Hillbilly Golf Gatlinburg Unbiased Review with Pricing ...

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what is hillbilly golf - win

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Once upon a time, inside a nondescript IHOP in Cincinnati, there was a table of large burly men wearing obscene quantities of leather.
The largest of these large burly men, the one wearing a MAGA-branded red golf bag on his head, stood up and spoke. “Allahu akbar, my brothers. Welcome to the 112th Congress of the Enlightened Illiterati. We shall begin with a prayer.”
The other large burly men at the table, some of whom were attired in priest’s vestments made out of studded leather, quietly sang a liturgical hymn in Latin.
“Let us flip to page 120 of today’s book and share our thoughts,” said the MAGA man, once the singing was over. All of the men around the table produced their copies of The Catcher in the Great Gatsby, by Merman Hellville. Astute readers will recall that this book won this year’s Pulitzer Prize in literature.
“A truly remarkable piece a’ fiction. The subversion of gender tropes really stimulated the old noggin,” one of the priest biker hillbillies said.
“Indeed,” remarked another. “But I must note that the subversion a’ gender tropes can only count as a subversion of a subversion, for it seems to have come round 420 degrees and returned to a traditional sorta balance, if ya catch my drift.”
The original man frowned slightly. He looked extremely threatening when he frowned. “Well, I wouldn’t quite know, as ma own lady is extremely apt ta whackin’ me ‘sides ma head.”
Before the second man could respond, the MAGA man towered slowly to his feet and spoke again. “Not to interrupt this highly important and intellectual conversation that y’all are havin’, but I do believe we’ve found the quarry we so long sought.”
The biker gang’s heads turned to the corner of the IHOP, where two youths sat. It took most of them a few moments to realize what the MAGA man was referring to. Upon closer inspection, the grimy mirror that reflected the gang’s dingy reflections back at them failed to produce such an image for the girl sitting placidly in front of it. “It’s vampires,” said the MAGA man in a stage whisper.
Meanwhile, Axel and Chelsea were having their own intellectually stimulating discussion. It’s a testament to Chelsea’s lack of observational powers that she hadn’t already realized that trouble had followed her into the IHOP. By the time she noticed the biker gang, it was already too late. The men stood up and lumbered toward her, fake grins plastered to their faces.
The one wearing a MAGA-branded golf bag on his head spoke. “Hi there! We noticed that you don’t have a reflection in that there mirror. You a vampire or sumthin?”
“Nah,” said Chelsea, revealing her pointed teeth. “The mirror is just kinda broken.”
“Looks pretty operational ta me,” said the MAGA man. He turned back to Chelsea, rolling up his sleeves. Way too slow. She was already a blonde blur flying out the door, with Axel hot on her heels. Unfortunately for the pestered pair, their pursuers weren’t far behind.
“Let’s holler after ‘em,” one of the men said as they thundered down the loose gravel street. “Explain our purpose an’ all, yknow.”
“That’s a good idea,” said another of the men, even though it was not. “HEY VAMPIRES! WE NEED TA BURN YOUR HEARTS AND EAT THE ASHES TA CURE THE PLAGUE, YA KNOW! THE BEER VIRUS!” he added helpfully.
“That’s quite enough, Matty,” said the MAGA man. “Somehow I don’t think rationality’s gonna persuade these supernatural creatures ta help us save the world.” Someone in the parking lot heckled them for not wearing masks.
About twenty yards ahead, Chelsea and Axel arrived breathless at the Heartbreaker. “Start the car!” screamed Axel as Chelsea leapt in. Moments later the two disappeared in a cloud of dust, gravel, and cat hair. Dismayed, the men watched them blaze off.
“Gosh,” said Chelsea as the priest biker hillbillies grew smaller and smaller behind them. “Is this, like, racism?
Axel looked at her in the rearview mirror while she rambled. “Honestly, I’m more concerned about the doofus with the golf bag on his head who keeps chasing us around.”
“Yeah. Anyway, I’m starving. Gonna stop over there and see if we can get some food without being harassed again.”
Axel mumbled acquiescence as Chelsea pulled into the parking lot of an Arby’s. The two hopped out and immediately noticed a loud wuppa wuppa noise. A black helicopter with orange flames stenciled tastelessly on the sides descended from the sky and landed in the parking lot before them. Empty fast-food wrappers whirled up into the air and flew away as the chopper blades slowed.
Axel and Chelsea edged back, too rapt by the marvelous sight to consider a plan of action. The trance was broken when the door of the helicopter opened.
None other than the MAGA man emerged, brandishing a broken green pop bottle. One by one, the rest of the biker gang came into view, each holding a broken pop bottle, encircling Axel and Chelsea like blood-crazed sharks. The grins on their faces were manic. The pop bottles were sharp. Resistance was futile.
With a warlike whoop, the MAGA man charged for the kill.
the heartbreaker gets nuked from orbit, 1919 colorized
submitted by MissFiatLux to MissFiatLux [link] [comments]

The Long Haul II: Page 3 of 3

**** * ****
“It’s our friend, let’s get him!” Daffodil alerted Wanda, who was driving a car they had “liberated” from a victim the previous evening. Raisin was in the back seat and as alert and ready as he was able.
Weasel was parked in a dark area, a little way up the road. He would wait to see them pull in behind the target truck and flash their headlights, then pull the van in front of the truck. The driver would probably stop. Weasel was high enough that he wasn’t too worried. He saw the large, older model car pull out onto the four-lane roadway and in beside the panel-truck that approached him. The lights flashed and he drove forward. He stopped the van directly across both eastbound lanes, perpendicular to the traffic flow. He was elated by the sounds of squealing breaks. The truck driver had nowhere to go but the ditch. Then he heard the engine roar.
**** * ****
When he saw the big old clunker pull in beside him and flash its lights, Scott, already paranoid, looked around for a trap. He started to brake so that the car would pass him. Then he registered that the van that had pulled out in front of him was THE van. The weirdoes! His options were to ram the car that he wasn’t sure was involved, drive into the deep ditch on his right, or… He downshifted and accelerated. “This ends tonight, freaks!
The driver in the van stared at him stupidly through the open window and did not react. The car beside him braked and slowed to avoid hitting the van. That gave Scott the opportunity to angle toward the driver side door at the last minute. He could always claim that he’d turned that way to avoid the collision. At the last moment, he slammed on his brakes to leave skid marks, then left off and rolled into the side of the old van.
**** * ****
“He’s gonna hit Weasel!” Daffy screamed in alarm. “He’s crazy!”
By the time she’d said the last, the wreck was a fait accompli. The truck was angled across both lanes and they could see the driver tugging furiously to release his seatbelt. Wanda barely managed to get the big sedan stopped. She angled toward the ditch but managed to stop on pavement. “He’s running toward the back of the truck!” She shouted unnecessarily.
They clambered out of three of the four doors on the large pink Thunderbird and rushed towards the back of the truck with blood their intent. They arrived to see the cargo door close and to hear a click! as an interior lock engaged. “He’s trapped, let’s go check on Weasel.” Daffodil followed her own directions and ran around the back of the truck and saw the van… what was left of it. The three of them stood gaping in horror, the van had flipped onto its side and then its roof. There was gore and shattered glass splattered all over the roadway and a meaty lump sprawled messily in the roadway. Weasel had been ejected and subsequently flattened by the bulk of the rolling van. The instant exsanguination had put an end to his travels.
Daffodil screeched and ran toward the cold, congealed mass that had been her un-dead lover and companion for her long un-lifetime. Wanda, who had always held a crush on their unelected leader, fell to her knees and quietly sobbed. Raisin, who had just lost the only friend he’d had back when they’d all held breath in their bodies felt first, a gaping void of emptiness, then an encompassing rage! He dashed for the back of the truck and began to pull ferociously at the door, to try to raise it. The girls soon joined him, emulating The Furies of Old as each clawed frantically to get into the cargo space to rip the truck driver to shreds. As other vehicle stopped and people began to rush up to help, the vehemence of the three abated a little. Several people had stopped and taken out phones: to record rather than to call for assistance.
From inside the cargo area of the truck, they heard… laughter. Raisin struck out at the steel sliding door a few more times until the weight and grasp of his companions pulled him from the task and toward the ditch. They leaped across and fled into the darkness of an abandoned lot. They were stranded and Weasel was dead… like, for sure dead, man, Daffy sniffled as they ran.
**** * ****
Raul was annoyed. He really wanted to get a look at the scene where the flashing lights were and the crowd of people and cars were packed and milling, but he was on duty and had to lock up the outer gates at the outlet mall. It had once been a nice place, full of high-end retailers. Now it was essentially a flea market inside a solid structure. Still, it was a good job to work security. Easy work, locking doors and making sure that as few taggers as possible added their unique artwork to the already loud and flashy colors with which the new owners had covered the complex. He glanced once more in longing to be near the fun, maybe a bad wreck with torn bodies. He started to turn back to the electronic locking pad but did a double take. Three figures were running from the scene of mayhem, directly toward him. Maybe I can get some fun out this after all, he thought happily.
It was a man and two women who arrived at the gate. Raul shined his flashlight towards them and in his most stern and forbidding voice ordered them, “Stop! Security. This is private property…” His words were cut short. The trio had not stopped but instead had tackled him, like a team of jackals. They pushed him onto his back and the male with the funny splotch on his face leaned in and nuzzled at his neck. This can’t be happening, his mind shuddered. “Hey dude, I’m not like that.” He said in shock. About then, he realized that each of the women had taken hold of one of his arms. He felt three simultaneous puncturing wounds, they stung, and were instantly sore, and then… a sense of bliss washed over him. A cool contentment as he watched the world reduce to a grey, ever-darkening tunnel… his last glimpse of light was the amber flashing light from the golf cart he used to patrol the parking lot.
**** * ****
“That was pretty crazy and pretty clever all at once.” Valerie Lafevre assured her client. “You did right to call the police and then call me before you gave a statement. Seems there were witnesses this time. A couple of drivers in the oncoming lanes. One of them even managed to record most of the incident. Pardon the pun, but I think this will get you off, ‘Scott free’.” She grinned at the tired and still shaking Scott Wilson.
“Yes ma’am.” He returned with a tight smile of his own. “I couldn’t think of anything else to do but be ready to hide in the back. I didn’t know that the guy would pull out in front of me. It was a really dumb move, I had nowhere to go. It was like some teens on dope made their plan.” He shrugged, “I don’t like that the guy died but I like even less that his friends got away from the scene. Maybe somebody got video of them. If I can see it, I can identify at least two of them as the ones I first saw.”
Val nodded, “Working on that. What no one has brought up yet, is that they found another body drained of blood early this morning and near the scene. I have no doubt that your hippie friends were involved. Maybe they are some kind of… I dunno, vampire cult?” She said the last in a skeptical manner but in hopes that Scott might reveal any opinions he may have had on the subject.
He obliged, “I’ve had plenty of time to think about that and it had occurred to me that they were the ones draining blood from people. First that trooper, then all those street people. They had pretty freaky teeth, maybe some kind of implants and they did not look healthy. That’s still pretty freaky. Weird that they’d leave a body out in the open like that. I guess they intended to move on, maybe even leave the city. At least I hope they did.”
**** * ****
“I like, already want the van. I can’t rest or anything, man.” Wanda complained.
Daffodil patted her on the shoulder, “I know, it’s creepy being in a building like this without it. Feels like it’s time to sleep but who could do that without the van being nearby? Weird being in this old department store. I remember when it was one of the popular ones, very stylish. Now it’s just a shell that not even the dregs will rent for their crappy stores.” She assumed a wistful look, “I’m glad there are still some mannequins. Feels like we’re in a crowd. Maybe like back at Woodstock…”
Raisin lay in a fetal ball and twitched in fitful slumber, “That dude can sleep anywhere.” Wanda observed. “You think we can get the van? I miss the van. We need it.”
**** * ****
“Sheriff, you were friends with a man who is now a werewolf and you met the being who was once one of your K-9 officers and was married to Earl’s daughter, who started life as a puppy. You lost another deputy to the transformation to werewolf and still another who left to become an EMT because she couldn’t deal with the monster encounters. Surely it’s not so strange that there are also vampires?” Val reasoned into the secure line with Sheriff Gene Cloud.
He exhaled through his nose, clearly frustrated, “I know Ms. Lafevre, Val; it’s not about doubting you, just a gut reaction to such news. How many kinds of legendary monsters are stalking about these days? The world is getting crowded, guess they had to start showing through the cracks in the wall of humanity that presses against everything. Still… vampires? Do they have superpowers like the movie ones, or are they more down to earth like… well, like the monsters we know?”
She gave a shrug that he couldn’t see, “I don’t really know but I don’t think they are all that hyper powerful, just bloodthirsty. If they’d been super strong, they’d have ripped the door off the back of the panel truck and drained the blood from my client or left him in shreds. The deputy that the undead state police officer attacked at the County Morgue lived. He’s hurt, but on the mend and the former state officer is now fully dead, deep fried in the blood he’d taken from others. At least we know that part of the vampire legend is true, they don’t tan well. I wish Earl was able to help. He and Lacy could track and take out these freaks in no time, but I think that was why he wanted to train me, so I could take care of things on my own.”
“He sure did,” the Sheriff agreed, “I’m glad he let us help with that. By the way, have you seen the pictures of the Knox’s baby boy? Tom and Julie are over the Moon. They named him ‘Thomas Earl’.”
Val gave an unseen smile, “Yes, I’ll get over to visit as soon as I can get a break. I’m a fulltime attorney these days and apparently, a part-time monster hunter. I truly appreciate all that you and your deputies taught me. Gives me some better memories of the old hometown.”
“Where you are welcome back at any time, even though you are a danged ole lawyer.” He chuckled. “I’ll put Tom and Julie to work on it. They are out on maternity leave and I know they will both want something to do. I can’t give them anything official, but they’d love to help, especially since it’s you.”
**** * ****
The city police property yard supervisor shook his head at the tow truck driver, “Dang, Gerald, that thing’s a mess. Still, with a fatality involved, we’d best put it inside until the techs and investigators have a chance to look it over. Don’t see many of those microbuses these days. Darkest tint I’ve ever seen. No wonder the driver pulled out in front of that truck: he couldn’t see.”
Gerald nodded, “Yes sir, the only bigger mess was the driver. No seatbelt, ejected, looked like people-burger. Weird thing, by the time the EMTs arrived, the body had started to reek like it had been out in the sun for a couple of days. Worst one I ever smelled. Bunch of other junk scattered along the roadway, old luggage, clothes and stuff. Some bottles of booze and a really old and well-worn bong. The officers bagged it and put it in the front seat. There’s some more in the very back, now scattered all over the interior I suppose. Real mess but no blood splatter. Bin number four?” The Sgt. nodded and Gerald backed the old van into the secure garage space. Before he left, he called to Sgt. Hayhurst, “Hey Sarge, we didn’t drain the fuel tank. Don’t think there’s a leak, but I’m supposed to let you know in case they need to use a cutting torch.”
**** * ****
“I can like feel which way the van is, man.” Wanda gritted. “As soon as it’s full-on dark again, we need to like get to it.”
Raisin sat up, a mournful look on his otherwise slack features, “Yeah, we need to feed again on the way. Place sure is noisy, guess Fridays are like that. Full of good smelling blood. We need to get moving anyways, van or no van.”
Daffodil sat against a wall, her knees clutched closely against her upper body, “I can’t believe Weasel… he’s like, gone. I miss him so much. He could be so annoying, but he wasn’t stupid. He would have made a plan. It’s what he did.”
They moved to the front of the old store and watched as the security staff, who all seemed to look a little warily at the customers, herded people out into the night. It was closing time. Raisin gave a nasty smirk, “Wonder if the security guards are nervous about their dead buddy or just because of their usual clientele?”
It was a simple matter to slip out of the interior entrance to the old store and into the gaggle of customers as they filed through the outer doorway and into the night beyond. “We like need a car of some kind.” Wanda said in a more determined manner than she had used since they’d lost their friend and primary driver, Weasel. It helped that she now saw purpose… getting back the van.
They followed the flow of people as they left and sought their various means of transportation. Some headed for the nearby bus stop. “That’s the one, and the feast.” Daffy pointed at an older couple who toddled along, arm in arm toward a decrepit minivan. The trio ambled towards the couple and their van, walking calmly, so as to keep the prey calm. This will be easy, Daffodil thought, they are old, blood won’t taste too great, but it’s a van… sorta.
The elder male saw them first and nudged his wife. She reached into her purse and handed him an object. He turned toward the blood-drinking car-jackers, “Hold it! You are not getting our van and you are not going to rob us. We’ve had enough of that sort of thing. Go on and bother somebody else.” The man held a small-framed revolver menacingly and pointed it at Raisin’s face.
Raisin ignored the man and reached toward him. The .38 caliber pistol barked out a sharp report and several inches of flame that briefly illuminated Raisin’s features as a round entered the purple blotch on his face. It was quickly followed by four more, one of which entered his left eye socket and removed a portion of his brain by way of a new opening in the back of his skull. Along with the tissue, dried blood and gunk splattered and he collapsed, blood flowing from his wounds, eyes staring into eternity.
Wanda and Daffodil looked at one another, then the elderly couple, then down at the cold and truly lifeless body of their companion. Daffodil growled, “We need that van, and we need their blood.” She and Wanda surged forward. They soon had the couple pushed into the back seat and driven madly to a restaurant parking lot, a few blocks from the mall, where they leaned over the front seats and dined. I was wrong, Daffodil decided as the fresh blood filled her, these people were scared, that always tastes good. Besides, they are about the ages we’d have been and I’m pretty sure they took some wild medications today. Freaky.
The vampires switched victims to get some variety in their suppers. “The old man had some okay meds in his blood, but the lady had something pretty strong and she had to have smoked something recently.” Wanda opined from the front driver seat.
Daffodil, a little bemused, nodded as she drove as directly as she could in the direction of their mobile lair: the VW Microbus. She was a little dizzy and had to focus to keep from wrecking the minivan. Not much we can do to it, paint’s already rotted off the top and the transmission is about to go, she thought but did not share with Wan Wan. Yet she shared her despair and anger, “I just can’t believe it. We spent all those years on the road. Nobody ever reacted fast enough to stop us. We always managed to trick them. Maybe we underestimated them because they were old. Now we’ve lost both our dudes. I’m sad and… to use Weasel’s word, ‘pissed’! We have the blood, now I want our van!”
**** * ****
Val shook her head and addressed her internal dialog: The legends just don’t help. At least what’s online; too much crap from movies and recent lore. Still, that one old article… they are not super-monsters, just blood-drinking fiends with an unnatural half-life. Creatures of the grave. That would explain why that weirdo van driver has already disintegrated. Hope the Coroner doesn’t get in trouble for telling me. Now, how to kill them according to the oldest stories. I’ll make an Earl list:
1. Remove the head
2. Burn them with fire or in the sun
3. Pin them in their grave face down with a stake through the heart so that they starved
4. Keep them away from their grave or tomb and they will waste away – the old information had suggested locking them in a church but that was likely not necessary, waving crosses or garlic at them would do nothing
5. Cause instant exsanguination – as in hitting them with a truck
She was startled when her phone rang. It was her new contact, the Medical Examiner / Coroner, Dr. Gottlieb: “Ms. Lafevre, there was a fatal Shooting at Gulfpoint Mall about a half hour ago. It was near where those three fugitives fled last night. They carjacked an older couple and the male was killed. His corpse behaved as did the other male. These things are on the loose again, so please be careful.”
Valerie thanked the good doctor and assured him that she would take proper precautions. She considered various authorities she might contact but ultimately determined: “Nope! Have to do this myself. Earl, Lacy, where are you when I need you?” She said as she gathered her emergency tools, some provided to her by Uncle Earl by way of his connections with Sheriff Cloud and headed out into the night. She had a notion as to where the creatures may be going.
**** * ****
“It’s down that way, I can like feel it, man.” Daffodil unnecessarily informed her friend, who could feel the same mental “tug” toward the vehicle of their entombment. “The shitty, I mean, City Police Storage Yard.” She laughed at her weak joke a little harder than it warranted.
It was a stress laugh and Wanda joined her, “Yeah, well I’m tired of all these like, law enforcement types. That trooper we turned was more like the Pigs from when we were young. They got better ones these days, but not that guy. Let’s face it Daffy, even fifteen years ago, we didn’t look as stunning as we did the day before Woodstock started, but he tried to rough play us anyway.” They shared a more sinister laugh that turned to savage growls in memory of events past.
“Awww, Maaannnn!” Weasel exclaimed. “Heads up, we’re getting stopped.” He said to Daffodil and Wanda. They drove a recently liberated sedan while Raisin followed in the van, which was loaded, indeed packed, with recently acquired loot.
Wanda in the back seat, peered over her shoulder at the dazzling red and blue flashing lights and the alternating headlights that pierced her sharp night vision. “Looks like a state trooper, don’t count on any slack dude.”
They pulled over to a darkened area of the wide improved shoulder and the state vehicle pulled in behind them. The trooper canted his vehicle slightly and stopped so that his passenger side headlight flashed annoyingly into the rearview mirror of the sedan and his driver side headlight equally washed out the view in the driver side mirror. Shortly, a lean man stepped from the police vehicle, put on a hat, and began to stalk toward them. He briefly touched the trunk as he passed it and shined his flashlight into the back seat and Wanda’s eyes. She flinched and held up her hands to block the painful stream of light. He stopped at the driver side door and shined his flashlight into Weasel and then Daffodil’s eyes, blinding each in turn but giving himself an advantage should the people he had just stopped try to attack him. “Good evening, I am Trooper Trujillo, the reason I stopped you…”
After the introduction, he asked for Weasel’s driver license and proof of insurance. From long experience, “The Wease” had learned that when they liberated a vehicle from its living owners, they needed to find all the relevant documents. He had several driver licenses, a few from the recently deceased and a few that had been made by illicit providers. He selected one from a man of generally similar appearance whom they had drained less than a month prior and gave that, along with the insurance card from the glove compartment to the trooper. “Here you go, sir.” He put his hands on the steering wheel and looked straight ahead. Daffy and Wan Wan kept their hands in view. They knew how to keep law enforcers happy: don’t give them any reason to get scared.
The trooper took the licenses back to his car and several long minutes afterwards, he approached them once more but stopped at the rear bumper. “Sir, step out of the vehicle. Approach me slowly and carefully.” He glanced at passing traffic as a way to communicate why he’d issued the instructions the way he had.
Weasel, with no better choices, complied. He kept his hands visible and used them to partially shield his eyes from the still flashing lights and his face from the dash camera. Why won’t this dude turn off the front flashers? They usually do, man. He informed his internal dialog. “Is there like, a problem officer?”
“Place your hands on the trunk sir, I am going to pat search you for weapons for your safety and mine.” Weasel again complied, and as the trooper placed hands on him and began to slide them around his body, the officer asked, “Are you carrying any weapons or contraband sir?”
Weasel was ready for the question, “Uh, no man… uh, sir, I’m a peace lover.”
“How is it that the name on your driver license and the name on the insurance card don’t match?” The trooper enquired.
Weasel shrugged, as the trooper checked his belt-line, “I like borrowed it from my friend, ma… er, sir.” He gave the name that he recalled from the insurance card and the trooper nodded.
When the trooper had completed his search, he side-stepped toward the passenger side and asked Daffodil to step out of the car. He directed her to stand on the passenger side by the rear quarter panel, so that she would not be visible to either Weasel or the dash cam, especially with the still flashing lights… at least from the waist down. With the front of his car turned toward the highway, what he did next was off camera. He asked Daffy about whether she had any weapons and as he ran his hands down her legs, he asked a few more standard questions about where they were headed, what they were doing, etc. When he ran his hands back up her legs, she discovered just what a creep he was. He paused at the junction of her thigh and hip and massaged her for a moment. She froze in shock and stiffened, her answer to his last enquiry immediately stifled. Before she could say anything, he stood and motioned to the back of their new car, “Okay ma’am, join the driver. Both of you keep your hands on the trunk.”
He went through the same motions with Wanda, who was a little prepared by Daffodil looking earnestly into her eyes and silently mouthing, “He’s a freak!” A fact Wanda soon understood. She did not freeze up as had Daffy, since she’d been as prepared as possible. The trooper seemed to like that and patted her backside as he stood. On the side facing away from the camera. Creepy but clever, she seethed. She joined her companions. The trooper, after trying to convince them to open the trunk and voluntarily allow him to search the car, smirked, with his back to his own windshield, and gave up. He issued a citation to Weasel for some minor traffic infraction and sent them on their way.
“I can’t believe he did that!” Daffodil screeched into Weasel’s ear.
He flinched, “Did what? They don’t usually put their hands on she-males, but…” he didn’t get any further.
“He felt us up Wease!” Wanda said emphatically from the back seat. She had her head turned to look out the passenger window with a distant look on her features, no doubt reliving some past similar trauma.
“Why do you think he kept his lights flashing and aimed his dash cam to your side but kept us on our side?” Daffodil asked with slightly less volume. “He talked into his microphone like we were just having a conversation but all the while he was… groping his way to cop a feel.”
Weasel sniggered a little, “Cop a feel? Seriously?” His companions did not see the humor and for the rest of the drive he was alternately harangued with speeches about “unwanted touching” and stony silences with occasional glares. He had the decency to sincerely apologize but they all knew that he would eventually use the “joke” again. It was in all their natures to remain as they had been in life.
**** * ****
Val drove in the general direction of the police department. She didn’t know the address of the storage facility or quite how vehicles were stored and handled as evidence. She knew only the “book” version from school. However, she had contacts at the PD and soon knew where to go. She had no idea how she was going to get into the lot and maybe have a look at the van, possibly even catch a look at the vampires, after hours on a weekend. There would likely be an attendant and officers would be bringing evidence all night long. She mused on what to do, I’ll play it by ear and plan to scout tonight but be ready for a crap-storm as Uncle Early called them. Always so polite in my hearing… Her thoughts threatened to go off in a distracting direction, so she shifted focus back to her surroundings. Her GPS informed her that her destination was two blocks ahead on the right. She did not notice the ratty old minivan that was parked in the shadows at the curbside.
She saw that the front gate included a guard shack, but no one was immediately visible through the darkened glass. She continued on around the block to look for possibilities. She could wait until Monday, she had a good excuse to see the vehicle since Scott was her client, yet she felt in her gut that she needed to see the van without delay. She saw what she suspected was the vehicle storage area; it was a tall structure with metal roll-up doors, like the cargo area on Scott’s truck, a stray thought intruded. Wait, one of the doors is open but no light coming from inside.
A horn blasted into her perception and she swerved back into her own lane, “Merde! I hate jump scares!” she declared emphatically to her internal dialog. Time to park and look on foot. She found a safe place to park on the roadside and pulled on her dark hoodie, gloves, and backpack. She already sported her belt pack with the smooth 9mm and extra magazines. She took hold of her small but very bright flashlight and began to walk around the outside fence. She had already driven around most of the back three sides and was near the street with the gate. It didn’t take long for her to reach it. She paused and looked carefully at the gate shack. It was still dark and definitely gave off a creepy vibe. She checked the gates and saw that the entrance gate was slightly ajar. It was on the track, but the lock plates had not quite touched. She wondered briefly if there was an alarm.
It was too unusual, so she considered just calling the city Dispatch Office and getting some official help. Maybe I can get in with the rush, she pondered. Still, if I can take care of it, maybe I should… She stopped that train of thought. This isn’t like the Dogman and Werewolf stuff, she chastised herself: the vamps are dangerous, but they die easier and may still be a mystery to the “officials”. Besides, these things have the sense to flee official intervention. The responders will be okay, especially if I portray the vamps as meth-heads. She dialed and rapidly explained…
**** * ****
When Daffy and Wan Wan arrived at the property storage facility, it had taken them some time to recognize what it was. The signage was minimal, and it was the guard shack that gave them the clue they needed. “Let’s park down the street a little way.” Daffodil suggested.
Wanda agreed, “Yeah, if we can get the van to roll, we may not need this heap. We should prolly change cars anyway.”
They approached the guard station from down the sidewalk, walking at a normal pace, their improved eyesight allowing them to see that there was a single occupant in the structure. The windows were darkened but they were predators, so they could see clearly that the creature who was in their way was old, fat, and inattentive. He stared down at a brightly lit screen, grinning like a fool at some program he’d pulled up on his device. Wanda turned to Daffodil, “Can you believe that? I can hear the music: he’s streaming The Beverly Hillbillies. I remember that show, my parents loved it.” She said the last a little wistfully, she often wondered what had happened with her family, how they had responded when she did not return from the trip with her friends. What had they thought happened to her?
They stood outside the booth for several minutes, silent and staring, it was a game they liked to play, plus they had to decide whether any noise would be heard by others or whether their actions would be observed. In the time they waited, not even one vehicle passed down the street. A few turned down the block, but none approached the gates. Eventually, Daffodil ran her long, thickened nails down the glass. They scored it and left four parallel trails. The attendant looked up. He was a retired-on-active-duty Sgt. Likely assigned to the light duty station because he was too decrepit to do anything else. He looked up startled, and then annoyed. He raised his voice to be heard through the glass, “This is Police Department property, continue on down the sidewalk ladies.”
Wanda and Daffodil rendered their horrific smiles, all leering mouths, fangs and burning eyes in dark, sunken sockets. The man tugged at the pistol he wore, then decided that he should be outside the booth. He opened the door, which was on the opposite side from the two freaky women and stepped out. He intended to circle around to cover them, his pistol now out and at the ready. Yet they had circled the front of the booth, still outside the gates. One boosted the other over the chain link gate. She dropped to her feet on the inside and quickly ducked into the booth. “Hey! Get out. You can’t…” the old officer stuttered in confusion and in stress.
He was cut off when Daffodil landed on him. She had scrambled up after Wanda, climbed onto the roof of the shack and jumped out and onto the old man. She heard the gate rumble behind her as Wanda at last found the controls and opened it a hand’s breadth. She began to laugh when she saw that the man had rolled back onto the ground, jerked and spasmed a few times, and then lay still, his pistol still grasped in one hand. “Fat old Pig died on us.” She giggled insanely. “Just as well, we’re already full and there will be no mystery, no reason for the other Pigs to look for anybody.”
Afterwards, they crept around the facility until they found the garage. It took a while to find the right keys on the now cold body of the Sgt. but then they were able to unlock and raise the doors. They immediately found their beloved old VW Van. It was all but destroyed. They crept closer and sniffed at the gunky blood that had come from their long-time companion and part-time lover, Weasel. They paused and had a good long cry. If there was an alarm and anyone showed, they could always run or hide. This was a moment to excise the hurt they felt. They were no longer able to physically shed tears, but their cries were still heartfelt, as much as they were capable.
After a while, they decided to search the van for necessities. It would be a while before they would be able to steal it back and get it repaired, but some of the items from when they were turned might give them some comfort and let them rest. There were plenty of creaks and pops and the rancid odor of petrol filled the air. They ignored all of that, they had come across a few collisions in their travels and had drained more than one crash survivor while accompanied by the smell of gasoline. It wasn’t like the movies, where cars exploded at the slightest bump, there had to be a spark to ignite the blaze and here was no trail of liquid fuel from the wreckage. After a while, they realized that no one would come into the facility in response to their presence and they relaxed, going through their possessions as they talked their way down memory lane. Their discussion was as much of a memorial service as Weasel and Raisin would get.
**** * ****
Val waited for a while after she’d disconnected from her call. Dispatch was busy with Friday night mayhem, so it might be a while. She stepped in closer to the booth and peered inside. She could see a monitor reflected on the inside glazing near the back of the booth. One of the small images, distorted by the angle, showed two figures standing outside a wrecked VW Van that sported simple flower images, now smudged by grime and scrapes. She did not hesitate, she put away her flashlight and drew her pistol, used her butt to open the gate, and glided smoothly into the property yard and toward the shadows near the garage.
On the way, she noted the lump of a crumpled and dead body in the uniform of the city police. She knew what it was, she had seen similar remains. She recognized the profound stillness of death. She resumed her stalk toward the garage and found the unlocked, slightly opened garage door. There were no windows, but she could tell that the lighting inside was very dim. The vampires wouldn’t need it, but she was glad to have any way to see what she was doing. She heard muffled voices, old, dry, and a little creaky… feathery she thought, like dead leaves rattling together in an Autumn breeze. There was the noise of items being shifted, and then some gurgling giggles… no, the gurgling of a bong! These undead monsters were getting high!
She switched to a one-handed grip and withdrew the present Uncle Earl had given her and had admonished her to use only in an emergency. She used her foot to get the garage door going upward on its rollers and as soon as she could duck inside, she did. She walked toward the van but, even in their inebriated condition, the vamps were alert. They piled out of the van and stood beside one another, arms akimbo, except that one still held the bong. They stood ready to take out the nosey mortal woman who looked too good for her own sake.
Before Val could react, the bong hurtled into her head and she was knocked nearly unconscious, the pistol slid from her hand, yet she still gripped the flashbang, similar to the one that the Sheriff had given to Uncle Earl and that had saved his girlfriend Miriam’s life. She groggily removed the pin while keeping a tight grip on the device. She heard harsh laughter from the two undead creatures. “I love smashing pretty faces.” Daffy cackled in triumph. “Our looks faded, so why not hers?”
Wan Wan enjoyed a cackle of her own, “Bong! Went the bong on the bitch’s head, like the Gong! of the bell… Hhmmm, can’t think of a good rhyme for ‘bitch’s’” She guffawed, “Like doesn’t matter, she lived pretty, but she’s gonna die bleeding.” Both women recovered from their sinister mirth as Valarie rolled onto her side and tossed the little device, then rolled away and curled into a protective ball. It sailed past the angry vampires and landed inside the van. Her back was to the undead women who laughed in victory, “Missed, pretty-bitch…” Daffodil snarled. Wanda turned to her friend to add a snarky comment, but they were engulfed in a fireball as the white-hot flash-bang ignited the fumes that emanated from the slightly opened fuel tank. The explosion was not terrific, but the fireball was.
Val scrambled away from the intense heat as quickly as she could. The fire had singed her hair and the back of her jacket, but she was otherwise unharmed. Still, she wanted to get away from the heat… and the screams as the two hippie chics ignited and soon joined the hippie dudes with whom they’d been transformed from obnoxious youth into genuine monsters. They collapsed and soon were no more than twin piles of ashes smeared on the floor of the garage. Val climbed to her feet and put away her pistol. She left the building and made her way to the gate shack. She called in to Dispatch and asked them to add a fire truck to their response.
**** * ****
“Well, Mr. Wilson, it took some heavy-duty ‘splainin’, but we are now both cleared of any criminal wrong-doing.” Ms. Valerie Lefevre, esquire, informed her client. “Since you are cleared, it gives me a win on my experiment with criminal law, so I look good to the partners. The Police Chief, the District Attorney, the Sheriff, and Colonel Walters all agreed that I did the right thing in taking out the two ‘meth-monkeys’. That was the official story. No one wanted to talk about the bloodless bodies or Trujillo’s after-life activities. Turns out they were doing an internal investigation on him for some pretty bad actions he performed while he was still alive.”
She brushed at the rapidly healing wound on her forehead, just to the right of her widow’s peak. It would make a thin pink scar that enhanced rather than detracted from her striking appearance once the itching stopped. She did not like the shorter hairstyle necessitated by removing the singed and stinking portions of her coiffure, but as Uncle Earl would say, “Don’t worry, it’ll grow back, long as you’re alive, you’re lovely.”
Scott looked down at his lunch plate and shook his head, “I just can’t believe it. Real live… er, well, un-alive? Undead? Vampires. Freaky. That kinda stuff just shouldn’t be.”
Val gave him an enigmatic smile, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio… er, Scott, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Not the first creatures I’ve seen stalk from the pages of fiction right out into the bright light of day… well, into the silvery light of the moon. Yet there were some natural features that animated them. Surreal science, yet science all the same, not much of a supernatural factor as far as I can tell. I’m glad you are back to your long-hauls and I’m sure your family is as well. Please be safe and, speaking as a country girl who grew up on a highway frequented by logging trucks, don’t engine break when you pass private homes, it’s really loud.”
submitted by BearLair64 to MadameRavensDarlings [link] [comments]

[Heartbreaker] - Chapter 3

Rolf Bradson’s hands were marvelous things. Long and elegant and thin, they had opened people up, touched things that had never been touched by any other person (and hopefully never would be again), and closed them up again, better than before. These hands were so good at this task that Rolf became a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon.
But not only that; Rolf’s hands, ambitious little creatures, also excelled at creating by not touching anything. Rolf could pull notes out of thin air; during theremin performances, it seemed as though he were some sort of magician. A curious hillbilly magician, perpetually wearing a red MAGA-branded golf bag on his head. These hands made him the world’s second best theremin musician.
Right now, however, these hands were occupied in the dull task of washing Rolf’s red Jeep. Rolf had mounted steer horns on the roof of the car, yet another manifestation of his “interesting” qualities, but he was not one of those weirdos who name their cars.
Rolf himself was not paying attention to the task at hand, because he was on a conference call. To be perfectly honest with you, he wasn’t paying attention to the conference call either, having dimmed the volume to the level that the overlapping voices sounded like the inconsequential buzzing of flies.
Rolf had just won a game of virtual chess and washed the left horn on the red Jeep when he turned up the volume on his phone to check out what his Illiterati brothers were up to. A loud, raspy voice bawled at him, chiming with challenge:
“Rolf! Wanna take it out back and have it out for Betty?!”
Rolf had grown tired of the Enlightened Illiterati. Most of them were smart, and even the stupid ones tended to be handy and strong, but between them all, they lacked a single ounce of effective communication skills. Their preferred method of settling a discussion was to “go out back and have it out like real men.” Rolf did not want to “have it out like a real man.” His hands and brain were precious million-dollar instruments, and he did not relish the possibility of fucking them up for the sake of a dispute over the location of the next meeting, the satanic nature of death metal, or whether Betty was Paul’s girl or Rolf’s.
“No, I don’t even like her,” Rolf said. “Why would I need to fight you for her?”
“Oh, come ON!” Paul shouted. “You know that Betty ain’t worth nothing unless I break a couple ribs fighting a bigger, stronger man for her! Ideally, I’d even sustain a concussion!”
Rolf thought for a moment. In this interim, the voices of his Illiterati brothers rose in indignation that Rolf would demean any woman like this, refusing even to award her the prize of being worth breaking another man’s ribs. What the hell is wrong with this guy? What kind of chauvinistic pig is he?
“Well,” he started. “If Betty is worth breaking a couple bones for, couldn’t you go and buy her flowers or something?”
Paul spoke again, in a violent singsong, as though he was explaining a very simple concept for the 33rd time to a very stupid and very young child. “Here’s how it works. We go FIGHT, and then I get HORRIBLY INJURED. BETTY feels BAD for me, her TRUE LOVE, and proves her devotion by continuing to love me, after I proved MINE by getting hurt in a fight with YOU!”
Ah. This made perfect sense. Rolf didn’t even need a moment this time. “Alright. I’ll go get my brass knuckles and meet you outside after our next Illiterati meeting. But I can’t fuck up my hands too bad, since I still have to work on becoming the world’s best theremin musician.”
“You mean you’re not already the world’s best theremin musician?! Why’s Rolf our leader? I bet I could beat him at the theremin on my first try!!”
Rolf was not sure who said this, but he did not welcome the challenge to his authority. “How much do you bet? Higher than a thousand or you’re next after Paul.”
“That’s not even fair! I don’t have golden-haired Betty to attend to my masculinity-proving injuries. Neither do you! It’s fine to give a few punches to a loser like Paul who literally asked for it, but challenging an equal like me violates our code of chivalry or whatever the fuck you had us all sign.”
“It was an insurance waiver, and it was just for the Harley-Davidsons,” Rolf said. He was suddenly very tired of this chatter. “Anyway, I think this is all awfully heteronormative. Next Illiterati meeting, I want to see some boy-on-boy action, or I’ll cede the title to Paul.”
Voices rose in protest. Rolf hit the “end meeting” button, cutting them off.
In the fresh silence, Rolf’s hands finished washing the right horn of the red Jeep. He thought about where he wanted to drive next, in his shiny red Jeep, with the horns on top. The truth was, unlike his fellow Illiterati members, Rolf did not crave women or wealth. He already had enough of both for several lifetimes, which was not a brag, just a truth. Rolf’s soul was wrapped up in “being the best.” He cared about nothing else except this one thing, which was a fine, fine way to live his life. He had always been like this. That is: incredibly accomplished and definitely better than you.
It was three days later, and it was a few minutes after the conclusion of the 111th Congress of the Enlightened Illiterati. The night was humid and warm for May, the kind of heat that sent tempers spiraling and fists flying. Inside the restaurant, Rolf and Paul looked at each other over empty bowls of pho.
“Let’s have it out like real men.” “Yes, let’s.”
The rest of the Illiterati brothers rose and made to leave in a scattered and halfhearted manner. As the waitstaff cleared away the bowls, Rolf and Paul menaced each other out the back door of the restaurant.
The hillbillies followed and made a loose ring in the empty parking lot behind the restaurant. Paul squared his shoulders, as did Rolf. Rolf’s brass knuckles glimmered under the street light.
Rumbling. Some indistinct yells. An M1 Abrams rolled up the slope into the parking lot. The top of the battle tank flipped open and fair Betty emerged, more beautiful than ever, although her golden hair was tied back and she was clad in baggy army fatigues. “Begin the festivities,” she cried, in a voice that you could easily imagine giving orders on a chaotic battlefield.
Rolf delivered the first swing. As his fist connected with Paul’s side, he heard a sickening crunch, and it pleased him. It had been years since he had fought like this. It had been too long. Rolf felt a familiar head rush of bloodlust. Tonight, there were no rules.
Bam! Paul returned the favor to Rolf, in the form of a knuckle sandwich to the left eye.
A bright light to the left. Paul thought it was a passing car. But it was actually the brass knuckles, coming in to give him a concussion. The rest of the fight passed in a quick blur of Rolf’s flashing brass knuckles, sudden obscure movements, and pain sparking out of darkness.
When it was over, Rolf was scratched and bruised, but at least he was still standing. Paul was lying on the ground, a picture of pitiful valor. Rolf raised his arms in a silent yell of victory. The night had turned cool, and suddenly he was shivering. The humidity was coming out of the air in a light drizzle that turned into a fountain of light under the streetlight.
Betty scrambled off the M1 Abrams and ran to Paul. The hillbillies converged, eager to see whether Paul would be able to walk away from this fight. A cursory investigation revealed that he would not, and so Rolf and Betty helped him up and half-carried him to the tank.
The Enlightened Illiterati dispersed to their vehicles and drove off, along with the M1 Abrams. Rolf sat, bloodied and sore, in his red Jeep, as a warm rain pattered on the windshield. His mind was racing, for his hands were aching for more. His hands longed to kill. Rolf yearned for murder.
submitted by MissFiatLux to redditserials [link] [comments]

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Rolf Bradson’s hands were marvelous things. Long and elegant and thin, they had opened people up, touched things that had never been touched by any other person (and hopefully never would be again), and closed them up again, better than before. These hands were so good at this task that Rolf became a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon.
But not only that; Rolf’s hands, ambitious little creatures, also excelled at creating by not touching anything. Rolf could pull notes out of thin air; during theremin performances, it seemed as though he were some sort of magician. A curious hillbilly magician, perpetually wearing a red MAGA-branded golf bag on his head. These hands made him the world’s second best theremin musician.
Right now, however, these hands were occupied in the dull task of washing Rolf’s red Jeep. Rolf had mounted steer horns on the roof of the car, yet another manifestation of his “interesting” qualities, but he was not one of those weirdos who name their cars.
Rolf himself was not paying attention to the task at hand, because he was on a conference call. To be perfectly honest with you, he wasn’t paying attention to the conference call either, having dimmed the volume to the level that the overlapping voices sounded like the inconsequential buzzing of flies.
Rolf had just won a game of virtual chess and washed the left horn on the red Jeep when he turned up the volume on his phone to check out what his Illiterati brothers were up to. A loud, raspy voice bawled at him, chiming with challenge:
“Rolf! Wanna take it out back and have it out for Betty?!”
Rolf had grown tired of the Enlightened Illiterati. Most of them were smart, and even the stupid ones tended to be handy and strong, but between them all, they lacked a single ounce of effective communication skills. Their preferred method of settling a discussion was to “go out back and have it out like real men.” Rolf did not want to “have it out like a real man.” His hands and brain were precious million-dollar instruments, and he did not relish the possibility of fucking them up for the sake of a dispute over the location of the next meeting, the satanic nature of death metal, or whether Betty was Paul’s girl or Rolf’s.
“No, I don’t even like her,” Rolf said. “Why would I need to fight you for her?”
“Oh, come ON!” Paul shouted. “You know that Betty ain’t worth nothing unless I break a couple ribs fighting a bigger, stronger man for her! Ideally, I’d even sustain a concussion!”
Rolf thought for a moment. In this interim, the voices of his Illiterati brothers rose in indignation that Rolf would demean any woman like this, refusing even to award her the prize of being worth breaking another man’s ribs. What the hell is wrong with this guy? What kind of chauvinistic pig is he?
“Well,” he started. “If Betty is worth breaking a couple bones for, couldn’t you go and buy her flowers or something?”
Paul spoke again, in a violent singsong, as though he was explaining a very simple concept for the 33rd time to a very stupid and very young child. “Here’s how it works. We go FIGHT, and then I get HORRIBLY INJURED. BETTY feels BAD for me, her TRUE LOVE, and proves her devotion by continuing to love me, after I proved MINE by getting hurt in a fight with YOU!”
Ah. This made perfect sense. Rolf didn’t even need a moment this time. “Alright. I’ll go get my brass knuckles and meet you outside after our next Illiterati meeting. But I can’t fuck up my hands too bad, since I still have to work on becoming the world’s best theremin musician.”
“You mean you’re not already the world’s best theremin musician?! Why’s Rolf our leader? I bet I could beat him at the theremin on my first try!!”
Rolf was not sure who said this, but he did not welcome the challenge to his authority. “How much do you bet? Higher than a thousand or you’re next after Paul.”
“That’s not even fair! I don’t have golden-haired Betty to attend to my masculinity-proving injuries. Neither do you! It’s fine to give a few punches to a loser like Paul who literally asked for it, but challenging an equal like me violates our code of chivalry or whatever the fuck you had us all sign.”
“It was an insurance waiver, and it was just for the Harley-Davidsons,” Rolf said. He was suddenly very tired of this chatter. “Anyway, I think this is all awfully heteronormative. Next Illiterati meeting, I want to see some boy-on-boy action, or I’ll cede the title to Paul.”
Voices rose in protest. Rolf hit the “end meeting” button, cutting them off.
In the fresh silence, Rolf’s hands finished washing the right horn of the red Jeep. He thought about where he wanted to drive next, in his shiny red Jeep, with the horns on top. The truth was, unlike his fellow Illiterati members, Rolf did not crave women or wealth. He already had enough of both for several lifetimes, which was not a brag, just a truth. Rolf’s soul was wrapped up in “being the best.” He cared about nothing else except this one thing, which was a fine, fine way to live his life. He had always been like this. That is: incredibly accomplished and definitely better than you.
It was three days later, and it was a few minutes after the conclusion of the 111th Congress of the Enlightened Illiterati. The night was humid and warm for May, the kind of heat that sent tempers spiraling and fists flying. Inside the restaurant, Rolf and Paul looked at each other over empty bowls of pho.
“Let’s have it out like real men.” “Yes, let’s.”
The rest of the Illiterati brothers rose and made to leave in a scattered and halfhearted manner. As the waitstaff cleared away the bowls, Rolf and Paul menaced each other out the back door of the restaurant.
The hillbillies followed and made a loose ring in the empty parking lot behind the restaurant. Paul squared his shoulders, as did Rolf. Rolf’s brass knuckles glimmered under the street light.
Rumbling. Some indistinct yells. An M1 Abrams rolled up the slope into the parking lot. The top of the battle tank flipped open and fair Betty emerged, more beautiful than ever, although her golden hair was tied back and she was clad in baggy army fatigues. “Begin the festivities,” she cried, in a voice that you could easily imagine giving orders on a chaotic battlefield.
Rolf delivered the first swing. As his fist connected with Paul’s side, he heard a sickening crunch, and it pleased him. It had been years since he had fought like this. It had been too long. Rolf felt a familiar head rush of bloodlust. Tonight, there were no rules.
Bam! Paul returned the favor to Rolf, in the form of a knuckle sandwich to the left eye.
A bright light to the left. Paul thought it was a passing car. But it was actually the brass knuckles, coming in to give him a concussion. The rest of the fight passed in a quick blur of Rolf’s flashing brass knuckles, sudden obscure movements, and pain sparking out of darkness.
When it was over, Rolf was scratched and bruised, but at least he was still standing. Paul was lying on the ground, a picture of pitiful valor. Rolf raised his arms in a silent yell of victory. The night had turned cool, and suddenly he was shivering. The humidity was coming out of the air in a light drizzle that turned into a fountain of light under the streetlight.
Betty scrambled off the M1 Abrams and ran to Paul. The hillbillies converged, eager to see whether Paul would be able to walk away from this fight. A cursory investigation revealed that he would not, and so Rolf and Betty helped him up and half-carried him to the tank.
The Enlightened Illiterati dispersed to their vehicles and drove off, along with the M1 Abrams. Rolf sat, bloodied and sore, in his red Jeep, as a warm rain pattered on the windshield. His mind was racing, for his hands were aching for more. His hands longed to kill. Rolf yearned for murder.
submitted by MissFiatLux to MissFiatLux [link] [comments]

Christmas Present for My Dad

I want 2020 to be the year we get a REALLY good gift for my family members but I'm stuck as to what to get for my dad and admittedly we've become a bit too comfortable in recent years getting him the same things over and over again (golf balls, a car shammy, pajamas...). The only problem being everything I can think of he either already has or wouldn't use even if we got it for him. He's likes to watch one or two movies every night, but he already has two streaming services he's perfectly happy with, he golfs but his clubs are in great shape and he's already got gloves and cleats, watches are out because they just end up breaking (he's a farmer, so there is an endless list of things he's bopped his watch against), and self care/grooming stuff (beard oils, razors, cologne, etc) aren't really his thing. He's got a vintage car he takes care of which he has all the supplies for, he's got a Dr Ho's electric thing for his sore back... I guess it's a bit hard to think of a gift for someone who seemingly has everything? Sorry if this one's a bit tough! I'm happy to answer any questions if they'd help lead me in the right direction. Thank you!!
tl;dr 50 year old farmer that's just kind of normal - not a red neck/hillbilly. hunting related gifts are definitely 100% out, self care gifts are out, novelty gifts are out, tools are out... and honestly, not sure what that leaves. He likes movies, golfing, fishing, old cars, poker... does that help?
EDIT: and he used to be a hockey player for a team i will not specify, again, if that helps haha
EDIT 2: oh and he is very dyslexic so book subscriptions/e-readers are a no go
submitted by tasty-soil to GiftIdeas [link] [comments]

[Heartbreaker] -- Chapter 1

Once upon a time, inside a nondescript IHOP in Cincinnati, there was a table of large burly men wearing obscene quantities of leather.
The largest of these large burly men, the one wearing a MAGA-branded red golf bag on his head, stood up and spoke. “Allahu akbar, my brothers. Welcome to the 112th Congress of the Enlightened Illiterati. We shall begin with a prayer.”
The other large burly men at the table, some of whom were attired in priest’s vestments made out of studded leather, quietly sang a liturgical hymn in Latin.
“Let us flip to page 120 of today’s book and share our thoughts,” said the MAGA man, once the singing was over. All of the men around the table produced their copies of The Catcher in the Great Gatsby, by Merman Hellville. Astute readers will recall that this book won this year’s Pulitzer Prize in literature.
“A truly remarkable piece a’ fiction. The subversion of gender tropes really stimulated the old noggin,” one of the priest biker hillbillies said.
“Indeed,” remarked another. “But I must note that the subversion a’ gender tropes can only count as a subversion of a subversion, for it seems to have come round 420 degrees and returned to a traditional sorta balance, if ya catch my drift.”
The original man frowned slightly. He looked extremely threatening when he frowned. “Well, I wouldn’t quite know, as ma own lady is extremely apt ta whackin’ me ‘sides ma head.”
Before the second man could respond, the MAGA man towered slowly to his feet and spoke again. “Not to interrupt this highly important and intellectual conversation that y’all are havin’, but I do believe we’ve found the quarry we so long sought.”
The biker gang’s heads turned to the corner of the IHOP, where two youths sat. It took most of them a few moments to realize what the MAGA man was referring to. Upon closer inspection, the grimy mirror that reflected the gang’s dingy reflections back at them failed to produce such an image for the girl sitting placidly in front of it. “It’s vampires,” said the MAGA man in a stage whisper.
Meanwhile, Axel and Chelsea were having their own intellectually stimulating discussion. It’s a testament to Chelsea’s lack of observational powers that she hadn’t already realized that trouble had followed her into the IHOP. By the time she noticed the biker gang, it was already too late. The men stood up and lumbered toward her, fake grins plastered to their faces.
The one wearing a MAGA-branded golf bag on his head spoke. “Hi there! We noticed that you don’t have a reflection in that there mirror. You a vampire or sumthin?”
“Nah,” said Chelsea, revealing her pointed teeth. “The mirror is just kinda broken.”
“Looks pretty operational ta me,” said the MAGA man. He turned back to Chelsea, rolling up his sleeves. Way too slow. She was already a blonde blur flying out the door, with Axel hot on her heels. Unfortunately for the pestered pair, their pursuers weren’t far behind.
“Let’s holler after ‘em,” one of the men said as they thundered down the loose gravel street. “Explain our purpose an’ all, yknow.”
“That’s a good idea,” said another of the men, even though it was not. “HEY VAMPIRES! WE NEED TA BURN YOUR HEARTS AND EAT THE ASHES TA CURE THE PLAGUE, YA KNOW! THE BEER VIRUS!” he added helpfully.
“That’s quite enough, Matty,” said the MAGA man. “Somehow I don’t think rationality’s gonna persuade these supernatural creatures ta help us save the world.” Someone in the parking lot heckled them for not wearing masks.
About twenty yards ahead, Chelsea and Axel arrived breathless at the Heartbreaker. “Start the car!” screamed Axel as Chelsea leapt in. Moments later the two disappeared in a cloud of dust, gravel, and cat hair. Dismayed, the men watched them blaze off.
“Gosh,” said Chelsea as the priest biker hillbillies grew smaller and smaller behind them. “Is this, like, racism?
Axel looked at her in the rearview mirror while she rambled. “Honestly, I’m more concerned about the doofus with the golf bag on his head who keeps chasing us around.”
“Yeah. Anyway, I’m starving. Gonna stop over there and see if we can get some food without being harassed again.”
Axel mumbled acquiescence as Chelsea pulled into the parking lot of an Arby’s. The two hopped out and immediately noticed a loud wuppa wuppa noise. A black helicopter with orange flames stenciled tastelessly on the sides descended from the sky and landed in the parking lot before them. Empty fast-food wrappers whirled up into the air and flew away as the chopper blades slowed.
Axel and Chelsea edged back, too rapt by the marvelous sight to consider a plan of action. The trance was broken when the door of the helicopter opened.
None other than the MAGA man emerged, brandishing a broken green pop bottle. One by one, the rest of the biker gang came into view, each holding a broken pop bottle, encircling Axel and Chelsea like blood-crazed sharks. The grins on their faces were manic. The pop bottles were sharp. Resistance was futile.
With a warlike whoop, the MAGA man charged for the kill.
submitted by MissFiatLux to redditserials [link] [comments]

Flashback: Destination - Spanaway

Let's face it, I have strayed from my original course. It's been months (a year?) since I did a proper Destination piece. The reasons? Laziness, the homeless, Trump....
The reasons don't matter. Today I bring you another half-assed, barely visited guide to a city in Washington.
Why? Well, I woke up Saturday brimming with the promise of a completely free weekend. No plans. I marveled at my good fortune and immediately began to plan my day around drugs, booze, and/or food. I landed on food. I don't know how the thought crossed my mind, but it crossed it and it didn't stop until it was on the other side of the road with a taco pizza.
Let me explain: I have many white whales (besides myself) that I have promised myself to hunt and kill. Godfather's is one of them. The place went nearly tits up around here back in the 90s. Before that, I remember many a high school Friday where my saint of a mother would order Godfather's. Typically it would be a taco pizza, a veggie, a combo, a dessert pizza, and breadsticks. But what stood out was the Taco Pizza. It was breathtaking and bizarre: a deep dishish pizza with taco sauce, ground beef, tomatoes, olives, cheddar, and....wait for it....LETTUCE. It was brimming with beautiful lettuce. Lettuce like you wouldn't believe. The type of lettuce God would huck from the sky on starving Israelites.
Last Saturday I decided to hunt and kill my Taco Pizza White Whale. I also got half combo.
Well, the tricky part was finding a Godfather's. The last time I heard even rumor of it, it was located in Auburn. Not anymore. The Auburn one went the way of the Alfy's and Pizza Haven. No, the only location left was Spanaway.
I knew little to nothing of Spanaway. I still don't. Spanaway to me, growing up, sounded like a giant race track where my loser friends would go dirt biking. Most cities I know nothing about are either near Tacoma or Bellingham. Turns out it's south of Tacoma.
It took an hour from Issaquah and that was mostly because I forgot that dumbass fair was in town and every hillbilly and hipster douchebag and their families were marching towards Puyallup. Seriously, that fair is fucking stupid. The only reason to go was the food, and now that is all shitty too. If you want to see animals and hicks go to Enumclaw.
Directions if you are living exactly where I do: You take Hobart to 18, then to 167, then to 512 and then you're looking at a sports bar called Pole Position. Pole Position was enormous. It looked like a Chuck E. Cheese for adults who were still in community college at age 40. If it wasn't so early in the day I might have stopped in. As I drove through Parkland, I saw more and more weird bars. Cowboy themes and all. Those can be the best or worst depending on how you see it. I figure if a bar looks like it belongs in the 1980s it's OK with me.
Essentially, Parkland and Spanaway look like you're driving on 99 North of Seattle. Car dealerships, pawn shops, and vape stores where porno shops once were. I guess I was more in Parkland than Spanaway, but who the hell has heard of Parkland? Apparently it's nicer than Spanaway, but it's got that shitty name. Parkland. Like at an airport.
Spanaway is in Pierce county, so I had to cross county lines to get there. That means a TON of gunfights. I don't look for gunfights, but they seem to find me. As I merged onto 167 a Buick started one with me all the way to Puyallup. The joke was on them: you can't kill an Acura.
Anyway, you might run into Spanaway if you miss the exit to the fair (shitty fair) or if you're trying to beat Tacoma traffic. Otherwise, there's a Godfather's, a golf course, and a mattress store with a number of deranged wooden animals nailed to it (I actually thought this was cool).
A number of musicians have named albums or songs after the town. The only one I recognized was Seaweed and I barely remember them.
History: The Hudson Bay company had control of Spanaway until 1863. If you don't know the Hudson Bay company, they were essentially the Koch brothers of the 1800s and before. They started off trapping or something and then dominated the United States with low rate vacation properties in derelict towns or "unsettled" lands in hope of gaining new trapper employees to catch local wildlife and sell it to the dirty English (isn't England like one big state fair when you think about it?). The name comes from Spanueh, the name the company used for the native Lushootseed, "spadue". Kinda like when white people pronounce black "urban". Before Spanaway, the name went through further renditions including Spandau Ballet from 1980 - 1990. Ex. "Hey, man, Tacoma is fucked, let's take 512 through Spandau Ballet and pick up some fucking Godfather's here in the 1980s where there actually is like 900 locations, but Spandau Ballet will do."
Get this! Some dude tried to name the lake there after himself and it didn't take. Can you imagine? The guy died and they changed the name. That's a real fuck you to that guy. I forget the guy's name. This history is coming from the woman who served me at Godfather's and I was so hungry I forgot to listen well. Anyway, Spanda- Spanaway was once the gateway to Mt. Rainier. You'd take a train to a hub there and then get on a stage coach, all old fashion-like, and take a TWO DAY journey to the mountain with a stop over in dreaded Eatonville. That's like making yourself a sandwich made out of wood and using excrement for condiments. Then going to Eatonville.
Here's some trivia: Jerry Cantrell grew up there! Get OUT! Also, Mike Blowers of the Mariners is also from there. For a small shitty city that looks a lot like an airport mall if it was outside and much dirtier and there's a golf...OK, Spanaway officially does not look like an airport mall. Where was I going with this?
There's also a LeMay museum. I think. There were signs for it, but I was trying my damndest to get out of the city and onto the highway where I tortured myself by having the Taco Pizza in the back seat as I drove an hour home to eat it.
I was the skinniest guy in the Godfather's.
I didn't see one Trump sticker. Figured I would. Once you go South shit goes south.
Besides the Godfather's, I'd say it'd be worth going to Spanaway just to hit the weirdo bars. They all look as though they came from another time. That could be good, but it could also mean you could get stabbed.
How could I put Spanaway into one sentence? I would call it Auburn if Auburn wore Fox gloves and liked to dirt bike, but also liked to smoke more than meth.
Like maybe some weed and some heroin. I don't know.
I guess that was two sentences.
Man, I think I forgot how to write these.
I drove two hours to get a Taco Pizza. That's how I want you to remember this article.
What an adventure!
submitted by levilarrington to DestinationWa [link] [comments]

Trip advice!

Hi! I'm not sure if someone else posted something similar to this, if so i'd love a link to it!
Me and my partner have never been to gatlinburg and are heading down the end of June. We're not super big on tourist attractions but we're probably going to spend at least one day doing some popular things just to check it out.
so far, i've got: - Ober: we're not sure what to do here, seems kind of boring during the summer
In addition, we're thinking about white water rafting with five rivers adventures. Is there a better company to go through instead? They also offer a fishing trip which sounds interesting but would it be worth the $275 to do it? Should we find another fishing trip or go somewhere ourselves?
Lastly, what is the weather like during this time?
Sorry, this is long, we're staying for three nights and i want to make the most of it.
Any kind of advice is welcomed!
submitted by wikachikiana to Gatlinburg [link] [comments]

The Deadly Virus: Pluto, Area 51, Beyonce, Toilet Paper & Elon Musk

What do Heath, Amy, Lady Di, Liz Taylor, Whitney, Michael Jackson, Robin Williams and even fucking Grumpy Cat have in common? That they’re all dead, right?? WRONG, dodo head!! THEY.ARE.ALL.ALIVE!!!!! YES, they are ALIVE!!! A-live! You don’t believe me, right?? You’re thinking if they WERE alive, somebody somewhere would have spotted them by now, no matter what shitty and remote corner of the world they’re hiding in, right?? Someone would have eventually noticed them? Well here’s the twist, dickface: THEY AREN’T ON EARTH! THEY’RE ON PLUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUP, MOTHER.FUCKING.PLUTO!!!! They discovered the way to extend average human life for 100 more years and at the same time reverse the effects of aging. Some fountain of youth type of shit. All I know is it involves moringa, whale cum, cement injections and guano.
But they’re keeping it a secret! Otherwise everyone will want to live more and that’s just NOT possible or even feasible. We’re already having overpopulation issues! Manhattan is so fucking crowded, people are starting to fall off the island, right into the Hudson! True story! Look it up! So YEARS AGO, fucking Steve Jobs and fucking Hawking came up with the brilliant idea of building a base on a planet which nobody would care about. Why the hell do you think Pluto got downgraded as a planet? Why? Nobody gives a rat’s ass about Pluto now! All the nerds have their telescopes pointed at their hot 16-year-old neighbors! So, ALL these celebrities are living out some of their best (and additional) years there and still HAF. And they paid BIG BUCKS to get there. I mean, we’re talking country-GDP figures. They faked their deaths, went to Area 51, got on a spaceship and said ‘Hasta never, you fat fucks!”
They’re all living it up over there! Got all-organic, poop-grown food, but also a shitload of Hennessy, Dom Perignon and canned caviar gets shipped EVERY MONTH from fucking earth. They HAVE IT ALL! And they’re up there having tickle orgies and erotic-asphyxiation parties – any and every depravity you can think of. Drug-fueled naked Twister Tuesdays!
BUT, guess what happened???? All these bitches and pencil dicks started getting bored!! They’re BORED!! I mean, you stay indoors for two months and you’re already thinking ‘Hey, maybe drinking Lysol isn’t such a bad idea after all!’ So these cum-lickers got BORED and they’re whining ‘Oh, it’s so boring here! Everybody is tired of fingering each other’. And they’re kinda right. I mean, they’re cool guys and all but there’s a limit to the amount of times you can hear Steve Irwin’s croc stories and Heffner’s sexual escapades! Plus, there is NOTHING on Pluto. Didn’t you see ‘The Martian’? I mean, sure, they managed to build a Starbucks, a Cinnabon and a L'Occitane. There’s also a Victoria’s Secret (Prince insisted) and like a GNC but that’s about it. These companies also pay big bucks to be there cause it’s all about brand value and gloating about who brought capitalism to Pluto first. Oh, and, of course, there’s a Saks, but everything is like two seasons late. Do you have any idea long it takes to get to fucking Pluto? McQueen and Karl are up there but them fruitcakes are retired; they don’t want to be designing shit for Aretha and Bowie anymore (even though they insist)! Besides, it’s not like you can just walk outside the base in chiffon gowns. No! They have to put on these sick but huge spacesuits just to go to the outhouse (composting, of course). It's not a hillbilly type of thing, though. It’s quite glamorous, with Korean butt-warming toilets and it’s fully-serviced by a TARS. Everything is manned by robots. Bourdain likes to take over and cook every once in a while but Anna Nicole is as useless there as she was here.
But yeah, everyone got bored. SO they called Beyonce at Illuminati HQ and were like “B, hook us up!”. And they came up with this evil coronavirus plan. They tricked everyone into thinking the virus spreads through air and snot and saliva and shit. That way everyone would stay indoors and away from each other and they’d have the planet all to themselves – museums, beaches, mini golf courses, you name it! But in order to it make seem like this was a really dangerous thing (cause they just knew these egg-headed cousin-fuckers would grab their guns and storm the State Capitol to get The Cheescake Factory to reopen), they decided to kill folks. “So what? They’ll be some causalities and a couple of hundred thousand people will die. But let’s definitely spare the kiddies, doggos and all the hot hipsters. Let’s have only old folks kick the bucket, cause they’re responsible for Brexit, Trump and they also smell a little”. And the virus doesn’t spread through the air or person-to-person contact. Oh no, you little pinhead. THE VIRUS SPREADS THROUGH… wait for it… TOILET PAPER! FUCKING TOILET PAPER!! They started spreading rumors that the world was going to end and we wouldn’t have anything to wipe our hairy asses with! So people panicked and bought TONS of toilet paper and little did they know that they’re getting infected THROUGH THEIR CRINKLED STAR!
Ugh, these megadouches! People are dying, we’re heading towards the biggest depression in history of post-partum depressions, food is going to run out and we’re going to have to start eating people, and these privileged wacko’s are all here riding roller coasters at Disneyland without having to wait in line! I just can’t! I just can’t! But they’re all heading back up in a couple of days. The holiday will soon be over. Oh, I know what you’re thinking, you fucknugget. You’re thinking someone would have noticed a couple of hundred spaceships up in the sky? All coming down to earth? Uhm, heard of Elon Musk and his satellites, sheepshagger??? A fucking diversion, you cunt fart!!! I’m telling you, it’s one of the most complex but carefully choreographed plans in history. It’s fucked up, bro. FUCKED UP! Also: 5G!!!!
submitted by mconyc to conspiracytheories [link] [comments]

A Tale of Two Florida Franchises.

For this one, I’ve decided to try a different approach, rather than just writing about one team, or one player, I’m going to write about two teams, specifically the Panthers and Lightning. As we all know the Lightning are considered to be pretty good, while the Panthers are considered to be, pretty bad. From the Rat Trick, to Quenneville signing, the Panthers have seen a lot, but so have the Lightning.

Expansion, Expansion Never Changes.


In the late 80’s the NHL was hungry to further expand, and they selected, Tampa Bay, San Jose and Ottawa. San Jose was a no brainer, as North Stars owners Gordon and George Gund had been trying to move the North Stars to San Francisco for years, San Jose was given to them on the condition they sell the team to a local owner(Norm Greed), while the new Senators would be in the heart of Canada’s capital, they were a shitshow from the beginning, while the Lightning…. oh boy that’s a can of worms.
So to begin with, there were two groups here bidding for the St Petersburg, Florida. One group owned by Peter Karmanos and Jim Rutherford, looked to be the more stable, while their opposing group was led by the Esposito Brothers, Phil and Tony Esposito, who in turn had money coming in from The Pritzker Family(Too many things to list, they’re rich), who in turn backed out at the last minute, leading Kokusai Green, who...we don’t know shit about, to come in as the new investors for the Esposito Group. Kokusai Green were a group of masked people, who managed a golf course / resort. It looked like Karmanos / Rutherford would be the winning bid, but the Esposito Group were the ones willing to pay the $50 million expansion fee up front, because even back then, Karmanos was a cheap bastard.
For their first season, they played at the Expo Hall of the Florida State Fairgrounds, so obviously not an arena built for hockey. It was tiny(11K seats), but it was fine for the first season, before they moved to play at the Thunderdome(Tropicana Field now), until the Ice Palace(Amalie Arena) was built. In their first season, they had goaltender Manon Rheaume play a pre-season game, making her the first and only Woman to play in a NHL game. She stopped seven of nine shots against the St Louis Blues. It was a publicity stunt, obviously, but she wasn’t awful. She played an IHL game too.


December 10th, 1992 was a promising day for the NHL. The Walt Disney Company had announced they were bringing a new team to the NHL, the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim(based on their movie series), at the same time though, Blockbuster owner Wayne Huizenga was also announced as bringing an expansion team to the NHL, the Florida Panthers. Huizenga was no stranger to sorts, he had purchased a 15% stake in the Miami Dolphins and their stadium, Joe Robbie Stadium(now Hard Rock Stadium), Dolphins owner,, Joe Robbie had recently died and his family was struggling to keep the team afloat. In 1994, he bought the remaining shares for around $115 Million, changing the name of the stadium soon after, to “Pro Player Park” due to a deal with Fruit of the Loom’s “Pro Player” brand. He also owned the Florida Marlins, who had yet to play a game at the time of this announcement.
There was an initial concern of territory infringement, but the NHL shrugged it off. For their initial few seasons, the Panthers would play at the Miami Arena, sharing with the Miami Heat of the NBA. Huizenga had the name “Panthers” since 91, since he bought it off a group trying to get a MLB team in Tampa. Huizenga was great for the Panthers for the most part, he had money, he spent it on his team and he didn't meddle.
For their first few seasons, the Panthers had shared an arena with the Miami Heat, at the Miami Arena a still relatively new arena at the time(single digit age), but it was clear early on this would not be able support pro sports for long, it only held around 14K. It was good arena for its time and people showed up at the least.

New Teams, New Struggles


Obviously the first few years for these teams sucked, expansion was designed to make the expanding team awful, especially with how the rules were set up. But the Panthers were the exception, it took them two seasons of missing to make the playoffs, where they went to a cup final, only to lose to the new Avalanche(formerly Nordiques). This playoff run was accompanied by the now famous “Rat Trick”. The prior season during the home opener, Scott Mellanby had killed a rat with his stick in the locker room and proceeded to score two goals that night, with goaltender John Vanbiesbrouck coining the phrase. Fans loved the idea and would flood the ice with plastic rats, after every goal. In the 96-97 season this was changed, so that the home team would be penalized if the fans disrupted a game(see Flyers fans throwing bracelets onto the ice, during Ed Snyder’s memorial). The Rat Trick carried on though, with fans throwing thousands of plastic rats onto the ice, after the Panthers beat the Pittsburgh Penguins, to capture the Prince of Wales Trophy, punching their ticket to the 1996 Stanley Cup Final. Coincidentally, it was also the Chinese Year of the Rat, which helped things too.Fun fact, the team brought on Orkin as a sponsor, so ice crew would come out to clean up the rats, dressed as Orkin Exterminators, great marketing if you ask me! Area supermarkets even sold cupcakes with rats on them, to show support for the team.
That was the first, last and only big playoff run for the Panthers unfortunately, as the following season they lost in the first round to Gretzky’s Rangers(who got their shit kicked in by the Flyers in a Conference Final 4-1, who in turn got swept by Detroit.). 97-98 was also..bad, this time they missed the playoffs. During that season coach Doug MacLean was fired after going 7-12-4, with GM Bryan Murray taking over his duties and leading the team to an even worse overall record of 24-43-15, even worse during 15-game winless streak, John Vanbiesbrouck was shelled by the Blackhawks, playing his final game in a Panthers jersey. He walked in free agency to sign with the Flyers. To replace him the Panthers had a bit of a three-headed goalie monster going on as Mike Vernon, Trevor Kidd, Mikhail Shtalenkov, Sean Burke and Richard Shulmistra, all played in 99-00.
Stability came back in that offseason as they acquired franchise legend Roberto Luongo, from the Islanders, due to GM Mike Milbury being a fucking idiot. Milbury hated Luo and previously criticized him for apartment shopping on the day he let in 7 goals against the Bruins. Luo had two stints with the Panthers before retiring this past offseason. He's set so many franchise records and is set to have his number retired on March, 7, 2020.


While in this same timespan, the Lightning had broken 30 wins only once. The Lightning rebounded in season 4(95-96), just barely knocking out the defending champion Devils, by a single point. They went onto face the Flyers in their first playoff series. They had just barely squeaked into a playoff berth, taking the final eastern wildcard spot, with a record of 38-32-12, or 88 points. They had split the first 2 games at the Spectrum, bringing it back to the Thunderdome, with a record crowd of ** 28,183** a record that stood until 2003’s heritage classic. Right away, Tampa was crazy for hockey even if the team wasn’t that good. The two teams split games yet again, but ultimately the Flyers won the series 4-2. It wasn’t bad though, for their first playoff berth the Lightning were building something good, but had they advanced to a Conference Final, we could have seen the battle of the Florida teams, unfortunately the Hockey Gods are cruel and that series has never happened.
The draft that year for the Lightning wasn’t great, their first rounder Mario Larocque never played a game for them and most of their picks were traded away, although they did draft Pavel Kubina, who stuck with them until 2006 and then again from 2010-2012. Unlike the Panthers, the early Lightning didn’t find much success on the ice, it didn’t help that they played in a baseball stadium, rather than a proper hockey rink. But it could be worse, they could be mismanaged like the future Thrashers were. Plus Daren Puppa was nominated for the Vezina, but lost out to Jim Carey of the Capitals.

New Millenium, Same Struggles.

The 90s were coming to a close, but there was so much more craziness before that century ended:
The Panthers finally moved into their own space, the National Car Rental Center(BB&T, soon to be Truist), but that came with an instant problem. It wasn’t in Miami, it was in Sunrise, which wasn’t really a sports town.
The Reason Huizenga went to Sunrise instead of staying in Miami with the Heat was a few reasons:
There were early talks about the Heat and Panthers sharing a new arena, but Micky Arison has vehemently said absolutely not to sharing with the Panthers. Being as Arison is the owner of the Heat(has been for decades), it’s never happening. Plus renovating AAA(soon to be named something else) would be a nightmare. As it is, it’s not built for hockey, so you’d have another Barclays / Talking Stick Situation. I’ve seen a lot of people saying “Sunrise is perfect for hockey”, but unfortunately the attendance says otherwise.
Couple that with the distance from Miami and the fact there’s nothing to do before or after the game near BB&T. You got a large mall and some shitty restaurants nearby, while you look at Vegas as a good example of actual life around the arena. The team would be better suited to build a new arena in Hollywood, Downtown Fort Lauderdale or go back to Miami Dade and figure something out. Combine that with Cohen coming in and gutting this team financially, fans quit showing up after the “new stadium” effect wore off and the Panthers didn’t get much better. The Panthers(in my opinion) can’t succeed in Sunrise, they’ve tried their damndest to build a fanbase, but the on-ice product has been awful and nobody wants to support a team that’s been in a perpetual rebuild since Dale Tallon took over almost a decade ago. Attendance wasn't an issue at the Miami Arena, but the problem was that it was so small despite only being around 8 years old, when AAA opened. I don't know if games were "sellouts", but they were doing fine in attendance.
Obviously not, it's built for basketball, has no ice plant, awful sightlines and the owner doesn't want them.
A lot to cover here. The Lightning were bad, they were bottom of the league because Kokusai Green(Maybe Yakuza???? / Primary Owners) didn’t carry about the Lightning, they are losing money at an incredible rate and Kokusai was forced to transfer money to keep the lights on. There’s a lot of blame here, first off:
The NHL, these idiots got scammed by John Spano years earlier and didn’t do their due diligence again with Kokusai Green. NHL didn’t care if any checks cleared, they wanted that sweet, sweet $50 mill is all, hell the Lightning could be playing beach hockey and as long as they got the money, they’d look the other way.
Hillsborough County, had agreed to build the Lightning, the Ice Palace but the question remained, Who The Fuck Is Takashi Okubo? The Answer will surprise you, because nobody knows. NHL President John Ziegler never met “Okubo'', Bettman never did(though he tried), nobody from Hillsborough County or Tampa met with “him”, but apparently(?????) Saburo(Steve) Oto(Japanese-Born, he was the team executive) and Chris Phillips claimed to have met him. Is he real? Who the hell knows!? Was Kokusai Green, Yakuza? Who the hell knows!? Two things are for certain:
(There is a lot more to this, but I’ll let y’all read the 3-parter for this, plus these news stories)
The Lightning desperately needed a new owner who wasn’t possibly a figment of our imagination. Which is where Art Williams, comes in. Williams was a motivational speaker, not much else to it. It looked like Pistons owner William Davidson was going to get the winning bid, but it turned out to be Williams. Williams was for lack of a better word, an idiot, he knew nothing about hockey, spoke with a thick southern drawl and was a fundamentalist christian. But he pumped $6 Million into the Lightning’s payroll and cleared away most of the $102 million debt(thanks to Kokusai Green). His first move was to “assure” fans, that the Espositos wouldn’t be going away, but then 2 games into the 98-99 season? HE FIRES THEM INTO THE GULF OF MEXICO! His next move was to give Jacques Demers total control of Hockey Ops, making him Coach & GM!, which was a shitshow.
Williams didn’t know much about hockey and the other owners hated him as a result, giving him the nickname “Jed Clampett”(Beverly Hillbillies) because of his thick southern accent. It didn’t help that he quit attending games by Spring of ‘99, because "this team broke my heart". They lost as much money in one year as they could have lost in five($20 million), which is not a good sign, especially when you’re doing worse than a brand new expansion team(Predators).
Williams sold the team to Detroit Vipers(IHL) and Pistons owner William Davidson, the same man trying to buy the team just a few years ago, for only $115 million, $2 million less than Williams bought the team for. His first move was to bring on Tom Wilson as Team President, who fired Demers and brought on Steve Ludzik as the new coach, it wasn’t enough though, the damage from the Kokusai Green bullshit was done, even transferring everyone good from the Vipers(this is what helped kill them) didn’t help much.
Despite all the craziness from the last few years, in 1998 the Lightning drafted Vincent Lecavalier, who went onto become the franchise GOAT. His first few seasons weren’t that great, but 00-01 is when he turned it around, despite a leg injury. In that same draft, they had taken Brad Richards, who became another big core piece. In 2000, the Lightning brought on Martin St. Louis, an undrafted player who the Flames bought out. Fredrik Modin was also brought in, via trade with the Maple Leafs. These moves helped establish a future contender and a core group going forward.

Mismanagement Galore.

The new millennium brought with it new challenges. Huizenga finally sold the team in 2001 to a group led by Alan Cohen(owner of a Generic Drug Company), Cohen was...pretty bad for the Panthers, he led their slide into mediocrity and into being forgotten by everyone, but he did pump a shitton of money into them, to keep them from moving. I won’t sugarcoat it, Cohen ruined this team, he got fans to stop caring, by making moves or lack thereof. Sure he saved this franchise from moving, but ultimately it’s his fault that the Panthers became a joke. As soon as they were sold to Cohen, the decade streak of no playoffs started, it’s obviously unfair to blame the start on him though.
It wasn’t all bad though, they drafted Jay Bouwmeester at 3rd overall, who was about as good as you could expect from him playing for a franchise that squandered everyone. This was so fucking stupid though, the Panthers were given 1st overall and what do they do? They trade it to Columbus for 3rd overall. Why? I don’t know! They wanted Bouwmeester and could have got him at 1st overall if they wanted, Nash would have been available to Columbus at 3rd, it’s just another case of Florida throwing away their Firsts. Not only that, they had to give 2 picks to Atlanta to make sure Bouwmeester would be fucking available at 3rd. In return, Florida got to swap picks with Columbus in the 2003 Draft, but because they got 1st overall AGAIN, they didn’t exercise that right surprisingly.
What did they do in 2003? Well they TRADED 1ST OVERALL AGAIN, this time to ** The Fucking Penguins** because they wanted Nathan Horton at 3rd overall, rather than first overall. Who was 1st? Marc Andre Fleury a literal cornerstone of the Penguins franchise for over a decade and now a big piece of the Golden Knights. So you could tell that management was literally pants on head stupid and seemed to not know what they were doing.
Head Coach Mike Keenan had this to say about the 02 blunder: "We shouldn't have done that ... Jay would have been number-one if we'd kept that pick." Well no fucking shit sherlock. I don’t blame Keenan for this, it’s all ownership and GM Rick Dudley who...came from Tampa. That’s right the last team he was an executive with was the Lightning.
Say what you will about Edmonton wasting 1st overall picks, at least THEY KEPT 1ST OVERALL. Florida traded it twice to draft people who they got rid of, through sheer incompetence. Bouwmeester and Horton won a cup, with the Blues and Bruins at the least.
While the Panthers were playing with fire, figuring out “how do we make this team a cup contender, without spending a dime?”, the Lightning’s new ownership spent money, they made sure this team could be good. And with a core consisting of Vincent Lecavalier, Brad Richards, Martin St. Louis and Fredrik Modin, you better fucking believe they were good. They were early bloomers, in the best ways possible. They just squeaked into division winners, by 1 point, securing a playoff berth for only the second time in franchise history. The division winners looked awful in the playoffs though, going down two games to the Capitals, before making an amazing comeback in Washington, winning both games at MCI, before heading back to the Forum, where they beat the Caps 2-1, following that with the series clincher in Washington. The Lightning had gotten some mojo going and they looked hungry, unfortunately that hunger was quickly fed as the Devils came in and utterly kicked their shit in, winning the series 4-1.
Next season(04-05) was even better. The Lightning went from barely winning the Southeast Division, to winning that and the Eastern Conference, showing that crushing defeat to Jersey wasn’t all she wrote. They entered the first round playing the Islanders, swatting them like a fly and winning 4-1. They moved onto face the Canadiens who...fell flat, as they got swept by the Lightning, who won it in Montreal, just to pour salt in the wound. The Conference Final was different, the Flyers weren’t rolling over and dying like the Islanders or Canadiens, this series to all 7 games, winning the Prince of Wales Trophy at The Forum!, so not only was it a sweet victory, it was in front of the loyal fans who stuck with them from the beginning, that expansion team that looked to be going nowhere fast, had secured a ticket to their first Cup Final, against none other than the Calgary Flames.
The Flames weren't a joke, they’d won their previous two series 4-2 and their first one 4-1, they were strong and looking to bring The Cup back to Canada where it belonged. The Lightning had a challenge ahead of them and it showed. Both sides seemed evenly matched, splitting a game at home and on the road, it was definitely a match for the ages. Game 6 was a controversial one by far. Late in Game 6, the puck had deflected off of Martin Gelinas’ skate, at the same time, Nikolai Khabibulin kicked his pad to deflect the puck. Issue is, in replays(with one select camera angle) it was shown to have crossed the line, which would have given the Flames a one-goal lead, possibly avoiding double overtime. Instead the Refs ruled it as no goal, because they didn’t see it cross the line and they didn't review these things. The teams went to double overtime, where Calgary lost thanks to Martin St Louis. There’s controversy here as the NHL reviewed it later, via a CGI video analysis, showing it did not in fact cross the line, funny enough though, the company that did this was based out of Calgary. The ABC Replay backed this up, but with no goal line tech this shits hard to tell.
The Lightning marched onto Game 7, returning to a packed St Pete Forum, ready to give the Flames a good slapping. Late in the 1st period the game was scoreless with 6:29 remaining, when Ruslan Fedotenko scored a beautiful powerplay goal, giving the Lightning a lead late in the first. Fedotenko followed this up in the second period with another goal, to give him his 12th of the Postseason. The Flames meanwhile..they kind of had no answer for Khabibulin, Nilson got his revenge and got one past the goalie and it was legal this time, but that...that was all she wrote for the Flames. The seconds counted down and the Tampa Bay Lightning had won the Stanley Cup! Even better THEY DID IT IN TAMPA!
The Lightning had done what the Panthers couldn’t, they won the cup. To commemorate this wonderful season here’s all the trophies:
It was an unbelievably historic season for the Lightning, they became the Southernmost team to win a cup and it only took 12 years of pain to do it. From being(allegedly) Yakuza-owned and their owner(allegedly) not existing, to being sold to an idiot, to finally getting Lord Stanley’s Cup. The Lightning did it and it was sweet.
Unfortunately shit happens. 04-05 didn’t happen due to a lockout, so they had to wait to defend their title. And when they did? It was bad, oh so bad. They got their asses handed to them by the Senators and then the Devils the following year, signaling to everyone it was time for a rebuild. 06-07 had a funny ending though, the Panthers were awful but they beat the Lightning who were in a tight race with the Thrashers for 1st in the Southeast. Thrashers won their game and got 1st, while the Lightning had to settle for 2nd / 7th Seed in the East.(Awful division that year, but it usually was)
Yes that Doug MacLean, the now former Sportsnet Host had previously coached the Panthers(weird how they’ve shared staff like this) and was now leading Absolute Hockey Enterprises, a group led by MacLean to buy the Lightning from Davidson. For his time, Davidson was a great owner, he didn’t meddle, he had money and he had someone smart in charge, while he just sat back approving trades as needed. Unfortunately, the deal was called off, because Absolute Hockey didn't make the required $5 Million fee and were plagued with inner turmoil. So instead, Palace Sports sold the Lightning and their arena to OK Hockey, who were anything but OK!

Late 2000’s:

Somehow the Panthers aren’t the worst run team in Florida?

Despite what the title says, they were still awful. Cohen was not willing to spend and they were losing money like crazy(so normalcy). On the ice it was much worse, as they got rid of Roberto Luongo in the worst trade I’ve ever seen, at least 1 for 1 made sense.
June 23, 2006, The Florida Panthers trade Goaltender Roberto Luongo, Lukas Krajicek and a sixth-round draft pick (Sergei Shirokov), to the Vancouver Canucks, in exchange for Todd Bertuzzi, Alex Auld and Bryan Allen. Luongo was in the prime of his career and was traded because once again Florida was run by idiots, who wanted immediate help. Because Cohen was a goddamned moron who ran this into the fucking ground.
That wasn’t the only Luongo trade though, there was a proposed one for Jumbo Joe Thornton himself.
Obviously Thornton wasn’t happy in Boston and got traded to San Jose, where he’s become a franchise legend. There was a proposed trade that was allegedly ready to go to the NHL Offices, the catch? Alan Cohen was a cheap bastard(tale as old as time) and didn’t want to take money back. Luongo was on a $3.25 million AAV one-season bridge deal at the time and Thornton had just signed a three year, $20 million contract in the summer. So to help his franchise he’d have to take back money which was an instant “go fuck yourself”.
So as you can see Cohen was and probably still is hated by Panthers fans and rightfully so. Not only did he not spend on them, he made them worse and alienated every fan who still gave a shit.
There’s not much else to talk about with Cohen, he ruined the team, but unlike the Lightning, there wasn’t much bright spots, so here’s a list of big trades they made:
June 20, 2008. The Florida Panthers trade their captain Olli Jokinen to the Phoenix Coyotes in exchange for Keith Ballard Nick Boynton and a 2008 2nd round pick (#49-Jared Staal). It was as usual a fire sale for them.
November, 2009. The Florida Panthers announce majority owner Alan Cohen is stepping down and allowing minority partners Cliff Viner and Stu Siegel to take over. The era of cheap-o Cohen was finally over, the remaining Panthers fans would be cheering.
Why did Cohen do that? Well it’s pretty simple. He ran them into the ground and had lost up to $100 million on this team. Hmm...I wonder why he lost so much money? Cohen had been around much less over the years while Viner and Siegel had cared about the team at least. I don’t know if they did much of anything, but they sold to Viola, who has saved this franchise.

Exit Doug MacLean and Enter Oren Koules and Len Barrie

If you’re like me and wondering “who the fuck is Koules?” turns out he produced the Saw movies. As for Barrie, he’s a former NHL player and Tyson Barrie’s Dad. Funny enough Koules is a former WHL player and tried out for the Blackhawks.
I’ll skip the formalities. Koules was absolutely the fucking worst. He ran the team like it was his fucking fantasy roster, he had no intelligence to run a team, his partner was a lying sack of shit, who’s biggest contribution was nixing “Vinny to Montreal” or so goes the rumor. Let’s go over what he did:
So once again, Barrie is shit for brains. Midway through Stamkos’ first season? He wanted him gone. The talks started IN OCTOBER and picked up around American Thanksgiving. The list of potential players coming back were Michael Del Zotto, Evgeny Grachev, Ryan Callahan, Brandon Dubinsky or Dan Girardi. Barrie was asking to choose two or three of these guys. It was so done that they shook on it, but Koules not being the fucking idiot of the two for once, vetoed it. Barrie didn’t like Stamkos and argued with the coach on how he should be developing Stamkos.
Getting rid of Boyle after signing him to a new deal Fucktards tried it with Vinny and failed and then turned around and did it with Dan Boyle. He had just re-signed to a Six-year $40 Million Contract, which wasn’t bad for a guy like him. Problem? They wanted him gone. He was given a full or limited NTC(unsure) and they basically told him “accept the trade to San Jose or we’re waiving you and Atlanta is going to take you”. So he accepted it and got away from this horribly run franchise, that was trying to burn money. The value for Boyle a #1 Offensive Defenseman was...laughable. A prospect who didn’t pan out, Matt Carle and Ty Wishart. Wishart then got traded for goalie Dwayne Roloson(oldest active player and last born in the 60s, while he played). These idiots didn’t know what they were doing, that much was clear.
Coach Barry Melrose...or not? They hired Barry Melrose as the coach for the 08-09 season only to fire him 16 games into the season, because they were incompetent. He left his job at ESPN to work for these idiots and got rewarded with the boot. That team was hot garbage and Melrose wasn’t a good coach. Whodathunkit?

New Owners, New GMs, New Everything!


The biggest move in 2010 for the Panthers was a no brainer. Dale Tallon had been relegated to Assistant GM of the Blackhawks, he built most of that championship squad only to be replaced with Stan Bowman. So on May 17th, 2010, the Panthers announced their new GM to be Dale Tallon. He tried to do a rebuild process similar to what he did with Chicago, trading off everyone he could, almost immediately. Two big names to go were Keith Ballard and Nathan Horton. The Panthers may have been a bigger challenge than the Blackhawks, previous ownership had gutted this team and didn’t really allow talent to build, because they kept trading away picks. His efforts helped...briefly. The Panthers won the Southeast Division in 2012, where they ironically were eliminated by former coach Peter DeBoer's Devils.
Tallon was nominated for GM of the year, for his team making the playoffs for the first time in 12 years, but this would be the only other playoff run in Tallon’s tenure, so far. I don’t know if Tallon is 100% to blame for the lack of success, but they’ve been 6(7 if you count DeBoer, but he was there already) head coaches since Tallon was appointed, he deserves a share of the blame.
September 27th, 2013, the Panthers announced Vincent Viola has bought the team and would become the new owner. I have no idea on Viola, but as of late he’s spent more on the Panthers, with the hiring of Q and acquiring Bobrovsky. Due to the damage that Cohen and associates did, the Panthers had to give out free/discounted tickets early on, because nobody wanted to go to games, the team on the ice had one good season and went back to bottom feeding.
He came back home to Sunrise, after being traded by the Canucks, during the 2014 trade deadline in exchange for Jacob Markström and Shawn Matthias. He came back and set even more franchise records, because of course.
There is a lot to cover with the Lightning and it’s a lot of good news! Firstly: The Sale!
A day after the 2010 Season ended, Vinik cleared house, firing GM Brian Lawton and Head Coach Rick Tocchet. Who was the new GM? Red Wings Legend, Steve Yzerman. Vinik had lured him away from the Red Wings front office, which...wasn’t hard. The Red Wings had made it clear Ken Holland was going to be the GM for the foreseeable future, there were no plans to replace him. Can’t blame them, since the Red Wings were still good. Yzerman's impact was felt pretty quick, "trust the Yzerplan" was a common theme with Lightning fans and would you know it? Trusting the "Yzerplan" worked.
Their next move was letting Yzerman bring in a new coach: Guy Boucher. He was what this rebuilding team needed and it worked..for a season. They made the playoffs, running off to a Conference Final in their first season, before they fell to the Bruins. Unfortunately with Boucher comes hell. They missed the playoffs the next 2 seasons before Boucher was fired on March, 24 of 2013, the 1-3-1 has a short shelf life, go figure. Jon Cooper of the AHL’s Norfolk Admirals, the Lightning’s AHL Affiliate was brought in as the Lightning’s eighth head coach in franchise history, coaching his first game not long after in a 3-0 win against the New Jersey Devils.
On June 27th, 2013, the Lightning announce they will use one of their two compliance buyouts to buy out team captain, Vincent Lecavalier. There’s no sugarcoating this, LeCavalier was past his prime, but it was a good move. OK Hockey made awful moves and this was by far the worst. If the trade rumor that Montreal wanted him was true, they should have taken it, but again, OK Hockey wasn’t very smart. Lecavalier went onto sign with the Flyers, where he played 2 ½ seasons, before being traded to the Kings, where he finally retired.
On March 5th of 2014, The Lightning announced a trade: The Tampa Bay Lightning trade Martin St Louis, along with a Conditional 2nd-round pick in 2015(Oliver Kylington) to the New York Rangers in exchange for Ryan Callahan, a Conditional 2nd-round pick in 2014(Later given to the Islanders) (Josh Ho-Sang), 1st-round pick in 2015 (Anthony Beauvillier) Conditional 7th-round pick in 2015 (Ziyat Paigin). St Louis had begun his NHL career in Calgary, though his tenure in Calgary was short, he made a name for himself in Tampa, he had won The Cup and so many trophies over the years. The Rangers brought him back for his final season in 14-15, where he scored 21 goals

Epilogue / Final thoughts.

Should the Panthers be moved?
This is a topic I see brought up often and...maybe? Unlike with the Thrashers they have a good arena and an owner who isn’t looking to sell. The Panthers arena location sucks, the biggest issue is there’s no nightlife, there’s no life around it at all. Look at Tampa, Amalie is in the heart of Tampa(ish?) there’s plenty of goings on around the arena, while BB&T has...nothing. Sunrise isn’t a great location for an arena, but they have a sweetheart lease, meaning they’re safe from relocation at least and while people will complain about the Panthers existence, they have an owner who wants to make this right, even if he is a little meddlesome.
A lot of this was Lightning-Centric and that’s more because a lot of their mishaps are easier to research in depth, while it seems like the worst thing that happened in the Cohen-Era, was he just didn’t spend and let the GM do whatever.
..Kinda? In the sense that they play in the same state, but there's barely any hate. Lightning are good, Panthers aren't and they've never played each other outside the Regular Season. I hope that'll change, these fanbases need someone close to hate. And hockey is more fun with a heated rivalry.
submitted by KikiFlowers to hockey [link] [comments]

What factors predict the success of a Steam game? (An analysis)

What factors predict the success of a Steam game?

I've seen quite a few discussions, comments and questions on /gamedev about what determines a game's success. How much does quality matter? Is establishing market awareness before launch the only thing that matters? Does a demo help or hurt? If your game has a poor launch, how likely is it to recover? Is it possible to roughly predict the sales of a game before launch?
In preparation for my game's launch, I spent a lot of time monitoring upcoming releases trying to find the answer to these questions. I compiled a spreadsheet, noted followers, whether it was Early Access or not, and saw how many reviews it received in the first week, month and quarter.
I'm sharing this data now in the hopes that it helps other developers understand and predict their games' sales.
First some notes on the data:
Game Price Launch Discount Week Guess Week actual 3 Month 3 Month/week Followers Early Access Demo Review Score
Pit of Doom 9.99 0 7 27 43 1.592592593 295 Y N 0.8
Citrouille 9.99 0.2 16 8 12 1.5 226 N N
Corspe Party: Book 14.99 0.1 32 40 79 1.975 1015 N N 0.95
Call of Cthulhu 44.99 0 800 875 1595 1.822857143 26600 N N 0.74
On Space 0.99 0.4 0 0 0 4 N N
Orphan 14.99 0 50 0 8 732 N N
Black Bird 19.99 0 20 13 34 2.615384615 227 N N
Gloom 6.99 0 20 8 17 2.125 159 N N
Gilded Rails 5.99 0.35 2 3 7 2.333333333 11 N Y
The Quiet Man 14.99 0.1 120 207 296 1.429951691 5596 N N 0.31
KartKraft 19.99 0.1 150 90 223 2.477777778 7691 Y N 0.84
The Other Half 7.99 0 2 3 27 9 91 N Y 0.86
Parabolus 14.99 0.15 0 0 0 16 N Y
Yet Another Tower Defense 1.99 0.4 20 22 38 1.727272727 396 N N 0.65
Galaxy Squad 9.99 0.25 8 42 5.25 3741 Y N 0.87
Swords and Soldiers 2 14.99 0.1 65 36 63 1.75 1742 N N 0.84
SpitKiss 2.99 0 3 1 2 2 63 N N
Holy Potatoes 14.99 0 24 11 22 2 617 N N 0.7
Kursk 29.99 0.15 90 62 98 1.580645161 2394 N N 0.57
SimpleRockets 2 14.99 0.15 90 142 272 1.915492958 3441 Y N 0.85
Egress 14.99 0.15 160 44 75 1.704545455 7304 Y N 0.67
Kynseed 9.99 0 600 128 237 1.8515625 12984 Y N 0.86
11-11 Memories 29.99 0 30 10 69 6.9 767 N N 0.96
Rage in Peace 12.99 0.1 15 10 42 4.2 377 N N 0.85
One Hour One Life 19.99 0 12 153 708 4.62745098 573 N N 0.81
Optica 9.99 0 0 2 3 1.5 18 N N
Cybarian 5.99 0.15 8 4 18 4.5 225 N N
Zeon 25 3.99 0.3 3 11 12 1.090909091 82 Y N
Of Gods and Men 7.99 0.4 3 10 18 1.8 111 N Y
Welcome to Princeland 4.99 0.1 1 15 55 3.666666667 30 N N 0.85
Zero Caliber VR 24.99 0.1 100 169 420 2.485207101 5569 Y N 0.73
HellSign 14.99 0 100 131 334 2.549618321 3360 Y N 0.85
Thief Simulator 19.99 0.15 400 622 1867 3.001607717 10670 N N 0.81
Last Stanza 7.99 0.1 8 2 4 2 228 N Y
Evil Bank Manager 11.99 0.1 106 460 4.339622642 8147 Y N 0.78
Oppai Puzzle 0.99 0.3 36 93 2.583333333 54 N N 0.92
Hexen Hegemony 9.99 0.15 3 1 5 5 55 Y N
Blokin 2.99 0 0 0 0 0 10 N N
Light Fairytale Ep 1 9.99 0.1 80 23 54 2.347826087 4694 Y N 0.89
The Last Sphinx 2.99 0.1 0 0 1 0 17 N N
Glassteroids 9.99 0.2 0 0 0 0 5 Y N
Hitman 2 59.99 0 2000 2653 3677 1.385978138 52226 N N 0.88
Golf Peaks 4.99 0.1 1 8 25 3.125 46 N N 1
Sipho 13.99 0 24 5 14 2.8 665 Y N
Distraint 2 8.99 0.1 40 104 321 3.086538462 1799 N N 0.97
Healing Harem 12.99 0.1 24 10 15 1.5 605 N N
Spark Five 2.99 0.3 0 0 0 0 7 N N
Bad Dream: Fever 9.99 0.2 30 78 134 1.717948718 907 N N 0.72
Underworld Ascendant 29.99 0.15 200 216 288 1.333333333 8870 N N 0.34
Reentry 19.99 0.15 8 24 78 3.25 202 Y N 0.95
Zvezda 5.99 0 2 0 0 0 25 Y Y
Space Gladiator 2.99 0 0 1 2 2 5 N N
Bad North 14.99 0.1 500 360 739 2.052777778 15908 N N 0.8
Sanctus Mortem 9.99 0.15 3 3 3 1 84 N Y
The Occluder 1.99 0.2 1 1 1 1 13 N N
Dark Fantasy: Jigsaw 2.99 0.2 1 9 36 4 32 N N 0.91
Farming Simulator 19 34.99 0 1500 3895 5759 1.478562259 37478 N N 0.76
Don't Forget Our Esports Dream 14.99 0.13 3 16 22 1.375 150 N N 1
Space Toads Mayhem 3.99 0.15 1 2 3 1.5 18 N N
Cattle Call 11.99 0.1 10 19 53 2.789473684 250 Y N 0.71
Ralf 9.99 0.2 0 0 2 0 6 N N
Elite Archery 0.99 0.4 0 2 3 1.5 5 Y N
Evidence of Life 4.99 0 0 2 4 2 10 N N
Trinity VR 4.99 0 2 8 15 1.875 61 N N
Quiet as a Stone 9.99 0.1 1 1 4 4 42 N N
Overdungeon 14.99 0 3 86 572 6.651162791 77 Y N 0.91
Protocol 24.99 0.15 60 41 117 2.853658537 1764 N N 0.68
Scraper: First Strike 29.99 0 3 3 15 5 69 N N
Experiment Gone Rogue 16.99 0 1 1 5 5 27 Y N
Emerald Shores 9.99 0.2 0 1 2 2 12 N N
Age of Civilizations II 4.99 0 600 1109 2733 2.464382326 18568 N N 0.82
Dereliction 4.99 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! 18 N N
Poopy Philosophy 0.99 0 0 6 10 1.666666667 6 N N
NOCE 17.99 0.1 1 3 4 1.333333333 35 N N
Qu-tros 2.99 0.4 0 3 7 2.333333333 4 N N
Mosaics Galore. Challenging Journey 4.99 0.2 1 1 8 8 14 N N
Zquirrels Jump 2.99 0.4 0 1 4 4 9 N N
Dark Siders III 59.99 0 2400 1721 2708 1.573503777 85498 N N 0.67
R-Type Dimensions Ex 14.99 0.2 10 48 64 1.333333333 278 N N 0.92
Artifact 19.99 0 7000 9700 16584 1.709690722 140000 N N 0.53
Crimson Keep 14.99 0.15 20 5 6 1.2 367 N N
Rival Megagun 14.99 0 35 26 31 1.192307692 818 N N
Santa's Workshop 1.99 0.1 3 1 1 1 8 N N
Hentai Shadow 1.99 0.3 2 12 6 14 N N
Ricky Runner 12.99 0.3 3 6 13 2.166666667 66 Y N 0.87
Pro Fishing Simulator 39.99 0.15 24 20 19 0.95 609 N N 0.22
Broken Reality 14.99 0.1 60 58 138 2.379310345 1313 N Y 0.98
Rapture Rejects 19.99 0 200 82 151 1.841463415 9250 Y N 0.64
Lost Cave 19.99 0 3 8 11 1.375 43 Y N
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 14.99 0 300 395 896 2.26835443 4236 N N 0.97
Ride 3 49.99 0 75 161 371 2.304347826 1951 N N 0.74
Escape Doodland 9.99 0.2 25 16 19 1.1875 1542 N N
Hillbilly Apocalypse 5.99 0.1 0 1 2 2 8 N N
X4 49.99 0 1500 2638 4303 1.63115997 38152 N N 0.7
Splotches 9.99 0.15 0 2 1 0.5 10 N N
Above the Fold 13.99 0.15 5 2 6 3 65 Y N
The Seven Chambers 12.99 0.3 3 0 0 #DIV/0! 55 N N
Terminal Conflict 29.99 0 5 4 11 2.75 125 Y N
Just Cause 4 59.99 0 2400 2083 3500 1.680268843 50000 N N 0.34
Grapple Force Rena 14.99 0 11 12 29 2.416666667 321 N Y
Beholder 2 14.99 0.1 479 950 1.983298539 16000 N N 0.84
Blueprint Word 1.99 0 12 15 1.25 244 N Y
Aeon of Sands 19.99 0.1 20 12 25 2.083333333 320 N N
Oakwood 4.99 0.1 32 68 2.125 70 N N 0.82
Endhall 4.99 0 4 22 42 1.909090909 79 N N 0.84
Dr. Cares - Family Practice 12.99 0.25 6 3 8 2.666666667 39 N N
Treasure Hunter 16.99 0.15 200 196 252 1.285714286 4835 N N 0.6
Forex Trading 1.99 0.4 7 10 14 1.4 209 N N
Ancient Frontier 14.99 0 24 5 16 3.2 389 N N
Fear the Night 14.99 0.25 25 201 440 2.189054726 835 Y N 0.65
Subterraneus 12.99 0.1 4 0 3 #DIV/0! 82 N N
Starcom: Nexus 14.99 0.15 53 119 2.245283019 1140 Y N 0.93
Subject 264 14.99 0.2 25 2 3 1.5 800 N N
Gris 16.9 0 100 1484 4650 3.133423181 5779 N N 0.96
Exiled to the Void 7.99 0.3 9 4 11 2.75 84 Y N
Column Explanations
For the columns that are not self-explanatory:

Question 1: Does Quality Predict Success?

There was a recent blog post stating that the #1 metric for indie games' success is how good it is.
Quality is obviously a subjective metric. The most obvious objective measure of quality for Steam games is their % Favorable Review score. This is the percentage of reviews by purchasers of the game that gave the game a positive rating. I excluded any game that did not have at least 20 user reviews in the first month, which limited the sample size to 56.
The (Pearson) correlation of a game's review score to its number of reviews three months after its release was -0.2. But 0.2 (plus or minus) isn't a very strong correlation at all. More importantly, Pearson correlation can be swayed if the data contains some big outliers. Looking at the actual games, we can see that the difference is an artifact of an outlier. Literally. Valve's Artifact by far had the most reviews after three months and had one of the lowest review scores (53% at the time). Removing this game from the data changed the correlation to essentially zero.
Spearman's Rho, an alternative correlation model that correlates rank position and minimizes the effect of huge outliers produced a similar result.
Conclusion: If there is correlation between a game's quality (as measured by Steam review score) and first quarter sales (as measured by total review count), it is too subtle to be detected in this data.

Question 2: Do Demos, Early Access or Launch Discounts Affect Success/Failure?

Unfortunately, there were so few games that had demos prior to release (10) that only a very strong correlation would really tell us anything. As it happens, there was no meaningful correlation one way or another.
There were more Early Access titles (28), but again the correlation was too small to be meaningful.
More than half the titles had a launch week discount and there was actually a moderate negative correlation of -0.3 between having a launch discount and first week review count. However it appears that this is primarily the result of the tendency of AAA titles (which sell the most copies) to not do launch discounts. Removing the titles that likely grossed over a $1 million in the first week reduced the correlation to basically zero.
Conclusion: Insufficient data. No clear correlation between demos, Early Access or launch discount and review counts: if they help or hurt the effect is not consistent enough to be seen here.

Question 3: Does pre-launch awareness (i.e., Steam followers) predict success?

You can see the number of "followers" for any game on Steam by searching for its automatically-created Community Group. Prior to launch, this is a good rough indicator of market awareness.
The correlation between group followers shortly before launch and review count at 3 months was 0.89. That's a very strong positive correlation. The rank correlation was also high (0.85) suggesting that this wasn't the result of a few highly anticipated games.
Save for a single outlier (discussed later), the ratio of 3 month review counts to pre-launch followers ranged from 0 (for the handful of games that never received any reviews) to 1.8, with a median value of 0.1. If you have 1000 followers just prior to launch, then at the end of the first quarter you should expect "about" 100 reviews.
One thing I noticed was that there were a few games that had follower counts that seemed too high compared to secondary indicators of market awareness, such as discussion forum threads and Twitter engagement. After some investigation I came to the conclusion that pre-launch key activations are treated as followers by Steam. If a game gave away a lot of Steam keys before launch (say as Kickstarter rewards or part of beta testing) this would cause the game to appear to have more followers than it had gained "organically."
Conclusion: Organic followers prior to launch are a strong predictor of a game's eventual success.

Question 4: What about price?

The correlation between price and review count at 3 month is 0.36, which is moderate correlation. I'm not sure how useful that data point is: it is somewhat obvious that higher budget games have larger marketing budgets.
There is a correlation between price and review score of -0.41. It seems likely that players do factor price into their reviews and a game priced at $60 has a higher bar to clear to earn a thumbs up review than a game priced at $10.

Question 5: Do first week sales predict first quarter results?

The correlation between number of reviews after 1 week and number of reviews after 3 months was 0.99. The Spearman correlation was 0.97. This is the highest correlation I found in the data.
Excluding games that sold very few copies (fewer than 5 reviews after the first week), most games had around twice as many reviews after 3 months as they did after 1 week. This suggests that games sell about as many copies in their first week as they do in the next 12 weeks combined. The vast majority of games had a tail ratio (ratio of reviews at 3 months to 1 week) of between 1.3 to 3.2.
I have seen a number of questions from developers whose game had a poor launch on Steam and wanted to know what they can do to improve sales. While I'm certain post-launch marketing can have an effect on continuing sales, your first week does seem to set hard bounds on your results.

Question 6: Does Quality Help with a Game's "Tail"?

As discussed in the last question while first week sales are very strongly correlated with first quarter, there's still quite a wide range of ratios. Defining a game's Tail Ratio as the ratio of reviews after 3 months to after 1 week, the lowest value was 0.95 for "Pro Fishing Simulator" which actually managed to lose 1 review. The highest ratio was 6.9, an extreme outlier that I'll talk about later. It is perhaps not a coincidence that the worst tail had a Steam score of 22% and the best tail had a Steam score of 96%.
The overall correlation between the Tail Ratio and Steam score was 0.42.
Conclusion: Even though there is no clear correlation between quality and overall review count/sales, there is a moderate correlation between a game's review score and its tail. This suggests that "good games" do better in the long run than "bad games," but the effect is small compared to the more important factor of pre-launch awareness.

Question 7: Is it possible to predict a game's success before launch without knowing its wishlists?

While I was compiling the data for each game, sometime prior to its scheduled launch date, I would make a prediction of how many reviews I thought it would receive in its first week and add that prediction to the spreadsheet.
The #1 factor I used in making my prediction was group follower count. In some cases I would adjust my prediction if I thought that value was off, using secondary sources such as Steam forum activity and Twitter engagement.
The correlation between my guess and the actual value was 0.96, which is a very strong correlation. As you can see in the data, the predictions are, for the most part, in the right ballpack with a few cases where I was way off.
Based on my experience, multiplying the group follower count by 0.1 will, in most cases, give you a ballpark sense of the first week quarter review count. If a game doesn't have at least one question in the discussion forum for every 100 followers, that may indicate that there are large number of "inorganic" followers and you may need to adjust your estimate.
Conclusion: Yes, with a few exceptions, using follower data and other indicators you can predict first week results approximately. Given the strong correlation between first week and quarter sales, it should also be possible to have a ballpark idea of first quarter results before launch.

Final Question: What about the outliers you mentioned?

There were a few games in the data that stood out significantly in one way or another.
Outlier #1: Overdungeon. This game had 77 group followers shortly before launch, a fairly small number and based solely on that number I would have expected fewer than a dozen reviews in the first week. It ended up with 86. Not only that, it had a strong tail and finished its first quarter with 572 reviews. This was by a wide margin the highest review count to follower ratio in the sample.
Based on the reviews, it appears to basically be Slay the Spire, but huge in Asia. 90% of the reviews seem to be in Japanese or Chinese. If anyone has some insight to this game's unusual apparent success, I'm very curious.
This seems to be the only clear example in the data of a game with minimal following prior to launch going on to having a solid first quarter.
Outlier #2: 11-11 Memories Retold. This game had 767 group followers shortly before launch, ten times as many as Overdungeon. That's still not a large number for even a small indie title. It had a fair amount going for it, though: it was directed by Yoan Fanise, who co-directed the critally acclaimed Valiant Hearts, a game with a similar theme. It was animated by Aardman Studios of "Wallace and Gromit" fame. Its publisher was Bandai Namco Europe, a not inexperienced publisher. The voice acting was by Sebastian Koch and Elijah Wood. It has dozens of good reviews in both gaming and traditional press. It currently has a 95% positive review rating on Steam.
Despite all that, nobody bought it. 24 hours after it came out it had literally zero reviews on Steam. One week after it came out it had just 10. Three months later it had demonstrated the largest tail in the data, but even then it had only climbed to 69 reviews. Now it's at about 100, an incredible tail ratio, but almost certainly a commercial failure.
This is a solid example that good game + good production values does necessarily equal good sales.

Final notes:
The big take-aways from this analysis are:
Thanks for reading!
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