th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Svenskeren - 5th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Jiizuke - 5th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Deftly - 9th ranked ADC
Support: Ignar - 4th ranked Support

If there is a team that could really go about 100 different ways this year, it would be Evil Geniuses. Their roster has a lot of mechanical talent and veteran play, like CLG. However, these players are pretty highly rated above CLG's in a lot of roles and play style. This is a roster many are really high on, coming into the season. However, the overall roster is a risky one in a lot of ways.
The one place this roster really does not take a risk is top lane, bringing in one of the most reliable top laners in Impact. Ths one man crew can do whatever his team needs from him. Impact was put on a LOT of tank and team fight crowd control options last year, especially Ornn, Mordekaiser and Shen. His stats are fine in lane, mostly being counter picked by opposing teams. He will likely be in a similar role on this squad, unless EG feels there are games where he can carry, where he showed a lot of success in 2019. He takes a lot of pressure and still makes an impact, which will be important for EG's success.
The jungle role will be occupied by Svenskeren yet again. Sven had a really rough year, however he's still higher ranked than most of the LCS junglers, due to his strong skills around objective based tanks, something EG will likely embrace. Even in a heavy jungle clear meta, Sven still found success with his Trundle and Volibear games. He also showed a pretty good Kindred, but as far as carry junglers, it's the only one that stood out. The big key is his smite steals and ability to dictate fights around dragons and barons. If he can do that on this team, he should recover statistically, though he will need help from his team against more aggressive junglers.
Sven will yet again be paired with Jiizuke in the mid lane, the former standout of Europe. Jiizuke is still an unbelievably gifted talent, capable of taking a hyper carry mid-laner and taking over the game. However, the meta of Summer Split did not mesh with him. While his laning success put him near the top of the league statistically, his team fighting fell flat, with him near the bottom of KP%. His pool of assassins and scaling playmakers never found their rhythm. Still, this team is an entire roster with a mountain of tools to set up Jiizuke for success. Still, the meta is heavy on control mages and his play needs to adjust for EG to succeed.
The most controversial player on the team is Deftly, the new ADC. After the deal to get Lost from TSM fell through, EG decided to go with Deftly. While on the EG Academy team last year, Deftly performed well enough to help his team win some games. However, he lacked stand out performances in team fights and struggled against other top tier ADC's in the Academy scene. Factor in that he will likely be laning alone and without a lot of aid. It's easy to see why he could be set up for disaster, if he does not amp up his play. However, he did have good laning stats and could be a surprise, if he can adjust to the meta well.
The support next to Deftly will be Ignar, hence the "laning alone" talk for Deftly. As many know, Ignar loves putting time away from lane, impacting other lanes and especially aiding his jungler. Ignar will likely do that again, taking a champ pool full of Rakan, Blitzcrank, Thresh and Pantheon. He does help this team a lot in shot calling, as that was his key role on FlyQuest. Ignar's fit on this team seems to mesh really well with Jiizuke. Both are very aggressive players that like making the opponent feel uncomfortable. For Ignar to have the same success he had on Fly, his fit with Jiizuke needs to be perfect.
Evil Geniuses really feel like a team with a central goal: Enable Jiizuke and follow him to victory. This was a good strategy for Team Vitality, who made Worlds and made a lot of noise, with Jiizuke's laning ability and the team's willingness to follow him to the ends of the earth. If EG can do that properly, they could find a lot of success. But that idea becomes very linear and if that doesn't work, this team could have struggles finding ways to close out and win games.

Link to LCS Teams 5-1:
submitted by DrKovu to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Neat walkable SPD clear shims.

Hey all, Like many, I have transitioned back to mtb SPDs for gravel riding and bike packing. Problem is, these rides are as long as normal road rides so bike fit is important.
So Ive been looking into how to compensate for leg length differences with SPDs. Simply shimming the clear means you’ll end up walking on it which is probably not great for traction.
I found these link shims.
They work really well. One thing to watch out for is that the aren’t that grippy when on the road. I can imagine your foot could slide out if it’s wet and you pull to a stop. Although, I’ve just trained myself to use my other leg when at the lights.
It would be nice if there were more stack height options that are walkable. 3.5mm might be a bit much for what I need. Also an angled base plate would be cool for the correcting foot varus. I’ve still to find a wedge solution suitable for SPDs.
Anyway, cool bit of kit that might be useful to some of you.
submitted by beanlordbastard to bikefit [link] [comments]

League ults but literally (complete edition)

Aatrox decides to assume his true form
Ahri dashes forward, then forward, then backward again, LOL you thought you'd hit that, get 'outplayed'
Akali headbutts you so hard it deals magic damage
Alistar becomes nearly invulnerable for a few seconds, then decides not to
Amumu suddenly stuns and imprisons everyone around him, then lets them go as he cries helplessly
Anivia creates a hailstorm to freeze her enemies inside it to death, then decides not to
Annie summons a huge flaming teddy bear she had it with her all along
Ashe fires an arrow literally bigger than herself
Aphelios: See article 17-D of section five (credit: robertdowneysoft)
Aurelion Sol pukes and it looks kinda pretty
Azir decides to pull more sand soldiers out of his ass
Bard stuns his teammates so their enemies can escape in peace
Blitzcrank puts a fork into one of his sockets
Brand hurls a ball of ricocheting flame into his enemies that defies all laws of physics
Braum somersaults into the ground for astonishing results
Caitlyn tries to recreate an interesting turn of events in U.S politics
Camille traps the enemy into an inescapable pit
Cassiopeia is my mom when she finds out i dropped her fine china
Cho'Gath eats
Corki gets the very bright idea to shoot bigger rounds, then keeps shooting bigger rounds. Good thinking Corki.
Darius realizes nobody can resist a two-handed axe blow into their face
Diana pulls everyone closer to show them the moon's phase. No one is impressed.
Dr. Mundo refuses to die
Draven puts the beyblade anime to shame
Ekko hits Ctrl+Z
Elise transforms into my ex
Ezreal misses
Fiddlesticks shows us why a group of crows is called a 'murder'
Galio meddles into other people's business
Fizz throws a homing shark-pedo which deals huge damage and tilts his victim
Gankplank shoots the sky. The sky shoots back.
Garen deals true damage to the enemy champion based on how injuried they are because he is the embodiment of honor itself
Gnar pushes the enemy against the wall
Gragas wastes a huge barrel of booze
Graves shoots a physically impossible shell out of his shotgun
Hecarim and his ghost buddies move really fast for a second
Heimerdinger consumes a pack of Mentats [+2 INT, +2 PER]
Irelia drops her razors
Ivern summons his butch gf to fuck shit up
Janna blows everyone away
Jarvan IV releases the second worst WoW expansion
Jax is tougher (for a few seconds)
Jayce changes how he holds his weapon
Jhin puts his rifle together only to fire four shots before re-dissassembling it
Jinx somehow fires a giant rocket that she had with herself until now, then never does it again
Kai'sa demands to speak with your manager
Kalista decides to beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker
Karma decides to cast a more powerful spell than usual
Karthus expresses his skill
Kassadin literally rips apart the fabric of space-time through extremely dangerous and outlawed eldritch magic only to move himself five feet away
Katarina decides to actually focus for once to incredible results
Kayle has the power to make an ally invulnerable, but she only does it for a few seconds every time
Kha'Zix doesn't actually go invisible. He just makes everyone else blink for a full second. Simultaneously
Kayn sexually assaults the enemy champion
Kennen baffles meteorologists worldwide
Kindred, the literal embodiment of death, doesn't let anyone die for a few seconds
Kled snorts some coke, mounts a lizard and charges into the enemy team
Kog'Maw pukes. Further.
LeBlanc casts one of her spells, but like, in a different color, man.
Lee Sin kicks you further into your own team
Leona calls down a radiant sunlight which stuns her enemies caught inside it
Lissandra traps herself in ice as her enemies walk away
Lucian discovers he can fire his pistols faster than usual, then stops because his fingers are probably very delicate
Lulu enlarges a teammate so they can stay alive longer (Disclaimer: If your Wild Growth lasts more than four hours, please consult a doctor.)
Lux fires a huge beam of light to try and hit someone few feet away, misses, and dies
Malphite knocks you up
Malzahar stares at you so hard you freeze
Maokai demonstrates the importance of good fertilizer
Master Yi remembers he left the stove open
Miss Fortune somehow shoots a wawe of bullets from two flintlocks
Mordekaiser is not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with HIM (as he misses 3 Q's, an E, and still 100-0's you from passive+conq)
Morgana pulls everyone down
Nami sends a huge crashing wawe so everyone can surf on it and have fun, but no other champion knows how to surf in league and that makes her sad
Nasus grows larger to the point that literal insects crawl all over him. And mom calls me lazy
Nautilus discovers what he can do if he slams his anchor to the ground, then just keeps slapping people with it
Neeko deals more damage than she should
Nidalee becomes one with her inner pussy
Nocturne actually has to time his dashes with solar eclipses. It's his biggest secret.
Nunu stands in the middle of a bush waiting for the perfect opportunity, but it never comes
Olaf gets angrier than usual
Orianna forces a group hug
Ornn summons a ram then rams that ram and that ram rams the enemy
Pantheon launches himself into air and crash lands into where the enemy team used to be five seconds ago
Poppy swings her hammer and hits the ground, creating a shockwave that sends her enemies off flying with a sliver of hp
Pyke shortsightedly inflates the rift's sole currency
Qiyana kills you and your team for daring to step foot in the jungle
Quinn uses her bird as a mount, but the idea of shooting from the back of her bird never occurs to her
Rakan demonstrates the irresistible musk and arome of Axe body spray
Rammus gently shakes the enemy champions
Rek'Sai jumps an idiot
Renekton kills you for believing you could duel him at 6
Rengar decides that your carry has lived long enough
Riven pulls her sword together for a few seconds only for it to break again
Rumble napalms a mountainous forest-region and suffers no repercussions
Ryze opens a portal which his teammates run away from
Sejuani drops her fine china. Everyone is stunned out of pure fear. La Chancla is no joke
Senna prepares for trouble
Shaco makes it double
Shen saves an ally from mortal danger
Shyvana transfroms into a dragon pup. (seriously she's way smaller than the rift drakes)
Singed downs a flask for courage before asking that girl out, but he can't handle the booze and now is just running around
Sion ridicules his enemy's courage as he runs away as fast as he can
Sivir makes everyone run faster
Skarner is more of a crab/beetle, but he does his best Scorpion impression
Sona forces a group dance. Cringe ensues
Soraka teaches a thing or two to the U.S. Healthcare system
Swain transforms into a giant crow-man, which saps health from his enemies
Sylas transforms into a giant crow-man, which saps health from his enemies. He was laning against Swain
Syndra hits you with her balls
Tahm Kench swallows, then teleports away
Taliyah fullfills the current US President's campaign promise
Talon drops his mall ninja collection.
Taric turns on invuln hack
Teemo lays down a minefield
Thresh orders Chinese takeout
Tristana shoots a cannonball that knocks an enemy away
Trundle steals your stats
Tryndamere outskills the enemy toplaner (and their turret)
Twisted Fate appears out of nowhere. But what's that blue rectangle over his head?
Twitch somehow shoots ballista bolts from a handheld crossbow
Udyr lol
Urgot just wanted to hug you. It's not his fault that there are sawblades attached to his stomach, okay?
Varus shoots constricting tentacles :)
Vayne vanishes for a second only to immediately appear inside the enemy team
Veigar deletes the enemy for walking into his ult range
Vel'Koz fires his lazor
Vi punches you up, then down
Viktor kills the enemy Doublelift lmao never forget
Vladimir infects the enemy team with a blood disease
Volibear is way overdue on his power bill
Warwick lunges forward and beats the first champion he comes across
Wukong knocks the enemy up for a second... then it's literally a shittier Garen E
Xayah jumps up and drops a bunch of feathers. She could really use conditioner
Xerath fires three to five shots, and misses about four each time
Xin Zhao has heard enough of your shit
Yasuo appears behind an airbone target, takes two turret shots to deal 150 damage, then gets cc'd and is now one death closer to his 0/10 powerspike
Yorick summons his mom to come pick him up. He's scared
Yuumi shoots seven rays of cc, which is wholly uninterruptable
Zac expresses his superior dance moves. The other champions are impressed
Zed disappears for a split-second only to overkill your carry by +1000 damage
Ziggs is somehow not court marshalled
Zilean can't be killean
Zoe is over there. Briefly
submitted by epserdar to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Kestrel's Champion Height and Weight List, 11/2019 Edition

It's been a while, but by request... here's an update! Now with METRIC CONVERSIONS!!!! Thanks to Cella and Fabian (LordRedstone) for help finishing the conversions when I got burnt out after a couple hours.
Obvious disclaimer that these are big whopping guesses unless it's stated that they are confirmed somewhere.
Updated since I posted:

Champion Height and Weight List

Aatrox - According to Hyper10sion he's 22'3 / 6.78m - at least while in World Ender. This matches up with concept art. Weight guess would be in the range of two tons/1800kg, but this is a big ?.
Ahri 5'5 / 167.6cm (+ 5”/13cm of ears), 145 lbs / 66kg - Tail weight debatable but it's included in the weight measurement. Height is from her K/DA bio; she’s actually just under 5’6.
Akali 5'3 / 160cm OR 5'4 / 163cm, 110 lbs / 50kg - Height is from her K/DA bio. The measurements conflict.
Alistar 10'5 / 3.175m (+ 18”/45cm horns), 1500 lbs / 680kg - "Bulls can weigh in at anywhere from 1700-2000 lbs (770-900kg) so putting Alistar in the 1500lbs/680kg range feels like underestimating. But, since he stands on two beefy (heh) legs and is agile enough to do what he does, I'd imagine he's not quite as heavy as a normal bull. He is still enormous though; in promo art he's clearly the size of 3 other champions from shoulder to shoulder." -Lubu
Amumu 3'7 / 109cm, 35 lbs / 16kg - Ordinary human child size, dropped by 15 pounds/6.8kg due to mummification. Shorter if he's a yordle, which he probably is, so I might drop this measurement by 6 to 12 inches (15-30cm) pending confirmation.
Anivia - Her wingspan is about 450 feet/137.16 meters. That should tell you everything. She's ginormous.
Annie 4'2 / 127cm, 58 lbs / 26.3kg - Average 8yo girl height/weight
Aphelios 6'0 / 183cm, 130 lbs / 59kg - Skinny, gangly, supernaturally-powered... teenager? Probably a teenager.
Ashe 5'9 / 175cm, 145 lbs / 66kg - From Lubu: "I used Liv Tyler as a basis for Ashe's body type as a fit archer.”
Aurelion Sol - Hundreds of light years. Spaaaaaaaace.
Azir 8'5 / 2.56m, 400 lbs / 181kg - Total guesstimate. He is noticeably taller than his sand soldiers, who are presumably normal-people-size.
Bard - is infinite. Well, his earthly manifestation is probably slightly larger and much fatter than the average human. But he's infinite.
Blitzcrank 9' / 2.74m, 950 lbs / 431kg - Using Boom Boom Blitz's art as a basis: ring ropes are usually around 4'4 tall. Obviously he's a lot bigger than that, so Lubu doubled that measurement and added a little bit for his head. Depending on the alloy and his internal workings, his weight could actually be way higher. Or lower. Hextech stuff may not weigh very much.
Brand 5'10 / 178cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - based on average Viking height and weight, since he was originally a marauder.
Braum 7'5 / 2.26m, 610 lbs / 276.7kg - His height was released by a Rioter at some point. Weight was based on Andre the Giant and then modified for Braum's proportions.
Caitlyn 5'7 / 170cm (+ ~6” / 15cm of hat, + boots), 125 lbs / 56.7kg - Caitlyn's a sheriff, which means she has to be fit enough to throw a person to the ground. She seems taller than this but that's probably due to her boots and hat.
Camille 6'10 / 2.08m ??? - Tall and thicc (she towers over her soldiers and Baron Volkage), but the weight of hextech is not quite clear. And she's… largely hextech at this point.
Cassiopeia 13' / 3.96m long, 380 lbs / 172.3kg - Lubu tacked on half a woman to half an anaconda, then fudged the numbers until they looked reasonable.
Cho'Gath 72' / 22m at zero stacks, and add about 12 feet / 3.65m for each stack - Weight is ????, probably running into the thousands of tons (that's a lot of fucking kilograms). Cho has to be large enough to eat another champion. Even zero-stack Cho.
Corki 2'10 / 86.3cm, 40 lbs / 18.1kg - READY TO FLY!!
Darius 6'5 / 195.6cm, 266 lbs / 120.7kg - Thank you to Eskimo503 for the Dunkmaster Darius info! He's wearing about 100 pounds of armor. The axe was recreated IRL and weighed over 100 pounds, which seems kinda ridiculous. I'm assuming it's both thinner (it's chunky due to modeling limitations in-game; a thin blade looks like crap) and made of lighter metal in actuality, though, because nobody could swing that.
Diana 5'10 / 178cm, 150 lbs / 68kg - She's thin, but strong. Height is Ironstylus-supported.
Dr. Mundo 8'8 / 2.64m, 1100 lbs / 500kg - Dr Mundo is enormous, seeming to be at least twice as tall as other champions in promo art and more than likely several times heavier. Lubu used the Incredible Hulk as a general basis for his weight, though Hulk's weight has changed drastically through the years.
Draven 6'1 / 185.4cm (+ 2-3”/5-7.6cm of hair), 220 lbs / 100kg - Clearly similar to his brother but leaner and notably shorter. Still a hunk. Do not mess with him.
Ekko 5'9 / 175.3cm (+ 4”/10cm mohawk), 130 lbs / 59kg - Ezreal proportions, but scrappier. He might be shorter than this.
Elise 6'1 / 185.4cm, 200 lbs/90.7kg in human form (massive extra legs add quite a bit), 4'/122cm tall, 8'/2.44m long, 570 lbs/258.5kg in spider form - Lyrith sorted out her spider weight.
Evelynn 5'4 / 164cm, 125 lbs / 56.7kg - This height is corroborated by the K/DA website but remember that Eve also shapeshifts into whatever her target desires most, so this of course may vary a LOT.
Ezreal 5'8 / 172.7cm, 115 lbs / 52.16kg - He's a twink. Measurements based off my little brother, then added a little weight cause people were scared. Everyone's different - some people with these proportions wind up in the hospital, others (like my bro) are happy, healthy, and will probably gain some weight later.
Fiddlesticks 6'0 / 183cm, ~25 lbs / 11.3kg - He's about four crows tall, and crows are ~18-24 inches/46-61cm long. And uh, he's a scarecrow?
Fiora 5'11 / 180.3cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - Height from Ironstylus, weight based off a female rower of that height. Fiora might be a little lighter than this, as a duelist who mainly relies on precision more than strength, but she could also be pretty ripped.
Fizz 3' / 91.4cm, 35 lbs / 15.9kg - Lubu looked up Stitch's height and weight (from Lilo and Stitch), and applied that to Fizz. It's in line with other yordles' sizes, and Fizz also does not have fur which takes some weight off.
Galio 160' / 48.8m, 4100 tons / a few million kg - 104' / 31.7m without wings. He's freakin' HUUUGE! Thanks Hyper10sion.
Gangplank 6'0 / 183cm, 250 lbs / 113.4kg - Bankplank. Might be a bit shorter; he's getting on in years.
Garen 6'5 / 195.6cm, 220lbs / 100kg - Armor adds potentially an extra 100+ lbs/45+ kg. His sword is exaggerated in-game and is shown as being smaller and thinner in the comic; it'd end up weighing 10-15 lbs/4.5-6.8kg if we go off the large end of real two-handers.
Gnar 2'5 / 73.7cm, 25 lbs / 11.3kg (mini Gnar); 28' / 8.53m, 3 tons / 2720kg (mega Gnar) - Mini Gnar is slightly smaller than your average yordle. Mega Gnar is a tough gamble, but if he's based off of Rampage and the helicopter in Dino Gnar's recall animation is just scaled for the map, then that size makes sense.
Gragas 7'2 / 2.18m, 735 lbs / 333.4kg - He's an enormous man from the hills where everyone is enormous AF.
Graves 5'9 / 175cm, 175 lbs / 79.4kg - Graves is a bit older. Dad bod.
Hecarim 9'/2.74m tall, 10'/3m long, N/A - Adjusted to the size of a warhorse + half a big human, and also to match his size in the Shadow Isles cinematic.
Heimerdinger 3'2 / 96.5cm (+ at least 5”/12.7cm of afro), 30 lbs / 13.6kg - Afro power. Much taller than Ziggs.
Illaoi 6'5 / 195.6cm, 275 lbs / 124.7kg - Huge badass wrestler lady. Based off shot putter Valerie Adams.
Irelia 5'8 / 172.7cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg - Based on Awaken cinematic, she is around the same height as Karma.
Ivern 10'0 / 3m, 400 lbs / 181.4kg - Tree man, tree man, does whatever a tree can. Based off his promo art, he's pretty huge but not quite tree-size.
Janna - She's a spirit, no concrete size or weight.
Jarvan IV 6'3 / 190.5cm, 190 lbs / 86.2kg - As shown in Lux's comic, Jarvan is actually a little shorter than Garen, and less of a beefcake.
Jax 6'2 / 188cm, 260 lbs / 118kg - Saijax is a beefy dude. You do not want to be hit by him.
Jayce 6'0 / 183cm, 185 lbs / 83.9kg (including armor) - Science dad powers activate. Lubu imagined Reed Richards in armor.
Jhin 6'4 / 193cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - Jhin's kind of a string bean. His arm is not mechanical, only plated to avoid recoil (splash artist took liberties), so it doesn't add a lot of extra weight.
Jinx 5'3 / 160cm, 98 lbs / 44.5kg - Not much bigger than me, tbh.
Kai'Sa 5'6 / 167.6cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg - Height is from K/DA site; she's just under 5'7. Suit is pretty skin tight, but includes gauntlets and stuff, so probably makes up a good 10 lbs / 4.5kg of the weight measurement. Jetpacks float, but they're chunky - extra 15 lbs / 6.8kg each?
Kalista 5'10 / 178cm, N/A - Spirit stuff.
Karma 5'8 / 172.7cm, 135 lbs / 61.2kg - Based on the Awaken cinematic, she is about the same height as Irelia. Karma's got less muscle.
Karthus 5'3 / 160cm, 75 lbs / 34kg - bones bones bones. Short because he was malnourished in life. The height is from old Riot info and should still hold true according to a more recent support ticket.
Kassadin 5'9 / 175cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - Look at the chest on him, dude is ripped. Probably not that tall, he's just floaty like Karthus.
Katarina 5'5 / 165.1cm, 115 lbs / 52.2kg - spin2win dagger style
Kayle 5'6 / 167.6cm, 8'/2.4m wingspan, 150 lbs / 68kg - Six bird wings. If a condor weighs about 25 lbs / 11.3kg with a 10'/3m wingspan, I think I can guesstimate a base Kayle weight of 120 lbs / 54.4kg and a wing weight of 30 lbs/13.6kg. That's 10 lbs/4.5kg per pair of wings, which given that they've probably got less bone and more surface area than a condor's, seems reasonable.
Kayn 6'0 / 182.9cm, 145 lbs / 65.8kg - He’s notably taller than Zed in the comic, though it may just be his hair. In Lubu's words, ANIME BOOOOY WITH HIS SHIRT OFFFFFF
Kennen 2'7 / 78.7cm, 30 lbs / 13.6kg - pi-ka-CHUUUU
Kha'Zix 8' / 2.43m stretched, 6'4 / 193cm crouched, 250 lbs / 113.4kg - Dude's got an exoskeleton.
Kindred - They're death. Technically speaking they are infinite. Based on their splash - comparing them to the body of the woman beneath their feet - Lamb is ~4' / 122cm tall and Wolf's something like 6' / 183cm long, but that’s probably just the form in which they appear to humans.
Kled 3'0 / 91.4cm, 40 lbs / 18.1kg (of ass-kicking) - Skaarl is probably the size of a komodo dragon or other large monitor lizard, then.
Kog'Maw 6'8 / 2.03m at shoulder, ~8’ / 243.8cm long, 1000 lbs / 453.6kg - I've heard he's the size of a bear, rather than the size of a big dog. So I'll use polar bear measurements.
LeBlanc 5'5 / 165.1cm, 120 lbs / 54.4kg - but it could all be an illusion.
Lee Sin 5'6 / 167.6cm, 155 lbs / 68kg - Bruce Lee but with a little more bulk.
Leona 6'1 / 185.4cm, 195 lbs / 88.5kg - "Leona is tall and muscular and matronly. She's a beast and if you've never known a woman in the 6'1/185cm range, you can ask them about their weight at your own risk." -Lubu. Ironstylus corroborated this guess.
Lissandra 6'4 / 193cm, ?? - The weight is impossible to guess with this one because at what point does the person end and ice begin?
Lucian 6'0 / 183cm, 165 lbs / 74.8kg - Lubu used sprinter Michael Johnson as a model for Lucian's general build.
Lulu 2'6 / 76.2cm (+ 7”/17.8cm of hat), 35 lbs / 15.9kg - yurdles
Lux 5'10 / 177.8cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg - Garen is taller than Sylas. I estimated (and fucked up, whoops!) a seven-inch difference between Garen and Lux. Lux is tall as fuck, y'all.
Malphite - According to resident height estimator Hyper10sion, he's 340' / 103.6m from head spike to toe. His Shamrock skin bio puts him at 20 tons / ~18140kg, but considering he’s a literal fucking mountain as of recent lore, he’s probably about to grow a lot.
Malzahar 5'6 / 167.6cm, 145 lbs / 66kg - Floatiness makes it hard to distinguish his actual height or even good ideas about his body dimensions, so here's a guess.
Maokai 22' / 6.7m tall, 5.5 tons / ~5000kg - Big tree.
Master Yi 5'11 / 180.3cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - Slim guy.
Miss Fortune 5'6 / 167.6cm, 120 lbs / 54.4kg - Swiggity swooty. Teaser for GGMF says she's 5'5-5'8/165-172cm; we'll have to wait for confirmation on where in that range she actually is.
Mordekaiser 12' / 3.66m, 2-3 tons / 1800-2700kg - VGU made him even bigger. Weight hinted by the AMA - weight of twelve-foot-tall bronze statue x2-3.
Morgana 5'5 / 165.1cm, 8' wingspan, 155 lbs / 68kg - Wings and things. She has 6 now, but they only weigh about ten pounds a pair. She's a little more thicc than Kayle though, which makes her tip the scales slightly despite being shorter.
Nami 6'2 / 188cm long, stands at 5'6 / 167.6cm, 200lbs / 90.7kg - Dat fishbutt. Weight is based on the measurements of a huge sturgeon + half a human.
Nasus 9' / 2.74m, 500 lbs / 227kg normally; 15' / 4.57m, 2500 lbs / 1134kg at full power - Based off his cinematic appearance and Pool Party Renekton's bio, plus the fact that the Ascended are huge in Where Icathia Once Stood.
Nautilus 39'3 / 12m, 30 tons / 27000kg - "The Coral Congregation is in service." Thanks Hyper10sion!
Neeko 4'9 / 144.8cm, 90 lbs / 40.8kg - In her current sorta-blending-in-with-humans form, she's small, thin, and agile. She's about the same height as Zoe, and a bit thinner (roughly the same weight, but a chunk of it’s the tail).
Nidalee 5'6 / 167.6cm, 120 lbs / 54.4kg (human form); 7' / 2.13m long, 3' / 91.4cm tall, 120 lbs / 54.4kg (cougar form) - Nothing to really say here, slim athletic woman size and average cougar size. (Funny that the weights are the same!)
Nocturne - Living nightmare, N/A.
Nunu 4'4 / 132cm, 63 lbs / 28.6kg - 8yo boy with Freljord genes. Hyper10sion puts Willump at the size of a Kamchatka brown bear - 9' / 2.74m tall and probably 900 lbs / 408.2kg (bigger than bear size) if you account for him being a big fluffy yeti.
Olaf 5'11 / 180.3cm, 215 lbs / 97.5kg- Larger than average Viking stats.
Orianna 5'8 / 172.7cm, 170 lbs / 77.1kg- Could be shorter. Hextech could be really light or really heavy, we don't know.
Ornn is “as tall as three frost pines.” He could be gargantuan, as in a few hundred feet/100m tall, or frost pines could be stunted by the cold climate and he could be 15’/4.6m tall. Judging by how he appears to other champions, though (he explicitly says “don't hug me!”), he might be able to change size, so when he appears as a god like in one of his short stories, he's huge, but when he's chilling and fighting and forging stuff he's smaller, perhaps Braum-size. Hyper10sion puts him at 265' 9" / 81 meters tall, so closer to the upper end.
Pantheon 5'9 / 175cm, 205 lbs / 93kg - Height from Riot, weight estimate from Hyper10sion. A beefy and well-oiled Greek fighting machine. He's seemingly on the short side for a Rakkor, considering that Leona is a veritable giantess.
Poppy 3'2 / 96.5cm, 50 lbs / 22.7kg - In her splash she is pretty tiny compared to those soldiers. But of course she is strong, and presumably stocky under that armor, so she's heavy for a yordle.
Pyke 6'4 / 193cm, 210 lbs / 95.25kg - Canonically a "big man." Even though he's technically dead, he seems to have lost no mass.
Qiyana 5’0 / 152.4cm, 107 lbs / 48.5kg - Reav3: “she is just a really short human.” Based on GIANTS, where she’s shown next to 5’3/160cm Akali in the foreground at the end of the video, she’s about my height. Thanks, Reav3. eye roll
Quinn 5'8 / 172.7cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg - Thanks Ironstylus! Valor is the size of a golden eagle.
Rakan 5'9 / 175cm, 120 lbs / 54.4kg - Dancer muscles, but still slim. His cloak-wing might add a little weight. Weight adjusted way downward, surprised I didn't go with this earlier.
Rammus 3'0 / 91.4cm, 70 lbs / 31.8kg - OK. Based on giant armadillo.
Rek'Sai - According to Hyper10sion she's about 30 feet / 9.1m long; I can't guess weights.
Renekton 9' / 2.74m, 500 lbs / 227kg normally; 15' / 4.57m, 2500 lbs / 1134kg at full power - Based off Pool Party bio plus the fact that the Ascended are huge in Where Icathia Once Stood.
Rengar 6'8 / 2.03m, 380 lbs / 172.4kg - Wengar's a widdle baby kitty... compared to his tribe.
Rhaast 9' / 2.74m, 400 lbs / 181.4kg - Kayn gets transformed into a big boi, with potential to grow to Aatrox size eventually.
Riven 5'11 / 180.3cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - Based on Awaken, she is nearly as tall as Draven!
Rumble 2'7 / 78.7cm, 35 lbs / 15.9kg - aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa
Ryze 5'8 / 172.7cm, 165 lbs / 74.8kg - I'll be brutally honest: I started with my dad’s proportions and adjusted for Ryze’s six-pack.
Sejuani 6'0 / 183cm, 185 lbs / 83.9kg - You do not mess with Sejuani. As for Bristle, some massive boars killed by hunters apparently weigh up to half a ton and are up to 9' long, easily big enough to ride. They might be photoshopped on Earth, but they could certainly exist on Runeterra so that sounds like Bristle to me.
Senna 5'7 / 170cm, 120 lbs / 54.4kg - Lucian appears to be several inches taller than Senna, who is slim and athletic. Senna is also shown next to 5'3/165cm Akali in True Damage artwork, and has to crouch down a bit to fit her and (very short) Qiyana in the picture, supporting this height guess.
Shaco - Lore limbo
Shen 5'8 / 172.7cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - "Shen is like, the beefiest ninja ever. Why would a ninja be a tank?" -Lubu
Shyvana 5'6 / 167.6cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg (human form including armor); 18' / 5.5m long, 26' / 7.9m across, 1500 lbs (dragon form) / 680.4kg - Dragons are fuckin' huge, man. Don't mess with dragons.
Singed 6'3 / 190.5cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg - Lanky science jerk. Unhealthily thin.
Sion 9' / 2.745m, 1.5 tons / 1360kg - Metal weighs a lot and he's also thicc. Based on Awaken. Smaller pre-undeath, of course.
Sivir 5'8 / 172.7cm, 125 lbs / 56.7kg - Greek proportions? Idk.
Skarner 16' / 4.88m from claw to tail, 8' / 2.44m across, 6' / 1.83m tall, 1.25 tons / 1134kg - Truck-size? Maybe bigger...
Sona 5'6 / 167.6cm, 120 lbs / 54.4kg - Marilyn Monroe's size.
Soraka 6'2 / 188cm, 160 lbs / 72.6kg - The goat legs give her a lot of stature. Wee-oo-wee-oo…
Swain 5'11 / 180.3cm, 195 lbs / 88.5kg - Technically he is missing half of one arm so weight goes down a tiny bit. Other than that he's fairly slim (little bit of dad bod?) and very dapper.
Sylas 6'3 / 190.5cm, 200lbs / 90.7kg - Thanks Hyper10sion, who asked Kindlejack about this. The collar and shackles add 80-100 pounds depending on the density of petricite, significantly more than your average suit of metal armor if that helps give any scale. He is shown as being slightly shorter than Garen. Even with Sylas' hunchback, Garen is still taller.
Syndra 5'6 / 167.6cm, 130 lbs / 59kg - more voluptuous than most.
Tahm Kench - Seems to change size to accommodate his victims.
Taliyah 5'9 / 175cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg - Thank you Thermal Kitten!
Talon 5'8 / 172.7cm, 165 lbs / 74.8kg - He’s… kinda beefy I guess.
Taric 6'2 / 188cm, 245 lbs /111.1kg - of pure outrageous masculinity.
Teemo 2'8 / 81.3cm, 35 lbs / 15.9kg - DELETE TEEMO
Thresh - 8' / 2.44m, N/A - Based on cinematic appearances.
Tristana 2'8 / 81.3 cm, 35 lbs / 15.9kg - Yordle things.
Trundle 15' / 4.57m, at least 1000 lbs / 453.6kg - Based on Ryze cinematic
Tryndamere 6'1 / 185.4cm, 220 lbs / 100kg - MY RIGHT ARM IS STRONGER THAN MY LEFT
Twisted Fate 6'1 / 185.4cm, 150 lbs / 68kg - He's tall but slender and agile.
Twitch 4'9 / 144.8 cm, 105 lbs / 47.6kg - This is a canon measurement
Udyr 5'10 / 178cm, 215 lbs / 97.5kg - Udyr's all muscle and animal forms and body hair.
Urgot 10' / 3.05m, 2000+ lbs / 907+ kg - Shotgun knees are heavy.
Varus 5'7 / 170cm, 145 lbs / 66kg - ANIME BOOOOY WITH HIS SHIRT OFFFFFF! Varus currently possesses only one gay dude's body since the other was too wounded to serve as a vessel, so this old guess should hold up fine except I've slimmed it down a bit. If he goes into full darkin body mode, he's gonna roughly double in size.
Vayne 5'9 / 175cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg - Tumbling is great exercise. Ironstylus-approved.
Veigar 2'5 / 73.7cm (+ 12” / 30.5cm of hat), 25 lbs / 11.3kg - Evil lil guy.
Vel'Koz 30' / 9.14m tall (at least), weight unclear (void science is weird, does he have mass…?) - Based off his cinematic.
Vi 5'9 / 175cm, 140 lbs / 63.5kg (no gloves); 8140 lbs (gloves) - Thanks RTSUbiytsa!
Viktor 6'2 / 188cm, 280 lbs / 127kg - Robot parts.
Vladimir 6'3 / 190.5cm, 185 lbs / 83.9kg - Anime vampire dimensions. Or rather, darkin-human hybrid dimensions.
Volibear- We now know Volibear is Ornn-size. General estimate (this is conservative): 30’ / 9.14m tall, 5+ tons / 2268+ kg.
Warwick 7'8 / 233.7cm, 445lbs / 201.85kg - Based on his VGU teaser, he is about 1.5 times the height of Boggin.
Wukong 6'2 / 188cm, 190lbs / 86.2kg - Monkey paw, monkey paw, monkey paw.
Xayah 5'3 / 165cm, 110 lbs / 49.9kg - She is the smol to Rakan's tol.
Xerath 15' ??? - Xerath is made of energy. His weight is indeterminable. But I guess we know he's roughly Ascended-size.
Xin Zhao 5'8 / 172.7cm, 170 lbs / 77.1kg - Could be taller.
Yasuo 5'11 / 180.3cm, 170 lbs / 77.1 kg - Hasagi!
Yorick 6'1 / 185.4cm upright, 5'7 / 170cm hunched, 230 lbs / 104.3 kg - He's just a hunchback who wound up immortal, with probably no size changes involved.
Yuumi 8” / 20.3cm tall, 2'2” / 66cm long from nose to tail, 8 lbs / 3.6kg - Small end of average adult cat size.
Zac 5'2 / 157.5cm, 120 lbs / 54.4 kg at smallest; 7'6 / 228.6cm, 450 lbs / 204.1kg at largest - blob
Zed 5'10 / 178cm, 150 lbs / 68kg - Ninjas.
Ziggs 2'6 / 76.2cm 30 lbs / 13.6kg - YEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAA
Zilean 6'1 / 185.4cm, 165 lbs / 74.8kg - His giant clock weighs possibly 200lbs/90.7kg but he makes it float somehow.
Zoe 4'9 / 144.8cm, 85 lbs / 38.55kg - On the small side for a 12-year-old.
Zyra 5'11 / 180.3cm, 145 lbs / 66kg - not a vegetarian.
submitted by KestrelGirl to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Might this be an ACL tear?

Dear fellow Redditors, I am asking for your experiences and opinions.
What happened: A month ago, I was playing a competitive game of soccer. At one point I tried to reach a cross from a team mate. Unfortunatately the cross was a bit too long. I tried to reach for the ball and stuck out my leg. I did not have much muscle tension since I thought I wouldn't reach the ball. My leg was in the air (so foot not planted) and aprox. flexed 20 degrees, so almost extended, but not fully. So no valgus/varus position as well. The ball hit the tip of my foot and twisted my leg/knee outwards.
Initial symptoms: I had a sharp pain when the knee was twisted in the region of the medial meniscus. I felt the pain for about 5 minutes with every step but actually continued playing. Then the pain would subside. After the game the pain would return when bending the knee, walking down stairs or while squatting.
The next days: I had no swelling at all. The pain during the previously mentioned activities would stay for about a week or so. I went to the doctor 4 days after the incident. He examined my knee and told me that ligament-wise it feels stable. He diagnosed me with a sprained medial meniscus. I was told to avoid sports until the pain is completely gone. I would even see my physiotherapist and she told me my knee feels stable as well.
The problem now: My knee has felt "weird" ever since. If I had to describe the feeling, it is like there is a tension inside the knee which differs from the other knee. Further, there is a slight feeling of instability. Not to the point that my knee would actually give in. More like it feels like it would bend backwards but it actually doesn't. That feeling also only occurs when the knee is extended, so while standing or walking normally. I returned to soccer training this week and I had no pain. However I played very carefully because of the fear that my knee would give in. So I avoided sharp turns etc. There was some pain in the same medial meniscus region after the training, but it would recover 2 days afterwards.
My question: what causes that weird, unstable feeling in my knee? Might this be something caused by an ACL injury? And could the incident mechanism as described hurt my ACL at all? The last resort would be an MRI scan, however I do not want to pay heavy money for a scan that tells me that everything is fine. So I wanted to ask about your opinions on that story, maybe this will calm me down a bit.
submitted by undefined_name_ to ACL [link] [comments]

Chronic knee pain preventing me from riding for nearly a year. Any Advice?

TL;DR I have come to the end of conventional medicine while injuring my knee nearly a year ago. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?
First problems with my knee pain came about with my commuter being too small and my hardtail MTB being on the small side, possible iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) but just a little niggle. Wouldn’t plan huge days on these bikes, and would swap with my partner and ride his MTB up hills or borrow larger bikes from a friend. Point to note, I ride flats on all bikes and have never ridden clipless, I'm also 24F.
Treated myself to a women’s specific full suspension MTB that fitted perfectly out the box. Was able to do considerably longer days (3+ hours, plenty of climbing) with no issues. Got a road bike, and knew from previous experience with knee pain to size up and bought a medium size endurance road bike (Triban RC500) and here’s where it all went wrong.
Got way too excited the first weekend in June after I’d bought the bike and did a 70 mile day, followed by 35 miles the day after. Felt like what I now know to be IT Band pain (outside of knee where tendon attaches) the second day but didn’t experience it the first day. Here starts the long road to very poor recovery and being unable to ride for longer than 30 mins/ 10km today.
· Time off, ice, ibuprofen, and letting IT band pain recover (experiencing pain doing stairs, usual stuff)
· Saw physio #1 who said that cyclists didn’t get IT band syndrome and it was likely my VL muscle. Work on strengthening glutes and aggravate VL with golf ball to increase blood flow to injured area.
· Tried widening Q factor on road bike to make it more similar to MTB (didn’t help).
­July- September
· After no progress, went to physio #2 fortnightly, who was still reluctant to call it IT band syndrome. Advised to work on strengthening quads, and to ‘cycle until it hurts’
· Still didn’t get anywhere and pain started to travel towards inside of knee and behind kneecap where it remains now
· After no progress again, saw reputable bike fitter.
· Bike fitting: significant varus twist in foot with the knee pain. 3 degree shims in shoe and insoles to support arches and wider saddle for wider sit bones
· Advised not to cycle until it hurts, and to take very tentative return to cycling.
· Continued seeing physio #2 who stripped IT band and kept advising strength exercises. Losing commitment to strength exercises with lack of progress and pain.
· Tried swimming which was also painful in my knee. Running and walking also aggravated injury. Painful at my desk in work (although able to alternate between sitting and standing because of my desk).
· Knee consultant #1: MRI scan showing mild ITBS and deviation from normal knee cap shape, but no clear diagnosis. Advised no surgery would help and try a different physio (number 3).
· Physio #3: Interferential therapy to reduce IT band thickening (scar tissue). IT band improved significantly. Pain on inside of knee (slightly behind kneecap) did not improve
· Still working on glutes and quads although physio said without a proper diagnosis I was difficult to treat.
· Still no progress in time on bike.
· Knee consultant #2 (very well respected in field): Cycled to hospital for MRI scan #2 (this time injected with gadolinium contrast). Results didn’t show anything (although improvement in ITBS) but consultant admitted he didn’t know why I was in so much pain. No further treatment available. Suggestion to see podiatrist but not to hold out much hope, and basically to find another sport
· Podiatrist: Insoles to correct varus twist. Couldn’t afford to pull the trigger on insoles that weren’t promised to fix the issue.
· Using turbo trainer inside to gradually increase time on bike, but at very very low effort, about 30 mins is sweet spot.
· No improvement in mileage just better coping mechanisms (e-bike, being towed with an e-bike, tandem).
I’ve been having a bit of a rough time of it, and it’s been impacting my mental health pretty significantly. I feel like I’ve exhausted most options now, so I was wondering:
· Has anyone experienced anything like this?
· Is anyone able to suggest anything?
Thanks for reading.
submitted by maddiemadmaddie to cycling [link] [comments]

The Comprehensive List of Marksman Attack Ranges Nobody Asked For.

This post will be updated for any and every change, so feel free to bookmark this post if you're so inclined. I lied.
If this post is archived and I cannot edit it due to Reddit possibly changing a policy; you will most likely find an updated version on my user page. I may also create new posts as time goes on so more people can see this.
EDIT: This post is also way more than just Basic Attack Ranges now. It now includes just about every range of most parts of a champion's kit, including debilitating effects of those parts of the kit.

Comprehensive List of Marksman Basic Attack Ranges and Relevant Abilities as of Patch 9.21:


Basic attack range: 500
Including Mark of the Kindred's basic attack range bonuses: 575 [4 Marks], 600 [7 Marks], 625 [10 Marks], 650 [13 Marks], 675 [16 Marks], 700 [19 Marks], 725 [22 Marks], 750 [25 Marks]
Dance of Arrows and Mounting Dread share this attack range.
Base MS: 325
Dance of Arrows target range: 340, See above effect range.
Lamb dashes in the target direction, gaining 25% (+ 5% per Mark) bonus attack speed for 4 seconds while firing up to three arrows to nearby targets.
Lamb's current attack target at any proximity will be prioritized by one of the arrows.
Casting Wolf's Frenzy or dashing while inside the area will reduce Dance of Arrows' cooldown to 4s. [1], 3.5s. [2], 3s. [3], 2.5s. [4], 2s. [5] dependent on Dance of Arrows' skill level.
Dance of Arrows resets Lamb's basic attack timer.
Wolf's Frenzy target range: 500, 800 effect radius.
Active effect: Wolf dashes to the target location and claims the surrounding area as his territory for the next 8.5 seconds, separating from Lamb. Wolf autonomously attacks enemies within the area, prioritizing Lamb's attack target.
Passive effect: As Kindred move and attack, they build up to 100 stacks of Hunter's Vigor. At full stacks, Lamb's next basic attack restores 32 [1], 36 [2], 40 [3], 44 [4], 48 [5], 52 [6], 56 [7], 60 [8], 64 [9], 68 [10], 72 [11], 76 [12], 80 [13], 84 [14], 88 [15], 92 [16], 96 [17], 100 [18] (based on level) Health, based on Kindred's missing health.
Wolf is Untargetable, Invulnerable and Ghosted, but cannot move through terrain other than the initial dash on activation.
Mounting Dread target range: See above.
50% Slow for 1 second.
If Lamb manages to attack the target twice with no longer than 4 seconds between each attack after casting Mounting Dread, her third attack within the following 4 seconds directs Wolf to pounce the target, dealing bonus physical damage, capped at 300 damage against monsters.
Wolf's pounce will Critically Strike for (50% + 37.5% with Infinity Edge)AD bonus physical damage against targets below 15% (+ 0.5% per 1% critical strike chance) of their maximum health.
Lamb's Respite effect radius: 500 [6]
Basic attack range: 500
Including Bio-Arcane Barrage's basic attack range bonuses: 630 [1], 650 [2], 670 [3], 690 [4], 710 [5] for 8 seconds.
The enhanced attack will apply other on-hit effects and can Critically Strike as normal but does not affect structures.
Base MS: 325
Caustic Spittle target range: 1130, 70 collision radius.
Target's resistances are reduced by 20% [1], 22% [2], 24% [3], 26% [4], 28% [5] for 4 seconds.
Kog'Maw gains 15% [1], 20% [2], 25% [3], 30% [4], 35% [5] attack speed with each level of Caustic Spittle.
Void Ooze target range: **1280*, 125 collision radius.
20% [1], 28% [2], 36% [3], 44% [4], 52% [5] Slow for 1 second.
Ooze lingers for 4 seconds, applying the slow for an additional .25 seconds.
Living Artillery target range: 1300 [6], 1550 [11], 1800 [16], 175 effect radius.
Reveals targets hit.
Living Artillery will not Reveal Stealthed champions
Basic attack range: 500
Lightslinger shares this attack range.
Base MS: 335
Piercing Light target range: 500, **900* effect radius.
Piercing Light will attempt to lead the target if it is moving but does not adjust further during cast time (targets can dodge the laser if they change their velocity by a sufficient amount during the delay).
Ardent Blaze target range: 900
Marked for 6 seconds, granting sight of them for 6s.
Upon Lucian or an ally attacking the target, Lucian gains 60 [1], 65 [2], 70 [3], 75 [4], 80 [5] movement speed for 1s.
DoT effects will only proc Ardent Blaze once.
Ardent Blaze's cross pattern will grant Sight of any Control Ward hidden inside brushes.
Relentless Pursuit target range: 425
Cooldown reduced by 1s. for each Lightslinger shot landed. This effect is increased to 2 seconds when the target is an enemy champion.
Relentless Pursuit resets Lucian's basic attack timer.
Lightslinger does not interact with Runaan's Hurricane when reducing Relentless Pursuit's cooldown.
The Culling range: 1200 [6] for up to 3 seconds.
Lucian must be Displaced, Charmed, Feared, Taunted, Entangled, Stunned, Suppressed, Disarmed and/or Polymorphed in order to interrupt The Culling.
Lucian can activate Ghost, Flash, Barrier, Heal and Relentless Pursuit (as well as interact with Dark Passage or Devour) without interrupting The Culling.
For the purposes of direction-based abilities, Lucian is facing in the direction he is moving and not the one his model is facing.
Basic attack range: 500
Base MS: 335
Fleet of Foot: Sivir gains 30 [1], 35 [6], 40 [11], 45 [16], 50 [18] bonus movement speed for 2 seconds when she damages an enemy champion with an ability or a basic attack.
Boomerang Blade target range: 1250
Targets in Boomerang Blade's path take physical damage, reduced to 100% [0], 85% [1], 70% [2], 55% [3], 40% [4] (based on non-champions hit). Upon reaching maximum range the crossblade returns to her, dealing the same damage.
Each unit can be damaged only once per pass.
Boomerang Blade will return to Sivir even if she dies before it changes direction.
Ricochet: Sivir's next 3 basic attacks within 4 seconds bounce to nearby unaffected units, dealing them physical damage, until none remain in range.
If Sivir Critically Strikes her target, the bounces do so as well.
Attacks on Sivir's primary target will apply other on-hit effects as normal but secondary targets will not be affected by any at all.
  • On-hit effects on the primary target will not modify damage dealt to secondary ones. >Ricochet resets Sivir's basic attack timer. Ricochet-enhanced basic attacks can bounce from structures onto secondary targets, but not from nearby units onto structures. >>>Potential targets do not need to be visible to Sivir for Ricochet to bounce to them. >>Attacks on Sivir's primary target will apply other on-hit effects as normal but secondary targets will not be affected by any at all.
Spell Shield: After a brief delay, Sivir gains a Spell Shield for 1.5 seconds.
If Sivir blocks an ability with this shield, she restores Mana icon mana.
Spell Shield can block a Dragon basic attack, thus preventing the damage, and giving Sivir mana.
  • The initial Knockup when Dragon is first damaged cannot be blocked. >Even if Spell Shield blocks the first hit of a Cosmic Binding, it will not block the stun after hitting the secondary target. >>It will not block the damage of Sleepy Trouble Bubble while on the ground, but it will block the drowsy debuff.


Jinx Basic attack range: 525
Switcheroo!: Fishbones toggle's basic attack range: 600 [1], 625 [2], 650 [3], 675 [4], 700 [5] While Fishbones is toggled, Jinx loses 25% of her bonus attack speed.
With Runaan's Hurricane, Pow-Pow generates one stack per target hit.
Jinx's first attack after switching to Fishbones can be triggered after 0.4 seconds, instead of using the attack
Base MS: 325
Get Excited!: Whenever an enemy champion, decoy, turret or inhibitor dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by Jinx, she gains 175% bonus movement speed which decays over 6 seconds.
Additionally, she gains Attack 15% total attack speed and removes the attack speed cap for the same duration.
Fishbones splash damage affects structures but does not affect targets if Jinx's attacks are Blocked, Dodged, or if they Miss.
Both weapons apply on-hit effects (the splash damage of Fishbones does not) and can Critically Strike. Fishbones' bonus damage also applies life steal.
Each of Runaan's Hurricane's additional bolts apply Fishbones' splash damage, which stack with each other.
Zap! target range: 1450, 40.25 collision radius.
Revealed and Slowed by 30% [1], 40% [2], 50 [3], 60% [4], 70% [5] for 2 seconds.
Cast time dependent on bonus attack speed: .6s. [0%], .58s. [25%], .56s. [50%], .54s. [75%], .52s. [100%], .5s. [125%], .48s. [150%], .46s. [175%], .44s. [175%], .42s. [225%], .4s. [250%]
Morgana's Black Shield will not block the Revealed effect. Other Spell Shields will.
Flame Chompers! target range: 900, 50 effect radius.
Knocks Down and Roots target for 1.5s.
Chompers will halt when encountering Wind Wall and Unbreakable.
Casting Flame Chompers! will not interrupt Jinx's orders.
Super Mega Death Rocket! range: Global 6, 225 effect radius.
Deals 10% - 100% damage based on distance traveled of its damage in addition to bonus damage based on the target's missing Health. Adjacent targets take 80% of this damage.
Spell Shield will block the impact damage, but will not prevent the explosion.
Basic attack range: 525
Base MS: 335
Icathian Rain target range: 600
Non-minions take 30% damage from missiles beyond their first.
Minions below 35% Health take double damage.
Icathian Rain does not interrupt Kai'Sa's previous orders.
Charging Supercharge will not stop the missiles from firing.
Void Seeker target range: 3000
Reveal 4s.
Applies 2 Plasma.
If the stacks detonate Plasma, any remaining stacks are reapplied afterwards.
Also deals Second Skin's damage based on Plasma stacks on the target. This increases the base damage by Second Skin's base damage.
Supercharge: Kai'Sa's basic attacks reduce Supercharge's cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
Runaan's Hurricane's bolts will not reduce Supercharge's cooldown.
Killer Instinct target range: 1500 [6], 2000 [11], 2500 [16]. 525 [6] radius.
Kai'Sa will move to the casting location regardless of whether she can dash.
Basic attack range: 525
Base MS: 325
Martial Poise target range: 250 [No boots], 300 [Tier 1 Boots], 350 [Tier 2 Boots.]
Kalista's basic attacks have special interactions:
Oathsworn's link range: 1100
Pierce target range: 1150, 80 width.
If Pierce kills its target, the spear continues onward, transferring all of the dead victim's Rend stacks to the next enemy it hits. This can repeat indefinitely until the spear reaches its maximum distance.
Rend: Expires after 4 seconds while untouched.
Rend resets its cooldown and refunds 10 [1], 15 [2], 20 [3], 25 [4], 30 [5] mana if it kills at least one target.
The cooldown will reset even if the target dies but has a Revival effect.
Fate's Call target Range: 1200 [6], **1100* effect radius.
Kalista's Oathsworn can emerge to a target location within the next 4 seconds, stopping at the first target hit. The target is Knocked Up for 1.5s [6], 1.75s [11], 2s. [16] as are all surrounding targets.
Kalista's Oathsworn will land at their basic attack range, relative to the target hit.
The Oathsworn ally is Untargetable and Invisible so long as they remain held by Fate's Call.
Kalista's death does not interrupt Fate's Call.
Quinn Basic attack range: 525
Base MS: 335
Harrier: Valor periodically marks a nearby visible unit as Vulnerable, revealing them for 4 seconds.
Quinn's next basic attack against a Vulnerable target deals 10 [1], 15 [2], 20 [3], 25 [4], 30 [5], 35 [6], 40 [7], 45 [8], 50 [9], 55 [10], 60 [11], 65 [12], 70 [13], 75 [14], 80 [15], 85 [16], 90 [17], 95 [18] (+ 16% [1], 18% [2], 20% [3], 22% [4], 24% [5], 26% [6], 28% [7], 30% [8], 32% [9], 34% [10], 36% [11], 38% [12], 40% [13], 42% [14], 44% [15], 46% [16], 48% [17], 50% [18]) AD) bonus physical damage.
Harrier targeting priority:
  1. Last unit hit (if it was a small minion it appears to select a different target).
  2. Lowest-Health enemy champion.
  3. Lowest-Health enemy minion.
The enhanced attack will apply other on-hit effects and can Critically Strike as normal. Critical Strikes do not interact with Harrier's bonus damage.
If a mark was originally applied by Blinding Assault or Vault, attacking that Vulnerable target will place Harrier's passive application on a 1 second cooldown instead of its full duration.
Harrier is consumed but does no damage if the enhanced attack is dodged, blocked, or if Quinn is Blinded.
Basic attacks that are already in-flight will trigger and consume Harrier mark.
Blinding Assault target range: 1025, 210 effect radius.
Nearsight 1.5s, reducing sight radius by 900 and removing ability to see what allies see. Shen cannot use Stand United on the target unless he has personal vision of them.
Marks the target as Vulnerable.
Vault target range: 675
Knocks back and Slows by 50%, decaying over 1.5s.
Quinn will land 525 units away from the target.
Marks the target as Vulnerable.
Unlike its constant cast range, Vault's bounces can vary to allow Quinn to close or to make a gap between herself and an enemy unit (depending on casting position), or even to jump through a wall (if there is enough landing room on the other side).
Quinn will track and follow the target if they move, dash, or blink.
Heightened Senses radius: 2100
Reveals area encompassed by the radius for 2 seconds.
Skystrike radius: 700 [6]
If Quinn uses Vault while Behind Enemy Lines is active, then Skystrike will activate at her target's location after she bounces.
Basic attack range: 525
Including Draw a Bead's basic attack range bonuses: 533 [2], 541 [3], 549 [4], 557 [5], 565 [6], 573 [7], 581 [8], 589 [9], 597 [10], 605 [11], 613 [12], 621 [13], 629 [14], 637 [15], 645 [16], 653 [17], 661 [18].
Explosive Charge and Buster Shot share this range, but not anything that extends it like Rapid Firecannon.
Base MS: 325
Explosive Charge target range: See above, effect radius: 210[passive effect]/300[active effect]/500[active effect when used on a turret.]
Passive effect: Targets explode when slain by Tristana's basic attacks, dealing magic damage to all nearby targets.
Active effect: Tristana places an explosive charge on the target enemy or enemy turret. After 4 seconds the charge explodes, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. The explosion radius is increased when used on a turret.
Tristana's basic attacks and abilities against the target increase Explosive Charge's damage by 30%, stacking up to 4 times for a maximum 120% increase, upon which the charge also detonates instantly.
Explosive Charge's cast time is reduced with attack speed.
All Explosive Charge explosions will affect turrets.
Rocket Jump target range: 900, 350 effect radius.
Targets suffering the impact are Slowed by 60% for 1s [1], 1.5s [2], 2s ** [3]** , 2.5s ** [4]** , 3s [5].
Upon detonating Explosive Charge at maximum stacks on an enemy champion, Rocket Jump's cooldown is reset.
Non-Airborne crowd control effects, such as Stuns and Roots, will take effect upon landing and will not cancel the jump, with the exception of Veigar's Event Horizon.
All Airborne crowd control effects, such as Knockups, Knockbacks and Pulls, will cancel the jump and then complete their effects as normal.
Tristana can still use basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells and item actives while in the air.
Rocket Jump's speed depends on the distance of the jump. Melee range jumps are much shorter, while long range jumps leave Tristana in the air significantly longer.
Buster Shot target range: See above, 200 effect radius.
Target and additional targets caught in the blast are Knocked Back 600 [6], 800 [11], 1000 [16] units.
The initial target is affected by single target spell effects, while subsequent targets take area of effect spell effects.
Basic attack range: 525
Clean Cuts effect range: 900
After casting an ability, Xayah's next 3 basic attacks penetrate through all enemies along a 900 range line, dealing 100% damage to her main target, and 30% [1], 40% [7], 50% [13] pass-through damage to other enemies.
At the end of their path, a Feather will be left in the ground for 6 seconds.
Xayah can store up to 5 empowered attacks for 8 seconds, refreshed with further ability use or upon attacking structures.
Base MS: 325
Double Daggers range: **1100*
Two Feathers are thrown in quick succession, leaving two Feathers on the ground at the end of the range.
Targets hit after the first take 50% damage.
Deadly Plumage: If Deadly Plumage strikes an enemy champion, Xayah gains 30% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
If Rakan is nearby, he will also gain the effects of Deadly Plumage, while also gaining the bonus movement speed when Xayah strikes an enemy champion.
Bladecaller target range: Global
Xayah calls all of her Feathers back to her.
Enemies hit by at least 3 Feathers are Rooted for 1.25 seconds.
Minions take 50% damage.
Featherstorm target range: **1100* [6]
Xayah becomes Untargetable for 1.5s and can move during this time.
A fan of 5 Feathers are sent to the end of the range.


Aphelios Basic attack range: 550
Aphelios' attacks have differing effects depending on his current weapon, Calibrum extends his range to 650.
Base MS: 330
I'm already close enough to the character limit, if you're interested, click here to see the details of his skills.
Basic attack range: 550
Base MS: 325
Phosphorus Bomb target range: 825
Reveals the area as it travels and for 6 seconds afterwards, as well as all targets.
Valkyrie target range: 600, 100 collision radius.
Dashes to the target location, dropping bombs that leave up to 3 blazing patches along his path, depending on the distance traveled, lasting for 2 seconds.
Special Delivery target range: 1800, 100 collision radius.
Corki is unstoppable while he dashes to the target location.
Knocks Aside all targets caught in the path by 500 units. Leaves behind a trail that slows targets by 90%.
Casting Special Delivery instantly resets Valkyrie's cooldown.
Gatling Gun effect radius: 600, in a 35° cone for 4 seconds.
Deals equal parts physical and magic damage every 0.25 seconds.
Reduces the target's armor and magic resistance each by 1 [1], 1.375 [2], 1.75 [3], 2.125 [4], 2.5 [5] each tick, stacking up to 8 times, and lingering for 2 seconds.
Gatling Gun does not hinder Corki's actions.
Missile Barrage range: 1300 [6], 80 width, 200 effect radius.
Every 3rd missle Corki fires is a Big One.
The Big One deals 100% increased damage and its range is increased to 1500, and its effect range increased to 300.
Basic attack range: 550
Base MS: 330
Spinning Axe: Draven starts spinning his axe, causing his next basic attack within 5.8 seconds to deal bonus physical damage.
The spinning axe ricochets off the target high up into the air, landing 2 seconds later at a location determined by Draven's current movement. If Draven catches an axe, Spinning Axe is reapplied for no additional cost on his next basic attack.
Draven can hold up to two Spinning Axes in his hands at once.
The landing location is determined by Draven's movement speed and direction at the time Spinning Axe hits the target. If Draven is moving, it will bounce directly into his path. Otherwise, it will bounce back towards his current location, either landing directly onto him or to his side.
Recasting Spinning Axe will refresh the buff and add another axe if possible. * There is no limit to how many axes can be juggled at once, as long as two are carried at a time.
Spinning Axes may optically bypass Wind Wall but will be destroyed upon impact.
Unbreakable will block the attack, but the axe will bounce off normally.
The triggering attack will apply on-hit effects and can Critically Strike as normal. * The bonus damage from Spinning Axe applies life steal. * Critical strikes will not interact with Spinning Axe's bonus damage. * Attacks against structures will refresh the timer on active Spinning Axes. * The damage will be negated if the attack is Dodged, Blocked, or if it Misses. But the axe will still bounce off. * Runaan's Hurricane's bolts will not trigger the bonus damage or spawn extra axes.
Blood rush: Draven becomes Ghosted for 1.5 seconds, gaining bonus attack speed for 3 seconds and bonus 40% [1], 45% [2], 50% [3], 55% [4], 60% [5] movement speed which decays over 1.5 seconds.
Catching a Spinning Axe resets Blood Rush's cooldown.
Activating Blood Rush while the effect is already active will refresh the bonus stats.
Stand Aside range: 1050
Knocks targets aside, and Slows them by 20% [1], 25% [2], 30% [3], 35% [4], 40% [5] for 2s.
Whirling Death range: Global [6]
Upon reaching the edge of the map, striking an enemy champion, or upon reactivation, the axes slowly come to a stop before changing direction and returning to Draven, dealing the same damage to every enemy struck on the way back.
Whirling Death deals 100% [0], 92% [1], 84% [2], 75% [3], 68% [4], 60% [5], 52% [6], 44% [7], 40% [8] − 40% (based on enemy hit) damage, this reduction resets when the axes reverse direction.
Basic attack range: 550.
Base MS: 325
Mystic Shot target range: **1150*
Even if the ability is spell shielded, it will still trigger the cooldown reduction.
Essence Flux target range: **1150*
The orb sticks to first champion, epic monster, or structure hit for 4 seconds.
Detonating the orb with an ability refunds the cost of that ability plus 60 mana.
Arcane Shift range: 475, homing bolt range: 750
The homing bolt will go over minions and home in on a target afflicted by Essence Flux, excluding structures.
Trueshot Barrage target range: Global [6], 320 width.
Minions and non-epic monsters take 50% reduced damage.
Basic attack range: 550
Base MS: 330
Dancing Grenade target range: 550, 450 effect radius.
Bounces to up to three additional enemies beyond the first, with each kill it performs increasing its total damage by 35%.
Deadly Flourish target range: 3000
If a target is hit within 4 seconds of being attacked by Jhin or his allies, or stepping on a Lotus trap, the target is Rooted for 1s [1], 1.25s. [2], 1.5s. [3], 1.7s. [4], 2s. [5]
Beauty in Death's Lotus Trap target range: 750
Targets are Revealed for 4s. and Slowed by 35% for 2s.
Curtain Call target range: 3500, in a 60° cone for up to 10s.
Targets take more damage depending on their missing Health.
The path of travel is revealed for .5s, while targets are Revealed for 2s. in addition to being Slowed by 80% for .5s.
The fourth shot is affected by critical strike modifiers.
Miss Fortune
Basic attack range: 550
Base MS: 325
Double Up target range: 650, Double Up secondary projectile range: 500 in a 180° cone.
Double Up's secondary projectile follows a priority order on targets within 500 units of the primary one:
  1. Targets units within a 20º cone.
  2. Targets units within a 40º cone.
  3. Targets within a 110º cone.
  4. Targets within 150 units in a 160º cone. >Both projectiles apply on-hit effects, including Love Tap when applicable.
Strut: Miss Fortune gains 25 bonus movement speed if she has not taken damage in the last 5 seconds, excluding damage over time. This bonus is increased to 60 [1], 70 [2], 80 [3], 90 [4], 100 [5] after another 5 seconds.
Activating Guns Blazing grants Miss Fortune bonus attack speed for 4s. and brings Strut's passive to full power.
Make It Rain target range: 1000, 200 effect radius.
40% [1], 45% [2], 50% [3], 55% [4], 60% [5] Slow.
Bullet Time target range: 1400 [6], in a 40° cone for up to 3 seconds.
Each wave of bullets can critically strike, dealing 20% bonus damage, with an additional 5% if Miss Fortune has an infinity edge.
Basic attack range: 550
Base MS: 330
Ambush Camouflage detection range: 500
After a 1 second delay, Twitch becomes Camouflaged for up to 10s [1], 11s [2], 12s. [3], 13s. [4], 14s. [5].
Twitch gains 10% movement speed while Camouflaged, increased to 30% while moving towards an enemy champion within 1000 units that cannot see him.
Ambush's cooldown resets if an enemy champion dies under the effects of Deadly Venom.
Twitch's stealth will not be broken if he is damaged, revealed, or uses consumable items. However, Twitch will break stealth if he basic attacks, uses any skills, item actives, or Recall and Teleport.
Upon breaking stealth, Twitch will gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds.
During the initial 1 second delay, Twitch can perform actions as normal.
Upon entering stealth, Twitch's current basic attack will be canceled.
Venom Cask target range: 950
All targets hit gain a Deadly Venom stack.
The target area becomes contaminated for 3 seconds, applying a Deadly Venom stack each second to all targets within the area in addition to Slowing them by 25% [1], 30% [2], 35% [3], 40% [4], 45% [5].
Contaminate radius: 1200
Twitch's Basic attack range is increased to 850 and his basic attacks pierce targets for 5 seconds while under the effects of Spray and Pray [6].
Basic attack range: 550
Base MS: 330
Night Hunter: Vayne gains 30 bonus movement speed when moving toward a nearby visible enemy champion.
While Vayne is under the effects of Final Hour [6], this bonus is tripled to 90.
Night Hunter's bonus movement speed persists for 2 seconds after losing sight of the enemy champion.
Tumble target range: 300
Resets Vayne's basic attack timer.
Under the effects of Final Hour [6], Tumble's cooldown is reduced by 30% [6], 40% [11], 50% [16].
Vayne also becomes invisible for up to 1 second on-cast, while under the effects of Final Hour.
Condemn target range: 550
Knocks Back target back 475 units.
If the target collides with a wall, they are Stunned for 1.5s.
Condemn applies a Silver Bolts stack.
Final Hour: While active, whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within 3 seconds, Final Hour's duration is extended by 4 seconds, up to a maximum of 16s. [6], 20s. [11], 24s. [16].


Basic attack range: 575
Base MS: 330
Piercing Arrow target range: 925 - 1625 over a 4s charge, which can be held for up to 2 more seconds.
Hail of Arrows target range: 925
Area created by Hail of Arrows lasts for 4 seconds and slows all enemies in the area by 25% [1], 30% [2], 35% [3], 40% [4], 45% [5].
Targets in the area are afflicted by Grievous Wounds.
Chain of Corruption target range: 1075 [6], 60 collision radius, 550 effect radius, 600 tether radius.
Infects initial target, Rooting them for 2 seconds, and inflicting them with full stacks of Blight over 1.5s.
On impact, the tendril seeks out nearby enemy champions for 2 seconds, after which they are also infected.
Tendrils will continue to spread until there are no champions in range that have not already been affected. >>>>Chain of Corruption will attempt to spread even if the first target dies or becomes free of the snare.


Basic attack range: 600
Frost Shot: Ashe's basic attacks and abilities apply Frost to enemies, Slowing them by 20% [1], 22% [4], 24% [7], 26% [10], 28% [13], 30% [16] for 2 seconds and causing subsequent basic attacks against them to deal 10% (+ (100% [+ 25% If Ashe has an Infinity Edge] Critical Strike Chance)AD bonus physical damage while they remain Slowed.
Critical Slow: Ashe's Critical Strikes deal no additional damage, but double Frost's Slow strength to 40% [1], 44% [4], 48% [7], 52% [10], 56% [13], 60% [16], decaying over 1 second to its normal strength.
Base MS: 325
Ranger's Focus: While Ranger's Focus is inactive, Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus for 4 seconds on attack, stacking up to 4 times. After 4 seconds, each stack thereafter will fall off every second.
Activating Ranger's Focus grants Ashe bonus attack speed for 4 seconds and causes each of her basic attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows.
Activating Ranger's Focus resets Ashe's basic attack timer. Flurries trigger on-hit effects only once, and each arrow deals modified physical damage that benefits from Frost Shot and life steal.
Volley target range: 1200, 10 collision range per arrow, in a 57.5° cone.
Applies Critical Slow to enemy champions. Targets do not take damage from arrows beyond the first.
Hawkshot target range: Global, 1000 effect radius.
A Hawk spirit is sent towards the target location, exposing the area along its path for 2 seconds and in a large radius at its destination for 5 seconds.
Enchanted Crystal Arrow target range: Global [6], 125 effect radius.
1s. − 3.5s. Stun based on distance traveled.
Enemies surrounding the main target also take 50% damage.
Frost is applied to all targets.
Basic attack range: 600.
Including Absolution's basic attack range bonuses: 600 + 25 per [20] stacks -
Base MS: 330
Piercing Darkness target range: Senna's current attack range, 1300 effect radius.
Heals ally champions, and deals physical damage to non-ward enemies, applying on-hit effects.
Basic attacks reduce Piercing Darkness' cooldown by 1 second. Piercing Darkness resets Senna's basic attack timer.
Last Embrace target range: 1150, 280 effect radius.
After a 1s delay or when the target dies, the black mist spreads out of the target, rooting them for 1.45s. [1], 1.65s. [2], 1.85s. [3], 2.05s. [4], 2.25s. [5] as well as enemies within the effect radius.
Curse of the Black Mist effect radius: 400.
After a 1s. delay, Senna surrounds herself with an aura of mist for 6s. [1], 6.5s. [2], 7s. [3], 7.5s. [4], 8s. [5].
The mist grants Camouflage to Senna and allied champions inside the effect radius, as well as a wraith form that lasts for the remaining duration. Senna's basic attacks and abilities will briefly break her out of camouflage.
Wraith Form: Gain 20% bonus movement speed and appear as an obscured wraith to enemies beyond 150 units. Performing a basic attack or casting an ability removes Wraith Form, which cannot be regained for 1.5 seconds.
Dawning Shadow target range: Global [6], 320[center beam]/1200 width.
A broad beam of spectral light is fired in the target direction, granting Sight of the area, dealing physical damage to enemies hit by the center of the beam and afflicting them with Mist.
Senna and allied champions caught in any part of the area are Shielded for 3 seconds.


Basic attack range: 650.
Headshot proc target range: 1300, from Yordle Snap Trap and 90 Caliber Net hitting a target.
Be wary of the "Machine Gun Cait" Combo. What this combo is, and how to perform it, can be seen here.
Base MS: 325
Piltover Peacemaker target range: 1300, 120[prior to hitting a target]/180[after hitting a target] width.
The first target it passes through takes full damage. After which, the projectile expands in width, but deals only 60% damage to all targets it passes through afterwards.
Targets revealed by Yordle Snap Trap always take full damage from Piltover Peacemaker.
Yordle Snap Trap target range: 800, 67.5 collision radius.
1.5s. Root, 3s. Reveal.
The trap takes 1s. to arm. If you're wise about how quickly you are moving, you can walk right over the Yordle Snap Trap before it is armed.
Try to be very aware of when and where Caitlyn places one of these, watching her animation and how far she is from a possible trap placement. She can hide them under your turret where you can not see them. (Unless you seriously count this as an indicator of the trap.)
90 Caliber Net target range: 700
1s. Slow.
Caitlyn is blasted 400 units back due to the recoil.
Ace in the Hole target range: 3500 [6], [True Sight].

Marksman Basic Attack Ranges Under the Effect of Rapid Firecannon's Energized Unique Passive.


Kindred: 650
Including Mark of the Kindred basic attack range bonuses: 725 [4], 750 [7], 775 [10], 800 [13], **825* [16], 850 [19], 875 [22], 900 [25].
This range is shared by Dance of Arrows and Mounting Dread.
Kog'Maw: 650
Including Bio-Arcane Barrage's basic attack range bonuses: 780 [1], 800 [2], 830 [3], 840 [4], 860 [5] for 8 seconds.
Lucian: 650
Lightslinger shares this attack range.
Sivir: 650


Jinx: 675
Switcheroo!'s Fishbones toggle's range: 750 [1], 775 [2], 800 [3], 825 [4], 850 [5]
Kai'Sa: 675
Kalista: 675
Quinn: 675
Tristana: 675
Including Draw a Bead's basic attack range bonuses: 683 [2], 691 [3], 699 [4], 707 [5], 715 [6], 723 [7], 731 [8], 739 [9], 747 [10], 755 [11], 763 [12], 771 [13], 779 [14], 787 [15], 795 [16], 803 [17], 811 [18].
Explosive Charge and Buster Shot do not share this range.
Xayah: 675


Corki: 700
Draven: 700
Ezreal: 700
Jhin: 700
Miss Fortune: 700
Twitch: 700
Increased to 1000 for 5 seconds while under the effects of Spray and Pray [6].
Vayne: 700


Varus: 725


Ashe: 750
Senna: 750
Including Absolution's basic attack range bonuses: 600 + 25 per [20] stacks -


Caitlyn: 800
Headshot proc is unaffected by this increased range.
Nobody asked for this, or will need it, probably. But I got into the loop of doing this for 4 hours. So here it is.
EDIT 7: Now with more Aphelios.
Thank you, everyone for the constructive feedback. I apologize for the initial state of this post. It was messy, and at times, even incorrect.
If you found interest in this post, you might also find interest in the post I made on Movement Speed increments among marksmen.
submitted by Lack0fCreativity to summonerschool [link] [comments]

what is varus foot video

What Is the Difference between Valgus and Varus Deformity ... Foot and Ankle Deformity Correction with Dr. Noman ... Subtle Cavus Varus Foot Assessment amd Treatment - YouTube Cavo-Varus Foot for FRCS - YouTube Hallux Varus  Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas ... Gait Case & Foot Type Study: The Rear Foot Varus with ... Treatment of the ForeFoot Varus Foot with Orthotic ... CAVUS VARUS FEET IN CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE - YouTube Varus Montage #8 - Varus Stepped Foot - YouTube WHAT?!  As We Fall - Varus Music Video REACTION (Agent ...

The presence of foot drop, hyperextension of the great or lesser toes, and varus or valgus positioning of the forefoot and hindfoot may be appreciated during the swing phase of gait. Stance phase is analyzed from heel strike to toe-off. Forefoot Varus is a condition in which there is angulation or inversion of the bones present in the front part of the foot when compared to the heel. In Forefoot Varus deformity, the bones present on the inside of the foot tend to become slightly high off the surface than the outer part of the foot at the time of weightbearing. Abstract. Cavovarus foot deformity, which often results from an imbalance of muscle forces, is commonly caused by hereditary motor sensory neuropathies. Other causes are cerebral palsy, cerebral injury (stroke), anterior horn cell disease (spinal root injury), talar neck injury, and residual clubfoot. Andrew Kirmayer. Forefoot varus is a bone-based disorder of the foot. Forefoot varus is a bone-based condition in which the front of the foot is at an angle to the rear part and the ankle. In medicine, pronation is when a part of the body is level, typically in response to gravity. Inverted or varus heel is pictured to the left (A), neutral or perpindicular position is center (B), and everted or valgus heel to the right (C). Discussion: Seldom present at birth, the deformity gradually becomes apparent as childs foot grows and matures; Components: A varus position of the rearfoot complex may also be due to trauma. A varus position of the calcaneus is considered normal up to ages 7 – 8 years. Pathomechanics: All 3 causes place the foot in an inverted position when the STJ is in its defined neutral position the subtalar joint must pronate to bring the medial side of the foot to the ground. Forefoot varus is a construct that is defined as foot type which is a congenital, fixed osseous deformity where the forefoot is inverted relative to the rearfoot, when the subtalar joint is in its defined neutral position and the midtarsal joint is fully pronated. It is often confused with forefoot supinatus. Metatarsus varus is diagnosed as a baby grows. Conditions like metatarsus varus are often said to cause pigeon toeing, a term that isn’t always used because it may have negative connotations.It is, however, a useful description for understanding the basic appearance of an affected foot, although the inward curvature should be understood as originating from the middle of the foot instead of ... June 17, 2013 by James Speck. Forefoot varus is the angling or inverted position of the bones in the front of the foot relative to the heel. In an uncompensated forefoot varus deformity, this causes the bones on the inside edge of the foot to sit higher off the ground than the outside of the foot when standing. Hallux varus surgery can correct a big toe that begins to drift away from the four other small toes. Recovery time can be 50% improvement at 6 weeks. Look: Big toe joint pain can be improved with a few simple treatment changes. We are foot doctors & we see this problem get better almost every day.

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What Is the Difference between Valgus and Varus Deformity ...

Learn how to plan a Hindfoot Varus Deformity Correction, performed by Dr. Noman Siddiqui from the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics. Dr. Paul Steinke discusses Hallux Varus.Be sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos on foot and ankle health!Visit us at! Forefoot Varus is a Foot Deformity which causes excessive pronation. It occurs in 30-50% of most populations. It is the source of many foot orthotic modifica... It occurs in 30-50% of most ... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Varus Montage #8 - Varus Stepped Foot Help me reach to 100000 subscribers Channel League Of Legends PROTV: ☞ Please click the "SHOW M... correction of deformed feet by charcot-marie-tooth Edward Gee As We Fall Varus Music Video - League of Legends REACTION (Agent Reacts)Hope you liked it! If you did, make sure to smash that like button down below, subs... The terms valgus and varus are both related to each other, but they are opposite as well. For example in orthopedics, the varus refers to the inward bending ... Want to learn more about this video case ? We have written up the case on our blog. See the write up at, look up the blog post dated Apr...

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